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Sz 12th need a female model shooting hair product. Need to be used repeatedly.Miumiu 4hours. If you free pls contact me
It is for feed medicine device tvc shooting in shenzhen Role1: a grandma age 65-80 years old, Role2: a daughter 45-55 years old, payment : 500yuan per hour, minimum 4 hours, is there anyone please send me your model card and self introduce video to wechat: 15813843167
Guangdong shooting notice: Shooting clothes, as long as the local model, need children models, boys and girls need, height 61-63cm, 75-77cm, 83-85cm, self-reported cooperation price, eyes large, skin white, foreigners, preferably blond, blue eyes, mixed blood can also be biased towards foreign looks 广东拍摄通告:拍摄衣服,只要本地模特,需要儿童模特,男生女生都需要,身高61-63cm,75-77cm,83-85cm,自报合作价格,眼睛大大,皮肤白净,外国人,最好金发碧眼,混血也可以,偏向外国人长相
GZ:Hello looking for tanned skin female model ,4+h ,normal cloth shooting/video 700per h ,normal underwear shooting/video ,1000per h .pls send me card if free now.make up start 11AM or ealier.studio near line 2 baiyun park,no Transportation .
zhejiang females only. city need a female to shoot cosmetics video 4hs, Pls send your card and quote your best price and te city, welcome to apply. tks. wx: a_scouter
西安通告 时间待定 地点西郊太奥广场 要求:4名外国女性,年纪30以内,一人拍摄5条抖音舞蹈视频,自报价
🎬✅ The short series will be shot in Changchun, Jilin province from Oct 15 to 25. Foreign actors and actresses aged 20-45 and middle-aged men and women aged 45-65 are required to speak American English. The shooting period is 3-6 days, and the shooting period for middle-aged and elderly foreign …
‼ ️(new) is expected to shoot short plays in Changchun, Jilin Province from October 16 to 25, requiring foreign actors and actresses, aged 20-45 years old, middle-aged men and women aged 45-60 years old, with standard American oral English, the shooting cycle is about 3-6 days, and the shooting cycle …
Foshan:Looking for female model who have free day at 18-20th. Have a shooting .available send me your imformation please. thanks so much[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][爱心][爱心][爱心]
@REMITTANCE AliPay remittance 💰💴 WeChatPay remittance 💰💶 Chinese bank remittance 🏦💶 MoMo remittance 💰💵 OverSeas Swift Transfer 💵💴💶💷 We pay :- YUAN , CEDIS , USD * Companies * Factories * Suppliers * E-Commerce Payment 🛒 🛍. ( Alibaba , AliExpress , Pinduoduo , 1688 , Taobao ) * Students …
📸Notice❗️❗️❗️ 📍Address:Guangzhou (Costume shoot) 1⃣️ 👶🏻Newborn baby:56~58cm 2⃣️👶🏻Baby boys and girls:75~86cm 3⃣️👦🏼👧🏼Boys and girls:95~100cm,blond hair,blue eyes and wheat skin tone 4⃣️ 🧑🏼👩🏼Boys and girls:135~145cm,blond hair,blue eyes and wheat skin tone 5⃣️👱🏻♀️👱🏾♀️Teenage girls:155~165cm,Euro-american style,All skin tones are acceptable. 6⃣️👱🏻👱🏾Teenage boys:165~175cm,Euro-american style,All skin tones are acceptable. Please contact me and send your …
东莞新场开业 气氛组急招15名舞蹈演员 有无经验均可 包吃住 价9000+ 10月15号左右入职
Guangzhou needs an older foreign uncle model to shoot Some oral health videos, Can be long-term cooperation shooting time: 10th or 11th Duration :4-8 hours Shooting brand: high-end oral health products Shooting style: more laboratory Shooting price: 600/ hour Sign up +z86653595 send mocha video
西安 新景区 需要各类演员 11月初进场/ 三个月起签🉑 吃住行全包/有意者/团队者 详细私聊 合作 长期优先 女舞蹈演员30人 164以上 男舞蹈演员10人 174以上 不限舞蹈种类 /杂技演员10人左右(包含以下节目) /安吉竹乐 / 杂技抖杠 /百尺竿头爬杆,/走钢丝, 报价多少钱一个月 带自己的服化道 /腹语 演员 1人 ——报价格 /专业英歌舞 属于108好汉 ——报价格 /地方特色非遗演员20人 ——报价格 /醒狮(南狮)共计 6人 两头狮子加 一个敲锣 一个打鼓 服化道自己出 ——报价格 以上全部长期3个月起步 如果能长期半年一年更好 大型的2到3场,小的4到五场, 小的就十分钟左右一场,都是室外
(1)Guangzhou soon shooting normal clothes ,tanned skin #female model, with light color Hair, 4h+,500-600/h. A, shanghai october 14 or 15th hotel event 9:00-13:00,display job,2#man,1k per people. B, shanghai november 5-6th exhibition, 2 #female models, 8:30-17:30. C, beijing next month shooting clothes,young #female+#male, 20-30 years old, 4h+,500-600/h.
Shooting location: Longgang, Shenzhen Recent Time Afraid of wearing underwear, requires a model with a wheat colored skin tone Shoot for more than 3 hours, budget 700/hour We need one man and one woman
Beijing notice In mid-October (exact date to be determined) plane shooting requires a white or mixed-race boy, about 7-8 years old. Global portrait rights for three years. About 8-10 hours, with transition time in between. [red packet] reward: package price 4OOO Sign up to send a model card + self-introduction …
@所有人Beijing announcement: Five boys, aged 20-30, are needed to shoot mobile phone advertisements around October 15. Can speak Chinese. Please send me information card photo + video self-introduction + work video. 400 yuan per hour. 备注:长期换优质外籍演员群
A man and a woman young take down Jacket plane shooting. in Beijing (local) shooting first selected and then set the price budget 600-800/h who interested send me materials,thanks
Shooting will start at the end of October. Filming location is Guangzhou. It's a police and gangster drama. Looking for the daughter of a mafia boss. She needs to be of mixed race, beautiful and able to act. There are 40 days of scenes.
Guangzhou needs a male and female foreign model temperament class, the customer wants to shoot medical equipment class, the teeth are relatively white and good-looking, the customer's products have such products as medical dental chair, medical toothbrush. Please send me the information of the mold card. thank you
Beauty instrument video shooting announcement Shooting place: in Shanghai or Guangzhou Shooting in November, date to be confirmed Model requirement: A mixed-raced female model with an appearance refer to the following picture (Model of Chinese-French mixed-race is preferred, or model with a matching appearance is also acceptable) Please note your …
Beijing shooting We need two children 8-16 years who can speak fluent English lines🙋 纯外籍或混血儿都可以
Filmed in Shanghai. Nearby ones are also possible. We need mature and cool girls. Age 30 ➕。 Shoot the clothing and tell me your price. The shooting date is determined by the person and then the time. The reference diagram is as follows
Shooting notice (requires mixed race or foreign nationality); 1: On October 12th, Dongguan photographed children's watches and searched for black skinned boys and girls with a height of 130-140CM (Guangdong search); 2: On October 14th, Shenzhen tried on clothes and searched for a female child with a height of 120cm …