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[Gift]象山拍摄横屏古装 周期12月23号-1月5号 ①刘兆基, 男主三叔,年龄40+ 大约6天戏。形象参考张宏威老师那款。 ②莫轩庭,男主父亲,年龄40+ 正面将军形象,身材魁梧180以上 。3-4天戏。 ③李成空 反二号将军形象 年龄40+ 身高180以上。9天戏。 时间形象合适的老师麻烦联系我! 资料+坐标+自报价! 微信同号13968383826
ShenZhen job1️⃣ Vape shooting needs two models(male and female), role of designer. The male model be mature. ⚠️if can't smoke, can pretend or sip. Plz send ur materials to me. WeChat:2563911779 ShenZhen job2️⃣ vape shooting needs two models(male and female), be young style. ⚠️if can't smoke, can pretend or sip. …
Guangdong job: Meizhou needs a female singer on December 31, working time: evening 20:00-00:30,2part
Shot in Beijing 🎬 (Beijing models only) 10 white men, regardless of nationality, in three styles: 1️⃣ business, mature 2️⃣ tough 3️⃣ young and distinctive When: One day at the end of December Age: 25-40 years old Cost: 500 ~ 1200 per hour (from 4 hours minimum) Beijing only 北京拍摄🎬(仅限北京模特) …
Guangzhou shooting,looking for this style female model(only need local,no travel budget). Send cards with this notice
#广州视频拍摄 (群演) 时间:12月10号 价格:总价1000元,拍摄4小时。 要求: 2男2女外籍演员,白人,年龄在25-30岁左右的。在广州的, 只要在广州的,外地没有车补。 欢迎报名。 # Guangzhou Video shooting (group performance) Date: December 10 Price: Total: 1000 yuan for 4 hours of shooting. Requirements: 2 male and 2 female foreign actors, white, aged between 25 and 30. In Guangzhou, As long as there is no car allowance …
#广州视频拍摄 时间:12月12号 价格:1500/6小时。3年肖像权,超时均价。 要求: 5个外籍演员, 一位男外籍,年龄:30-35男老外,白人,一个 2位白人外籍童模,小孩子,一男一女,6-10岁外籍小孩。 2位黑人外籍,一男一女小孩子。6-10岁外籍小孩。 产品视频,亚马逊那种 12月12号拍 只要广州或者深圳或者佛山的,外地没有车票。 # Guangzhou video shooting Date: December 12 Price: 1500/6 hours. Three years of portrait rights, overtime average. Requirements: Five foreign actors, A male foreigner, age: 30-35 male foreigner, white, one Two white foreign child models, small children, one male …
Looking for game role endorsement, 2 European and American female models, 1 Chinese, to be good-looking and sexy, this is a Kpop idol nurturance game, facing overseas markets. Players play the CEO of an entertainment company, recruiting artists to release records and MV to make money and keep the company …
北京短剧拍摄 男女主小的时候,需要英文母语的白人小演员 年龄13岁左右,会演戏 请发送自我介绍,模卡,作品 Beijing Short Drama Shooting When the male and female leads were young, they needed white actors who were native English speakers Around 13 years old, able to act Please send self introduction, template card, and works
[礼物][礼物]湖州拍摄民国短剧12.3号—12.10号。(2号定妆) 女主——沈清竹/沈心儿:大帅府六姨太。家里被灭口,双胞胎妹妹被凌辱致死,女主代替妹妹嫁入大帅府。 男主——晏韬:为了复仇假冒少帅,跟女主从小定情(有信物),彼此不能确定长大后身份,却依然互相吸引。 男主爹:大帅,大帅府最高掌权者,心中有白月光(亡妻),现府内有一个继太太,四房姨太,并马上要同时迎小五小六进门。每一位身上都有亡妻的影子。(集周边,类似依萍他爹) 男三号:继太太所出儿子,纨绔,和四姨娘勾搭。 【冒险设定:一开始的大帅是男主披着人皮面具假扮的,男女主都在互相防掉马】 大帅正房:大帅亡妻妹妹,一辈子活在姐姐阴影下,佛面蛇心(类似知否顾二嫡母) 大帅二房:嗜甜如命,手段最直接狠毒,养了一只猫。因为长得最像大帅白月光,因此最得宠,也最恨别人争宠,曾让猫抓花一个爬床丫鬟的脸。 大帅三房:医女出身,穿越女,表面怯懦胆小,体弱多病,与世无争,实则贴身丫鬟是男人假扮,有私情。 大帅四房:眼里只有钱的墙头草。(已故) 大帅五房:当红名伶,恃宠而骄,最快作死,被毁掉嗓子,穿着戏服泣血唱戏而死。 男女主已定。其他人物未定。周期合适的老师麻烦联系我。微信同号13968383826
12月份拍摄帽子 。需要9-10岁混血或者纯外、男孩女孩不限。江浙沪报名
Chengdu need some male models: 1⃣️2 young male models, shoot sports brand, fashion, 6-8h, can do self quotation 2⃣️need old male models, 40-60years old, shoot suits,500-600/h,4h Only need models in Chengdu! Don’t have any transportation fee
Hangzhou Notice For the 12.5 shoot, the following external model group is required 1. Nationality priority European countries, followed by other countries, must not Russia 2. Group performance requires physical performance ability, rhythm (not required to dance) 3. Group play 1: fat, a little funny, honest, male, 30-40 years old …
Guangdong Huizhou, on November 25, 1⃣️We need one more female without tattoos to shoot water supplies. If you are white and can swim, that would be great! Model must be located in Shenzhen. Do not add me, please add WeChat ID: fafa17317112629
[Rose]象山拍摄短剧通告 1. 酆都大帝:50来岁,男 做事毛毛躁躁,不按常理出牌,遇事喜欢求助玉帝 25/26/27 共三天 2. 玉帝:男 50来岁 和蔼可亲的大家长,对李顺吉十分器重 25/26/27 共三天 3. 杜公子:20多岁,蛮横自负。25/26/27/28 共四天 4. 南帝:40-50岁,反派,南方鬼帝,城府颇深,想借他人之力扮倒李顺吉 26/28 共两天 5.西帝:男 50岁,西方鬼帝王 垂涎权利,想要掠夺更多 无所不用其极。26/27/28 共三天 6. 50岁李顺吉:26/27 共两天 时间合适的老师资料+坐标+报价!微信同号13968383826
Hangzhou Notice Two actors are needed for the two-day commercial on December 4-5, no Russians 12.4-5 two days need a 50-60 years old, playing Santa Claus, do not want Russians, two days a total of about 18 hours of shooting. On December 5th, we need a 35-40 year old male …
Female and male model in Shenzhen/Guangzhou Send me underwear card or photos if be free in November Brand shoot🫶🏻
Nov. 23-24 Guangzhou shooting mom and kids products, need mom role(25-32 years old,with blonde hair+blue eyes), kids roles(0-5 years old) Send me cards with this notice
Guangdong Province Shoot location:Zhongshan city Black female and male model shoot jeans 👖 in November , 5-6 hours +
Shenzhen need a little baby model, only Shenzhen, 0-1 years old, please contact me
Shanghai Notice: Shooting time: November 13th Personnel requirements: Need a European woman Age requirements: Around 40 years old Job content: Play a mass actor without lines
Hey i am looking for agents for baby shootings , add me if u are one
Shanghai this week Christmas home celebrations vedio shoot .170 cm ➕,sweet style or mixed blood female model .4-5 hours+ Local or nearby city contact 🫶🏻