WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
If you would like to continue using the service and would like to discuss the future of WeChatJobs, then please scan the QR code below and join the group to discuss it.
【Job-Teaching】 International school in Yantai, Shandong(An) [爱心]native english speakers teaching visa Gender: female Students: primary and middle school Arrival time: ASAP [红包]Salary and accommondation: 20-25kRMB,Accommodation available 🌟Working hours: 8:00-17:00 【Job-Teaching】 1 Location / nature of the school city: Beijing Chaoyang East Road, Datun training center 2 Native / non-native:Native English …
Shanghai, September 28th, requires an Arab male actor to shoot a short video without dialogue for 2 hours and pay 1400 yuan.
①浙江《太湖龙之梦》剧场长期招聘 大型沉浸式舞剧 要求:古典舞 5男孩180+ 薪资: 7000-9000 8000-12000 包吃住行 住宿酒店 模卡+只要古典舞+基本功技术技巧视频 ②河南景区 招聘女舞蹈演员6名 净身高167+ 民族 古典 档期:9月27-11月18日 薪资:5500-6000/??? 线上面试 住宿2-3 包吃住行 鸽子勿扰!!
苏州室内剧场演艺 需求:男戏剧179+ 男戏曲!!!!!! 薪资:7000-8000 需求:男舞蹈男武术173+技巧好 薪资:5500-6000 国庆节进场 短期两个月明年可继续 长沙剧场演艺 需求:主演男女戏剧178+168+ 群演男戏剧175+ 薪资:主演前两个月6000后7000 群演:5000/月 需要线上面试 哈尔滨项目 需求:男女舞蹈175+ 薪资:6000-8000 排练期5000 线上面试 国庆节后进场 江西龙南项目 需求:男舞蹈170+ 薪资:第一个月4000后面5000 包吃住行 要求:是男舞蹈就行 民族舞古典舞 江西景德镇 需求:男戏剧,男模特,男舞蹈净身高185+ 薪资:第一个月5500,后6000/月 不看专业
Shooting in HongKong! 🇭🇰 ✈️ Shooting Date: Oct 13 (one day shoot but long hours) Job needs fitting in Shanghai First apply with model card + intro video + tvc work. If Client asks you for casting then I will send you the script for casting at home. We have …
The Hottest 🔥 Part-time came, you little fairies to sign up, 1, the requirements of 18-28 years old girls, height education is not limited, etiquette model, dance art students are preferred 2, time 10 days to earn 💰 3w~10w 3, the whole package back and forth travel expenses, does not …
代发 新疆纯滑雪团(预约报名中)有早鸟福利价 轻奢团:5天4晚,支持一对一私人定制滑雪,全程管家式服务,豪华商务车24小时接送,陪滑、拍照、航拍、摄像均有,0基础0经验也不怕包教会!单人1对1私人教练(专业国职教练持证上岗),四星级以上酒店单人单间!一价全包! 福利团:3日、5日、7日团均可选择,包含每日雪票级雪具三件套,晚餐,接机,住宿,每日雪场酒店接送,行程内赠送骑马一次,每日专业教练教学,0基础包教会换刃!拍摄、摄影一价全包!价格非常优惠 有兴趣的朋友可以联系☎️13319006055 微信:xjhx7788
Xiamen clothes outside and indoor shooting after 10th October around,need one female model,sport and sunny style,young and active,if you are free,plz contact me asap,have a nice day[咖啡][咖啡]
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 9⃣️Sz job 6th,inside Curling iron photos and video shooting,need white skin long hair female model,who know how to use Curling iron.💰Give me your price,at least 4 hours. Send your card+city+price. ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
European Teachers needed now in a trainning Center in Lang Fang city,He Bei province Location: Da Cheng county,Lang Fang city Schedule: 2.00-9.00PM Wednesday to Friday 8.30-12.00;2.00-6.00PM on weekends Age of students: 8-12 years old Salary and benefits: 13-15K per month. Free accomodation. Self care visa Onboard date :ASAP Long term …
内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区(不是偏远地区,距离省会呼和浩特近) 独家生意火爆人均2000+(可查业绩表) 无限招嘉宾Go.Bgo.B组(男女都招) 💰无底薪2/8(日结) 💰嘉宾Go400—600(日结) 💰工资准时.工作轻松.人性化管理 无特效小视频➕照片.拒绝照骗 住宿:酒店公寓两人一间 该有都有 路费:国际惯例💰 出勤15天 ☎️同V :15219181727(经纪勿扰) 以上人员可接受短期过渡
