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代发: 新疆纯滑雪团拼团23号-29号将军山纯滑雪团7天六晚5滑,2人小团差一人拼团 包含:雪票、4星酒店(单人单住)、保险、教练、专人车辆接送、骑马航拍、跟拍、单反拍摄、领队、导滑 一价全包总费用8xxx 联系电话13319006055
1️⃣shenzhen20th shooting tvc FEMALE model, 600-800/h. three hrs. 2️⃣Guangzhou 23th Auto Live stream need FEMALE model, good at speaking english, two hrs. send card ,english videos,price.
代发 Dreamer滑雪俱乐部推出新疆纯滑雪团早鸟特惠价 3-10日纯滑雪团,新疆内滑雪场均可选择 私人定制1-8人轻奢滑雪团以及福利团 报团均可享受俱乐部赠送: 1、树林雪景骑马跟拍、航拍 2、按滑雪团天数赠送1-3日导滑带教学服务 3、单反拍摄,无人机拍摄、滑雪跟拍个人视频 4、新疆特色伴手礼礼包 任何有关滑雪均可私人定制,可按照个人要求定制不同行程日期以及住宿、车辆方面,全程豪华suv,带车带领队,gopro、无人机、360全景、单反为你量身定制 联系电话 :13319006055(同微)
Shooting videos for game in GZ, Both male and female actors needed, Have lines,good at acting, price is 3000-4000/12hours, only need Guangdong actors, Shooting date confirm later after actors confirm first, will be next month, Please contact me if you are interested.
代发:有想来新疆滑雪,考虑包车带领队的可以联系我,包车一天1.1k想去哪里滑雪任你安排,24小时管家服务,如果只单独在可可托海、将军山、禾木内活动包车一天300元子,(豪华suv保时捷或者路虎,带gopro、360航拍、无人机、单反)带装备可坐3个人 如果滑雪是0基础可以安排带教学的陪练一天1k(可以1教2,全天教学可以顶门到雪场直到下班,全天教学跟拍、拍摄,对半一个人才500元子,比找教练划算的很多) 有需要的雪友联系18509944641(同微)
新疆滑雪4人小团 10天9晚行程,纯玩团,无任何推销 将军山、可可托海、禾木三大国际雪场畅滑 摄影摄像,全程跟拍 包含:住宿、早餐、晚餐、高山滑雪、冲粉,直升飞机滑雪、单板教学、雪票、雪具、保险 乌鲁木齐接机阿勒泰接机 第一天: 乌鲁木齐~沙漠公路~可可托海,入住酒店、休息调整 第二天:可可托海自由畅滑全天 第三天:可可托海跟拍摄影畅滑全天 第四天:可可托海~将军山~滑夜场一天 第五天:将军山自由畅滑全天第六天:将军山跟拍摄影全天 第七天: 将军山~禾木~旅拍~骑马滑雪摄影、航拍摄影 第八天:禾木冲粉~跟拍~全程摄影 第九天:禾木直升飞机滑雪(看天气情况) 第十天:禾木~阿勒泰机场~乌鲁木齐机场 早鸟预约价9188一位,一价全包 最后5个名额 联系电话13319006055 v:xjhx7788
需要优质儿童童模通告群的朋友加这个铁子 他拉你进群接通告单哈
A. Shenzhen 14th shooting Finance introduction video,need MAN,good at speak ENGLISH. B. shenzhen, cat product shooting 14th, 1young FEMALE. C. Guangzhou pazhou exhibition,need 15-16-17th afternoon ,MAN speak ENGLISH professionally. send card ,english videos. D. Guangzhou pazhou car exhibition need 2MAN,(35-45years old) 16th 9:30-13:30,stand behind, for background shooting. E. 20th GZ …
代发 新疆纯滑雪团(预约报名中)有早鸟福利价 轻奢团:5天4晚,支持一对一私人定制滑雪,全程管家式服务,豪华车24小时接送,陪滑、拍照、航拍、摄像均有,0基础0经验也不怕包教会!单人1对1私人教练(专业国职教练持证上岗),四星级以上酒店单人单间!一价全包! 福利团:3日、5日、7日团均可选择,包含每日雪具三件套,早餐,接机,住宿,每日雪场酒店接送,行程内赠送骑马一次,每日专业教练教学,0基础包教会换刃!拍摄、摄影一价全包!价格非常优惠 所有团型均可以私人订制任何类目,单人也可成团,有任何需求和要求都可提出,我们来给您全方面按要求定制! 新疆内所有滑雪场均可成团,将军山滑雪场、可可托海滑雪场、丝绸之路滑雪场、禾木滑雪场、吉克普林滑雪场、白云国际滑雪场、青格里狼山滑雪场! 接送机、24小时地接、管家、领队,车辆接送安排、租车、专业资深地接带你享受正宗新疆美食,纯滑雪团、风景团、滑雪陪滑、滑雪跟拍、单反摄像,无人机航拍,有关于滑雪的任何问题都能给你一一解决! 联系电话 小宇:13319006055 v :xjhx7788
代发 Dreamer滑雪俱乐部推出新疆纯滑雪团早鸟特惠价 3-10日纯滑雪团,新疆内滑雪场均可选择 私人定制1-8人轻奢滑雪团以及福利团 报团均可享受俱乐部赠送: 1、树林雪景骑马跟拍、航拍 2、按滑雪团天数赠送1-3日陪滑服务 3、单反拍摄,无人机拍摄、滑雪跟拍个人视频 4、新疆特色伴手礼礼包 任何有关滑雪均可私人定制,可按照个人要求定制不同行程日期以及住宿、车辆方面 联系电话 小宇:13319006055 v :xjhx7788
💥Agogo Professional dancers 👯♀️🚫no drink 📍Shanghai , SuZhou (Club) 💥Bgogo 📍YiWu (Flower club) ✅Provide working visa ✈️ Flight ticket 🌆Apartment ________________________ If you are interested you can contact me For more information
@.💫 新 OPN Box Apple iphone 12 Pro Max Factor 解锁 128GB 1 年保修请给我留言下订单。
Long-term need 55-85cm model, external model, hybrid, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangshen based. I already have my wechat do not need to sign up.
