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If you have a slot in October, you should have a wheat-colored female model, and your arms should have a sense of muscle lines. The hair color and blonde hair are better. The budget is 7001h, and it is expected to shoot for eight hours.
Shenzhen 10 indoor shooting. Products are furniture! A man and a woman are about 30 years old. 500 an hour, working at least 4 hours, give me a model card and two advertising videos.
Hangzhou, October 11 1 female model is required White skin [Love] is not tall, between 160-168cm, Indoors, shoot Chiaki hanging chairs Price 500-600/hour, 6-8 hours Reimbursement of high-speed rail Please contact me if you meet the height and skin color requirements Please send me the model information and the city …
[[cozmikk castings]] Shanghai shooting 10.24 ——— Role 1: Need 35 years old ( around ). White collar type female. 3000/8 hours. Role 2: all kinds of skin color , office foreigners 1.2k/8 hours. Extras. ——— Need people from Zhejiang / shanghai / Jiangsu.
16th Oct need a female model clothes shooting in Hangzhou, can from Shanghai/ HZ or nearly cities. Pay 700/h, around 8 hours.Available girls send me materials.
🌟🌟🌟 Jimei Casting🌟🌟🌟 🟦 Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai reimbursement travel: 10.12 makeup 10.14-15 One day shooting: 3c product advertising, Shanghai shooting, 12h cost in line with group regulations [Personnel requirements] : need to shoot 12h+ makeup package price, 22-28 years old foreign actors and actresses each, do not business type, …
南昌拍摄母婴用品。需要80cm左右的外模(长的像外国人就好)江浙沪 广深 、湖南报
1️⃣ Tvc in mid-October A young female model (sweet and cute, sunny) Models in Guangdong Province ———————————————- 2️⃣ Mid-October photo shoot (indoor) I want a European and American male model, about 30 years old, business type. Local in Shanghai (no transportation charges) ️ 💰600-800/h Location: Songjiang, Shanghai
Work shooting Work location: Shanghai Shooting product: Office supplies Shooting time: October 11th ① Role: Female (Model) Style: Visual age 22-28 years old - fair skin (very expressive) If you are in Shanghai, let me know. Thank you @
北京通告[红包]燕郊拍摄电影 10月9号需要 男女群演,数名 年龄20到40岁 男生有西装领带皮鞋的,加30 费用100 收工结账 男生有西装领带皮鞋的,加30 暂定九号早上潞城地铁站A口早7点半 如有变动 群里通知 微信18001387157小薇
❣️❣️ Change time Shooting in Hangzhou From October 16 to 18 Choose 2 or 3 days. 1.30-40 year old male 2.30-40 year old female 3. Child aged 3-8 (boy or girl both ok) 4.Older aged 50-70 (One male, one female, about shoot 1 day) Indoor shoots, furniture Videos + Photos …
Hangzhou job Shooting Bodybuilding instrument,females (any color/nationality), line sense, muscle line, middle and late October, 600-800/2 hours, 8-10 people, near Hangzhou is better, let me know if you are interested.
【Guangzhou and nearby only】 Dongguan 10.15 and 10.16 needs a female model who can speak good American English, need to have acting experience, 6-8h each day, 400-500/h, please send me your model card and acting videos to sign up
Guangzhou job ,in the middle of OCT. we need a female who can speak FRENCH,shoot for skin care product video with lines,40~50years old ,pls send me video and photos to WeChat :happyvero123
Huizhou single Date of shoot: October 20 Shooting time: 3 hours per person Need for shooting: Need a pair of real brother and sister shooting equipment, age 4 to 6 years old, swimming and school supplies. Thank you for the offer of the hair model card.
10月12日,鞋子拍摄 3小时500,地点在顺义 这次主要是靴子和皮鞋 要求能穿38码的鞋子 腿型好看 不露脚所以这次不要求脚型
There is an advertisement to be filmed in Qingdao on October 17th and 18th, and we are looking for three foreign actors to participate in each shoot for about 4 hours Chinese/Asian models (if any): need to be replaced with external models. The requirements for external models are as follows: …
Shenzhen video shooting Shoot before the end of October We need an elderly male external model or male middle model male actor Wearing a suit gives a sense of elegance, as seen in the reference picture The shooting time starts from six hours a day and is not limited nationwide …
Shaoguan city ( Guangdong) easy video shooting job( no need to change clothes) provide tickets Looking for 5 young and cool models (both female and male) any colors ✓✓ 6 hours, 2500~3000 @all
Any city:one shoes brand wanna 5 white female model or actress who has Instagram with more than 10 thousands followers,send u the shoes and wear it shoot some photos ,easy and good price job,contact me if u wanna join,not limit cities,price can talk according to fans
急!急!急!项目直聘 演出场地: (1)#湖北恩施 (2)#内蒙包头 女舞蹈演员10名 身高164以上,形象好 薪资待遇:9000 资料过10月10号进,可提前到岗安排住宿
17, 18, Huangdao District, Qingdao. Need to find 3 foreign actors, two women and a man to shoot fitness equipment advertising as long as people in Qingdao, no travel The actor requires: The first choice for Western Europe is the appearance of Spain, Italy and France. The second is the …
@所有人 重新找,报过的可以重新报名,私信我说一下, 江浙沪找,拍汽车广告,今天下午定妆,14号拍摄 重新找一个男孩,身高78左右cm,体重11kg左右,要大眼睛,头大大的,最好有点红脸蛋,资料要土的感觉,资料要土的感觉,价1000 报名发卡+生活视频2-3个+作品视频(可以没有)+10张近期生活照 备注文字 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地:
燕郊通告拍摄院线电影 明天10月8号号 一天18号一天 不能接戏勿扰 男群演费用150需接戏 年龄25到35岁 报名发照片,时间地址群里通知 微信18001387157小薇
Mid-month indoor flat shooting I want a European and American male model, about 30 years old, business type. Local in Shanghai (no travel) 💰600-900/h depending on the person pricing Location: Songjiang, Shanghai The registration materials are packaged, and the person is fixed 月中室内平面拍摄 要一名欧美男模,年龄30岁左右,商务类型。在上海本地的(无差旅) 💰600-900/h 看人定价 地点: 上海松江 报名资料打包,定人定档