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City: Wuhan Time: Set the person and set the time Type: Forklift Corporate Video Need: Expat male 25-40 years old, no restriction on skin color. Acting as a forklift worker, you don't need to talk Duration: 8 hours Only in Wuhan Please send model card + introduction video + price …
National reimbursement of travel expenses City: Hong Kong Time: Set the person and set the time Type: Underwear Brand Flash Event Requirements: Foreign women, no restrictions on skin color Requirements: Large breasts Content: Go to the scene to shoot a short video on the day of the flash mob and …
600-700/h 💰。 Local female models from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. Shoot clothes. We need cute female models. If you can accept the price, please send me the information.
Job 1⃣️GuangZhou notice October 6 Need Model: 2 white people+1 Latin American person+1 black person (Latin American woman/black man/white man/white man/woman) Shooting: Amazon product video, please send pictures and videos Job 2⃣️ Nanchang notice October 12 or 13,need a female model, requirements: warm home, shooting blankets, mom feeling, good smile,price …
Shanghai, September 28th, requires an Arab male actor to shoot a short video without dialogue for 2 hours and pay 1400 yuan.
①浙江《太湖龙之梦》剧场长期招聘 大型沉浸式舞剧 要求:古典舞 5男孩180+ 薪资: 7000-9000 8000-12000 包吃住行 住宿酒店 模卡+只要古典舞+基本功技术技巧视频 ②河南景区 招聘女舞蹈演员6名 净身高167+ 民族 古典 档期:9月27-11月18日 薪资:5500-6000/??? 线上面试 住宿2-3 包吃住行 鸽子勿扰!!
Shooting in HongKong! 🇭🇰 ✈️ Shooting Date: Oct 13 (one day shoot but long hours) Job needs fitting in Shanghai First apply with model card + intro video + tvc work. If Client asks you for casting then I will send you the script for casting at home. We have …
代发 新疆纯滑雪团(预约报名中)有早鸟福利价 轻奢团:5天4晚,支持一对一私人定制滑雪,全程管家式服务,豪华商务车24小时接送,陪滑、拍照、航拍、摄像均有,0基础0经验也不怕包教会!单人1对1私人教练(专业国职教练持证上岗),四星级以上酒店单人单间!一价全包! 福利团:3日、5日、7日团均可选择,包含每日雪票级雪具三件套,晚餐,接机,住宿,每日雪场酒店接送,行程内赠送骑马一次,每日专业教练教学,0基础包教会换刃!拍摄、摄影一价全包!价格非常优惠 有兴趣的朋友可以联系☎️13319006055 微信:xjhx7788
Xiamen clothes outside and indoor shooting after 10th October around,need one female model,sport and sunny style,young and active,if you are free,plz contact me asap,have a nice day[咖啡][咖啡]
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 9⃣️Sz job 6th,inside Curling iron photos and video shooting,need white skin long hair female model,who know how to use Curling iron.💰Give me your price,at least 4 hours. Send your card+city+price. ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Male models or actors in their 30s are required to take photos on stage as representatives and speak in English (about 2 minutes of lines). October 6th, 1-7pm. (Total working time on stage is about 15 minutes) Hangzhou
Shenzhen I need a little white-skinned boy to shoot skates, shoe size 31-38. 500/h Shoot for 4-5 hours
Shenzhen I need a little white-skinned boy to shoot skates, shoe size 31-38. 500/h Shoot for 4-5 hours You need to be able to skate easily, and you don't need to be very proficient.
棚内拍摄单 9月下旬补女模2名 170左右 新人可接 唯美/甜美/御姐/风格多变 400/h 1-3k/天 10天连档拍摄 新人可接 可返底片 外地包差旅 模卡报名V+ 1615616653
One foreign actor and one female actor are required for the Tiktok studio. They have a work visa and have continuous time. Those who do not have a work visa should not register. They can communicate in Chinese and are flexible. They are about 25 years old. They have a …
On one of the days of the 28th and 29th in Shanghai, the focus will be on filming the flat surface of the bag, while also taking some short video behind the scenes footage. Outdoor shooting. 700/hour for a minimum of 4 hours. I want a mature white business style …
Contact me only in Jinan city Time: The next few days Requirements:female young model payment: RMB500 per hour product:Skin care product Please send me cards and self introduction video to sign up,thank you! 另外长期换优质演员模特群
City: Beijing 10.3, we need a blonde female model to shoot a commercial. Time :4h Send me materials if you are interested
🎬🎬👩❤️👩 European Love Skits Location: Hangzhou Boot Time: TBD Duration: Estimated 6-7 days I need 20-33 years old foreign actress and actor, handsome and beautiful, spoken American English, professional actor, experienced is also OK, actor can come from any city Sign Up Contact Me And tell me your fee. Estimated …
1. This Sunday or the following Monday, I need a young female model under 173cm tall to shoot on a treadmill in Shenzhen. It will take about 4-5 hours and the budget is 600 yuan per hour. If you are suitable, please contact me. 2. This Sunday or the following …
Guangzhou shooting: A middle-aged actress of Indian nationality and appearance, who is a foreign national, shoots a social media advertisement with a cost of 600 yuan 💰/ Starting from 4 hours for shooting
Female foreign models who can shoot the plot come to me.
🎸playing Guitar Male model for videoshooting in guanghzou city end of October , 【can come form any country! 】 only need young looking boy without mustache or baby face looking foreigner please pm me 【playing guitar pics or videos ➕ city➕ ur price 】
2️⃣Guangzhou october 15-16th clothes tvc shooting indoor, FEMALE tanned skin Plus-size model,young-looking. we pay ticket from all china.✈️ 3️⃣sichuan chigqingshooting tvc,october need old MAN ,40-80years old,6-8h per day. price can talk, we pay ticket from all china.✈️
现有150名短期舞蹈演员找景区工作,男女都有景区需要舞蹈演员联系电话微信18011448845 阿文德隆