1️⃣anhui :october24th or 25 car shooting outdoor, we need FEMALE model, speak ENGLISH professionally, 400/h,8h-10h. we pay ticket from nearby city.(shanghai,hangzhou, nanjing or so on...) 2️⃣shenzhen soon shooting winter clothes indoor ,old MAN model,40-60years old. 3️⃣Guanzhou car exhibition: november 13-14 rehearsal 8h,job on 15th 7:00-16:30. 1FEMALE and 1MALE model. (rehearsal …
需要高质量童星童模通告群的朋友加我 我拉你进群接通告哈[Rose][Rose]
1️⃣ foshan: 23th underwear👙 shooting ,FEMALE model,should speak ENGLISH very good, 4h. send card ,english video, your price. 2️⃣ GZ shooting clothes, FEMALE model,17-25years old,young /tall/thin. 500-600/h,4h. 3️⃣ Guangzhou november shooting kitchen product need FEMALE model 20-28years old, from 🇨🇦Canada or Russia🇷🇺, 4️⃣ Guangzhou end october need spanish video shooting,FEMALE …
地点:西安(长期)市区内,女模 内容:足模、脚模,只拍脚,不露脸 费用:一次一小时200-400(当时现结)可报路费 要求:脚不变型、偏瘦、脚上无茧 联系微信:ps5551007 (另换西安礼仪模特群)
[庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝][庆祝] 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳小姐 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳男生 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳太太 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳先生 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳演员 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳特型 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳才艺 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳戏曲 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳网红 爱玫瑰咏梅深圳粤港澳 爱玫瑰咏梅外籍朋友 由《深圳罗湖区爱玫瑰》公司赞助,主办方《咏梅影视文化工作室》,海选报名开始,线上报名,免费培训,敬请参与[爱心]🌹[庆祝] 欢迎爱玫瑰杯咏梅深圳海选各区域场地、培训地、演出加盟商及各行赞助商、合作商共赢!招聘招生管理兼职专员。 深圳加油粤港澳大湾区加油 欢迎参与有您才精彩[爱心]🌹[庆祝]
eleven 🈷️ The filming of a short drama in Shenzhen takes about 7 days and requires good acting skills. The female lead is a foreign actress with a European and American accent, the female lead is a strong willed woman, the male lead is a news anchor, and the male …
Nanjing (No ticket) 25, 26 and 27 days, need 2 handsome male models above 180cm height to work. Job content: Welcome, take photos, interact Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Noon meal 14:00-17:30pm Send me modeling cards and videos if you're interested
1️⃣shenzhen 17th shooting Christmas tree outdoor,MALE for father 500/h 4h-5h. (lunch/ dinner/change location stop timer) 2️⃣shenzhen 17th and 19th shooting Christmas tree outdoor, FEMALE model for mom role, 500/h 4h-5h per day. (lunch/ dinner/change location stop timer) 3️⃣Guangzhou 17th 2pm hobby shooting underwear indoor. FEMALE model, 2k/3h. you take your …
Hangzhou needs to shoot maternal and child products need 65-77cm pure foreign baby registration in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangshen
Shooting in Qingdao We need 4 European and American male models Requirements: Age 20-40 years old about 180 height, good temperament Pay day: 500/h(3 hours of shooting) Shooting time: 3 hours on October 12) Shooting address. Grand Mercure Qinghang Qingdao Duration: 7am - 10am 3 hours Fares can be reported …
Announcement for Hangzhou We need a middle-aged white person aged 45 or above to play the role of a priest for a shoot. The shoot will last about 1 hour and pay 300 RMB. Please send your resume if interested.
代发 新疆纯滑雪团(预约报名中)有早鸟福利价 轻奢团:5天4晚,支持一对一私人定制滑雪,全程管家式服务,豪华商务车24小时接送,陪滑、拍照、航拍、摄像均有,0基础0经验也不怕包教会!单人1对1私人教练(专业国职教练持证上岗),四星级以上酒店单人单间!一价全包! 福利团:3日、5日、7日团均可选择,包含每日雪票级雪具三件套,晚餐,接机,住宿,每日雪场酒店接送,行程内赠送骑马一次,每日专业教练教学,0基础包教会换刃!拍摄、摄影一价全包!价格非常优惠 有兴趣的朋友可以联系☎️13319006055 微信:xjhx7788