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@All 🎞️Hangzhou October 20th for clothes shooting need : 1️⃣ 2 white femeles model with good figure, age 18-28 years old work about 6-8 hours a day Need only Hangzhou, Yiwu and Shanghai people For more information send me your model card and videos of shooting experience, thank you 🤝
Gz shooting looking for Germany male and female models, please let me know if y from Germany , thx
🌟🌟🌟集美Casting🌟🌟🌟 只要杭州或上海,时间暂定12月初:外籍女生,大码女装,大概40套,杭州拍摄,费用符合群规 【人员要求】: 外籍女模,微胖一些,白皮肤,甜美一点 ,最好是浅色头发 【所需资料】:模特卡+自我介绍视频+甜美的生活照/艺术照(❗第一次报名备注:坐标.姓名.电话.价格;不收笔记) 【联系微信】:姗姗 OCT101368(经纪可合作) As long as Hangzhou or Shanghai,the date is tentatively set for early December : foreign girls, large size women's wear, about 40 sets, Hangzhou shooting, the cost meets the group rules [Personnel requirements] : Foreign female model, slightly fat, white skin, sweet, …
💰1000/2h Black male models who need to be in Guangzhou these days, shooting simple oral broadcast, must know Chinese.
🎥Zhejiang,Huzhou We are looking for a male, aged 30-35, for a corporate promotional video shoot in Huzhou on the 15th. This is an ensemble scence,The role is that of a sales entrepreneur, involving scenes such as making calls to clients, discussing deals, and celebrating successful partnerships. Requirements: • Caucasian male, …
10.12 北京通告 裤子拍摄 14:00~20:00 1200 平面拍摄,中间休息1小时 形象阳光 需要露脸 170左右 偏瘦一点 有一些裤子版型比较瘦 要青春气息的
Shenzhen job: The end of October(no sure date)we shooting tvc for moving pool .Need 3 white models . 1,A male and a female 25-30years old. Play father and mother. 2,A boy 6-9years old . If you can please contact me! Thanks 🙏 WeChat: xixiang123
[炸弹]Notice: Date: October 17 Location: Guangzhou Shooting Requirement: 1. White skin male model 2. Height: above 1.8 meters 3. don't be too thin, better with muscle If you're interested and meet the requirement, can send your model card Want the image is like the picture show below:
At the end of October in Guangzhou movie shooting need real musicians: 1, need one black skin or white skin male musician can play electric guitar; 2, need one black skin male musician can play drum set . Required hair style should without dreadlocks. If available pls message me , …
Shenzhen Notice 10.15 (time tentatively determined) Need one boy and two girls Shooting refrigerator tiktok short video indoors Young and energetic, good attitude, no obvious tattoos Shooting time 3 to 5 hours If interested please contact me
北京通知 10月21号拍摄,需要以下国家外籍(东南亚包括以下国家:越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、新加坡、印度尼西亚、文莱、菲律宾、东帝汶以上国家演员)需要年轻的女演员用英语拍摄需要会讲英语,如果你有时间请与我联系 Notice from Beijing Shooting on October 21, foreigners from the following countries are required (Southeast Asia includes the following countries: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, East Timor and above). Young actresses are required to shoot in English and need to speak English. …
Foshan No. 13 I need a white-skinned boy to shoot cleaner products, and you need to explain in English. 500/h Shooting for 4 hours You need to sign a portrait rights contract, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen can sign up.
Guangzhou shooting German brand product promotional video to a man and a woman German models must be German, please German 🇩🇪 model send model card to me. thank you❤️
hengdian mini drama shooting, looking for one actor and one actress, young, good looking, English native speaker(close to native) Accept actors from any cities. Join team on about 13th, and shooting for about 5 days. please send me your acting materials and english speaking videos+your price by day.
-Under 30 female and male - Need one of each - price is 500/h as client this time is low budget - indoor shooting - location in Dongguan Anyone interesting pls contact with me.
Beijing notice! October 19th, 4-6 hours Looking for a white actress to cosplay Elsa from Frozen It’s a livestream and no script, you only need to help the livestreamer interact with the audience by waving and smiling Please contact me if you are interested!
广州服装拍摄(只要广州的) 时间:近期 费用:自报 模特:90码 男女婴童 要求:颜值高 有服装拍摄经验 资料:模卡/视频/服装作品 发我笔记 谢谢
1---beijing : 21th need Thailand/Philippines (Southeast Asian countries)actors,man /women,game video shooting,only from beijing,send me card and video 2--beijing/zhengzhou(郑州):need black skin female model,23th pm rehearsal,24th pm catwalk,stature more than 175cm,from beijing/zhengzhou all ok,send me card and video 3---beijing :12th need more than 42 years old female USA actor,game shooting
#广州拍摄视频 (东南亚面孔的,长得像东南亚面孔的也可以) 时间:15-16号,两天, 价格:总价2000/8小时。时间是分开拍,第一天视频时间:5小时,第二天:3小时。会提前收工,提前收工也是给你们这个价格 要求:一家三口。 场景:(中小)客厅-厨房-餐厅(挂机) 1:亲子家庭——爸爸【30岁左右成熟感】、 2:妈妈【28岁左右有气质】、 3:男宝宝【2~4岁左右,剧情要求在哭,找演员要求好控制为主,年纪小一点会比大的好】(一家三口为东南亚面孔) 2.场景:花店(柜机)第一天5小时,第二天2小时。总价:1500元 演员:花店女商户——女演员【25~30岁】(东南亚) 时间:15-16号 3.场景:办公室(天花机),第一天5小时,第二天2小时。总价:1500元 演员——男白领【25~30岁年轻男白领】(白人) 时间:15-16号 4.场景:卧室冥想(挂机),第一天5小时,第二天2小时。总价:1500元 演员——单身瑜伽冥想女【25~28岁年轻单身贵族】(东南亚) 时间:15-16号 5.场景:奶奶家客厅+阳台/室外花园(挂机)主要剧情是浇灌绿植,和绿植握手 演员——银发奶奶(55-65 岁左右,白人) 视频:5h 总价:1200元 6场景 东南亚小女孩【6~10岁】、东南亚奶奶【55-65 岁左右】 用时3h 800一人/2小时。 只要广州深圳佛山的本地演员,外地没有机票报销。 # Guangzhou shooting video (Southeast Asian face, look like Southeast Asian face is also OK) Time: 15-16, two days, Price: Total …
Shanghai notice on October 20th, requires a 2-3 year old pure foreign boy or girl, shooting: toys, also requires real parents for filming, price 500-700an hour please send me your pictures and videos
Shenzhen this week or next week Vacuum cleaner shooting male model,1 year portrait female model,1 year portrait 500/h,4h,offer ticket wechat:agentzn
Shanghai game video shoot On 17th Oct Or after 17th Oct Need two young female and two young male Who can speak native English , good English accent Need sign right of usage Can from any city , have transportation 🥰🤩pls send me ur pics and ur English speaking video …
北京通知 10月21号需要东南亚国家地区的外籍,需要年轻的女演员用英语拍摄需要会讲英语,如果你有时间请与我联系 Notice from Beijing On October 21st, we need foreigners from Southeast Asian countries and regions. We need young actresses to shoot in English and need to speak English. If you have time, please contact me.
‼Don't add me,add my new account. 5⃣Guangzhou job Date depends on your time,sex product Company promotional photos and video shooting,need ①a old male model more than 50 years old ②some business feel male and female model.Play a colleague role.💰600/h,around 1-2 hours Send your card+city 7⃣Gz job(no pay transport) 11th,inside Kitchen …