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Guangzhou will shoot a bag advertisement on January 10th. We need a foreign white female model who is young, beautiful, in her 20s, and suitable for posting materials
西安竖屏短剧 女主女儿 身高110-130厘米 视觉年龄7岁左右、形象可爱 懂事听话 演技必须要好!! 拍摄时间29-12.3 (拍两天) 拍摄地:西安
竖屏短剧12月5号浙江开机拍摄5天 提前一天定妆 女儿:小葡萄5岁 拥有驯兽天赋,只因她的亲生母亲六年前丢失了转运珠,导致妈咪一旦碰到明码标价的奢侈品,就容易命丧黄泉,为了让妈咪过上好日子,小葡萄需要找到转运珠,替妈咪逆天改命。 儿子:小西瓜5岁 厉景渊之子,从小被假妈咪江瑶瑶折磨,渴望母爱,想要让爸比娶江黎为妻 高质量戏好小朋友优先、合适发ppt➕自我介绍➕相关作品视频到微信、欢迎转发推荐
11月30号拍摄一天,浙江品牌定制剧,要求高高高高,自己报价,要有视频作品 ①两个小点的小男孩4-5岁,年龄卡死必须5岁以下,2018年前的小朋友不要报了.全国报差旅
The filming of the movie requires white actors, with a 30 day opening cycle at the end of November. James' daughter, who is around 18 years old, is passionate, generous, lively, cheerful, and has a strong sense of justice. James, who is 40 years old, appears respectable on the outside …
The Hebei short drama will start filming in early November [shooting cycle]. The character is a 19-year-old Belgian female lead and a student. Elegant temperament, quiet and introverted, able to speak Chinese, good at swimming, and with a Republican style in every gesture and movement. On the 26th, a short …
①拍摄周期8天 10月22开机 湖南竖屏短剧 人物小传 小女孩 视觉年龄8岁左右、可爱、懂事 ②浙江文旅短剧11月5号开机、拍8天 小男孩:6岁左右、早慧、从2岁起就开始报名兴趣班、钢琴8级、绘画、书法、逻辑思维、珠心算、口才与演讲都是同龄人中的佼佼者、报名的小演员不要求必须会这些东西。 他原本开朗可爱、后受紧张的父母关系以及十分束缚的教育影响慢慢变得沉默寡言,性格孤僻,沉浸在自己的世界里,喜欢幻想、构建了一个自己的小世界。他一边不想让父母离婚、害怕成为孤儿、一边又不想面对压抑的家庭氛围。 要求很高、长的好看演技又好配合度高的小宝报名、欢迎转发推荐微信15092089926
暂定11月5号开机浙江文旅短剧拍8天,提前找小男孩 小男孩:6岁,早慧,从2岁起就开始报名兴趣班,钢琴8级、绘画、书法、逻辑思维、珠心算、口才与演讲都是同龄人中的佼佼者。报名的小演员不要求必须会这些东西。 他原本开朗可爱,后受紧张的父母关系以及十分束缚的教育影响慢慢变得沉默寡言,性格孤僻,沉浸在自己的世界里,喜欢幻想,构建了一个自己的小世界。他一边不想让父母离婚,害怕成为孤儿,一边又不想面对压抑的家庭氛围。 要求很高,长的好看演技又好配合度高的小宝报名,其他勿扰,加微信15092089926
eleven 🈷️ The filming of a short drama in Shenzhen takes about 7 days and requires good acting skills. The female lead is a foreign actress with a European and American accent, the female lead is a strong willed woman, the male lead is a news anchor, and the male …
The shooting of advertisement No. 16 in Qingdao requires white actors, who can apply from other places but do not have travel requirements. The required actors are white, with a fitness physique. The 16th advertisement is a foreign white girl aged 20-25, who has been shooting for at least 10 …
Need for Tiktok studio in Hangzhou① One foreign male actor, aged between 20-25 years old, with a height of around 175② One foreign actress, aged between 20-25 years old, with normal heightrequirement① Can work continuously for at least one month, do not disturb those who cannot② Have basic Chinese oral …
One foreign actor and one female actor are required for the Tiktok studio. They have a work visa and have continuous time. Those who do not have a work visa should not register. They can communicate in Chinese and are flexible. They are about 25 years old. They have a …