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Hangzhou notice: Need a white guy, living in Hangzhou, age 35-40. Speaks English, mature looks for confrence shoot, job 3 hrs. On stage speech, few min. Send me your model card and intro video. @all
job1 guangzhou:sep 30th indoor shooting normal clothes ,female model,4h+. job2 shenzhen soon shooting indoor winter clothes ,need fat female model. depends on your date
South eastern, or mixed with asian look FEMALE model. Pls send a card, Guangzhou European style clothes shooting.
Guangzhou, October, Shoot videos, To play a host, we need a female model. If possible, please contact me , 600/h.
Beijing local only! Beijing needs a male child 👦 model, outdoor shooting, picture and video, product child bike and helmet, 4h, 800/h, need one of the parent to shoot too, parent shoot 2h, 500-700/h, no reimbursement from other city, please send me your model card and video to sign up
Guangzhou City, National Day after the communication shooting time Indoor photography of women's wear, I need a female model, Height above 175 cm, I want white skin. Filming for 6-8 hours, The price is 600-700 per hour. You can also tell me your price. Consider only models in Guangdong province, …
Suzhou around 9.30 Need female model Underwear shooting >4h 900/h
📍 Guangzhou hair removal product shooting: (accepts models from any city in China, no travel expenses) 🕐 Date: September 29th Foreign female models 🔅 ⚠️Any skin color is acceptable. European and American style Height over 165 centimeters, medium build, slightly overweight, not too thin, English must be good Estimated shooting …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 1⃣️Zhongshan job In mid-October,outside Toys photos and video shooting,some scene need wear swimming suits to play water.need 4-8 years kids,accept any skin color💰400/h,around 6-8 hours.need sign portrait right agreement. Send your card+city 2⃣️Guangzhou job(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,product photos …
Shanghai shooting On one of the days from October 10th to 15th, a short video will be filmed in Shanghai, requiring a foreign white male actor, Requirements: blonde hair, blue eyes, European and American face, mixed race is also acceptable, The shooting time can be determined according to the model's …
🎞️In Beijing for short Movie shooting , start on October In total, 19 actors are required. Here’s the short version of all 19 actors, grouped by similar characteristics: 1. **4 Males, age 25-35** – Middle Eastern. Charismatic, intelligent, strategic leaders, physically fit, business or crime-related backgrounds. 2. **2 Males, age …
Beijing notice 🎥: On September 29 , Beijing need a one white strong man have with little beard and one smart woman of age around 25-30 years old for the shooting for an advertisement of drink , also need to drink at site. 4 hours work. Kindly dm me if …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 3⃣️Gz job(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,inside Kitchen appliances photos and video shooting,need 40-80 years old male and female model.💰give me your price,at least 4 hours Send your card+city+price. ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Gz need a children girl model shoothing clothes. About 8hours. High about 120cm. 混血也可以 if you interested pls contact me
We need someone who looks like the face in the picture to shoot the commercial.混血也可以
成都通告: 舞台驻场演出直聘全职兼职艺人 歌手及业余歌手4名,舞蹈演员10名,模特6名 每天3场才艺演。(可周末兼职、暑假兼职) 工资400底薪➕提成 (月工资轻松过万),在岗一个月可报销路费。可先看场地,满意再上班,公司提供宿舍。推荐成功红包2000起。入职三个月可买社保(18-26周岁) 报名加本微信:13658062424(微信同步)
28th Hangzhou shooting, need a mature, mother-style female model, DM me with model card and materials if you are free. Only need nearby city models
The parents of the blond kids look over here in 10 month 上中旬 shooting. National Notice - Clothing products flat Requirements: Height within 73 or about, no age, no city, no gender, no nationality, blond hair and white skin Time: fixed people and fixed files Location: The model's city Price: …
At the October, 10~12 or 10~13th. Taiwan requires a female model for flat shooting at a price of 600 yuan per hour. For 6 hours, you can purchase a plane ticket to Taiwan, register to send a self introduction video of the model card, and have one year's portrait rights …
job 1 #广州视频拍摄 时间:9月29号,一定要29号有空的。 价格:2000/6小时,可能提前收工,提前收工也会给你这么多钱。 要求: 一位女外籍,和一位男外籍,有胡子,成熟类型,年龄25-35岁的都可以。 欢迎推荐,只要广州深圳的或者佛山的。 # Guangzhou video shooting Time: September 29th, must be available on the 29th. Price: 2000/6 hours, possible early closing, early closing will also give you this much money. Requirements: One female alien, and one male alien, bearded, mature type, 25-35 years old. …
Hangzhou Notice Mid-October Need 2 white female models, fair skin, plump type, hair color is best gold, shooting L - xl pajamas home clothing, if you have time please contact me
广州:我们在找身高外国的110CM左右的(身高不限)外国小男孩,我们需要拍鞋子码数是28-29码 外国最好是金发,要高颜值大眼睛 请发模卡和几张单张给我报名,暂时只要广东省内的 we looking for around 110cm foreigners boy shooting for shoes and size28-29 ,job 2h , Blond /gold Hair , just need Live in guangdong model ,if your child Suitable pls send me model card
Harbin Notice 🎥: From October 10 , herbin needs a white extra background male and female of age around 30-50 years old for 5-6 days the movie shooting. Only need local people .Kindly dm me if interested.
️️️招·聘️️️公司直聘 现招聘女舞蹈演员10名 要求:身高160及以上 民族 古典 爵士舞 服从管理 听话好学 可盖实习章 待遇:工资7000–9000➕ 住宿双人间,报销路费️ 工作轻松 舞蹈简单 随时进场 短期一个月起步 有意者点我头像加微信 名额床位有限🛏️ 速度加我定人 🔆欢迎各大领队 经纪人 个人 团队 公司前来合作 🔆
Video shooting in Shenzhen: looking for German actors, need German oral broadcast: more than 8h. Visual Age 27-35: Have the right information please me.