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Shanghai or Guangzhou notice November to shoot beauty ads We need a mixed-race young woman, mid-20s! Preferably a mix of Chinese and French Registration: Card + self-introduction video Wechat: woai-Mac
Beijing announcement: Five boys, aged 20-30, are needed to shoot mobile phone advertisements around October 15. It's better to speak Chinese. Have a work visa. Please send me information card photo + video self-introduction + work video. 400 yuan per hour.
Hengdian Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province,needs a 30-year-old blond-haired male actor on October 10th. Please send me information if you are interested in time. Make your own quotation
Beijing shooting must be Beijing Tianjin local actors need an oral English standard male model age 25-35
Guangzhou clothes shooting, need to look for a height of 115~120 boys. The time can be arranged between16:00-20:00
@all We're looking for people in the Hangzhou area who can run fast for at least 30 minutes! This is a sports-related activity – no lines to memorize, no specific actions, just running (#Forrest Gump vibes). Only for people based in Hangzhou! To apply, please send your model card. It’s …
On November 5th, I need a male model to shoot clothes. Your height is 184+. 500 yuan/hour, starting from 4 o'clock. In Shanghai
Shenzhen We need a plus size female model to shoot lingerie 800/h Starting from 4 hours for shooting
Promotional video shooting for Marathon in Beijing on October 15th need 1 European young man about 20-30 years old, with no beard. Interested dm me asap for more details. ⚠️:Beijing Only
1️⃣guangzhou:tomorrow 9th shooting tvc,MAN business role,40-60years old, speak litter easy Communicate. 2️⃣guangdong shaoguan:11th shooting outdoor daily product,need black skin FEMALE model, 5-7H. 3️⃣donguan:soon indoor shooting winter clothes,FEMALE model,two Hours. 4️⃣shenzhen 10th 5pm shooting need SZ local grandfather 50-80years old MAN. 5️⃣shanghai next month shooting food tvc,need Korean baseball players, Arab …
Guangzhou october 15 indoor outdoor both have video shooting need latino style tanskin model 1⃣️a woman 18-28age (dark color hair,or nature curely hair👩🏽🦱👩🏻🦱) 1⃣️a man 18-30age(dark color hair,or nature curely hair👨🏽🦱👨🏻🦱) 💰700-800/hours,minimum 10hours
SZ:time is not decided,phone's shooting,including videos and a little photos: 1️⃣need a male man,age about 20-30,price is 500/h,at least 6h 2️⃣need a male man,age about 30-40,price is 500/h,at least 6h If u can,plz contact me 13725353457
🎞️Hangzhou on December for clothes shooting need : 1️⃣ 2 white plus size femeles model with good , age 18-35 years old work about 6-8 hours a day Need only people from Hangzhou, Yiwu and Shanghai and nearby cities For more information send me your model card and videos of …
This week, I need a sporty female model who is no taller than 173cm to shoot on a treadmill in Shenzhen. The shoot is expected to take 4 hours and the budget is 700 RMB per hour. If you are available, please contact me.
山西融合音乐舞台剧场🛋️ 一、招聘要求:补9名长期女舞蹈演员(只要9名) 二、招聘条件:热爱演艺事业,形象好,气质佳,品行端正,服从管理;舞蹈专业,中专以上学历,18-26岁,身高164cm以上,专业优秀者可放宽要求。 三、薪资福利: 1、正式开始转正底薪300-400/天+加场费,旺季一天不超两场,淡季一天不超一场,享受五险➕年终奖和节日礼物等福利(10.10之前进场) 2、优越的生活工作环境;演员拥有专业排练厅,免费入住双人间高端影视房标间,免费提供演出服和排练服等。 四、公司直聘,中介勿扰,有意者4 诚信合作,鸽子勿扰
Guangdong shooting: Need male and female babies, this week to shoot 1-2 days of the actual height of 75-77 European and American babies, please sign up for the model card, as long as the local baby, blond hair, blue eyes, mixed blood can also be, biased to foreign looks, self-reported …
Shenzhen: A female model is needed for shooting a vacuum cleaner product on the 12th. The shoot will last for about four hours. If you are available, please contact me as soon as possible to send your information. Thank you.
Get 1000 ~ 2000 RMB ,Go to Hong Kong to watch a show, then shoot a video and send it to your Tik Tok account
Shanghai Notice,On either 14-15 or 19-20Shoot Amazon Video AdsWe need male foreign actors aged 20-25, with good acting skills and stylish appearance, of European, American or Latin American nationality.Portrait rights worldwide, cost 700/hourAs long as it's from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, it's necessary to set makeup in advanceCan you send …
Beijing announcement: Two little boys, aged 7 to 8, are needed to shoot the promotional film next week. Please send me an information card photo + video to introduce yourself. 500 yuan/hour
24th October, Extra Shooting need 5 males, only Shanghai local no travel expanses [Salute] 8h shooting contact me with your material's office style thank you[拥抱][握手][Salute]
Anji modeling job: need young female model, shooting couch, simple and easy, no need to be very professional, very beautiful, long term cooperation, from four hours. 4-8 hours mainly. 500/h. Reimbursement of travel expenses in the surrounding cities of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. If you are interested, please contact me …