Date:10.6 or 10.7 location:Shanghai Type:videos Requirements: 1️⃣Need an old white models,Designer temperament, around 50 years old 2️⃣ young white male model,good looking eyes 3️⃣ young Spanish woman who can perform flamingo dance 4️⃣young white female model Indoor,Permanent portrait rights in mainland China 💰600-700/h,4hours
**MJ International** **MJ国际**是一家位于哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图的专业商务服务公司,专注于为中国商人和外国投资者提供一站式解决方案,助力他们在中亚市场的业务拓展。 **我们的服务包括:** - **签证办理**:提供工签、投资签等各种签证服务,确保您的合法居留和工作。 - **公司注册**:帮助客户快速注册公司,轻松开展业务。 - **银行账户开立**:协助开立个人及企业银行账户,方便资金管理。 - **员工招聘**:为企业招募合适的员工,提供高效的人力资源服务。 - **税务代理**:专业的税务代理服务,确保企业的税务合规。 - **法律援助**:提供法律支持,保障企业合法权益。 - **国际驾照办理**:帮助办理国际驾照,方便在当地的出行。 - **软件开发对接**:包括短信接口、支付接口、认证识别等,帮助企业建立和管理网站。 - **客服中心搭建**:建立专业的客户服务中心,提升客户满意度。 - **翻译服务**:提供多语言翻译支持,促进国际交流。 - **资质办理**:办理企业所需的各种资质,确保业务合法开展。 - **政府高官引荐**:提供高层次的政府资源,为企业搭建重要的人脉网络。 - **商人住宿和接待**:为来阿拉木图的商人提供舒适的住宿和周到的接待服务。 选择 **MJ International**,我们将助您轻松进入中亚市场,实现事业腾飞。 **MJ International: 通往中亚繁荣之门。** 地址:г. Алматы,Макатаев 127/9,101 офис 手机号(WhatsApp 同号):+77477078832 微信号:15299200702
Male models or actors in their 30s are required to take photos on stage as representatives and speak in English (about 2 minutes of lines). October 6th, 1-7pm. (Total working time on stage is about 15 minutes) Hangzhou
looking for kindergarten teacher *15K - 17K , -Free apartment *Monday to Friday (8am-5pm,2 hours lunch break)*Saturday and Sunday off. *Statutory holidays paid *insurance Location : Shenyang Contact me for details
Latest School Teaching Jobs Location: Haikou, Hainan School Type: K12 School Subject: MS Science Workload: 20-25 classes Salary Package: 25,000-27,000RMB +Free apartment Location: Nantong, Jiangsu School Type: High School Subject: English (VCE curriculum) Workload: 20 classes; NO OFFICE TIME Salary Package: 25,000RMB +Free apartment Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu School Type: International …
Shenzhen I need a little white-skinned boy to shoot skates, shoe size 31-38. 500/h Shoot for 4-5 hours
10.7-9号 黑人 广州用三天 当直播背景墙 500一小时 不商用 每天四小时看起来凶一点 Oct 7th-9th three days Gz 4hrs per day Used for live background not for commercial Looks angry and fierce black skin male model 500/h
Shenzhen I need a little white-skinned boy to shoot skates, shoe size 31-38. 500/h Shoot for 4-5 hours You need to be able to skate easily, and you don't need to be very proficient.
需要高质量童星童模通告群的朋友加我 我拉你进群接通告哈[玫瑰][玫瑰]
Bao'an Shenzhen School type:kindergarten On board:before 17th Oct. 2024 1.Native English speaker with a Bachelor Degree 2.Previous relevant working experience with kids, age group 3-6 preferred 1.Working hours: Monday to Friday. 8:00-12:30 &2:30-5:30 2.Salary:18-24k 3.Working visa provided 4.Class size: at most 20 kids (with 4 classroom teachers) 5.Holidays and pay …
棚内拍摄单 9月下旬补女模2名 170左右 新人可接 唯美/甜美/御姐/风格多变 400/h 1-3k/天 10天连档拍摄 新人可接 可返底片 外地包差旅 模卡报名V+ 1615616653
One foreign actor and one female actor are required for the Tiktok studio. They have a work visa and have continuous time. Those who do not have a work visa should not register. They can communicate in Chinese and are flexible. They are about 25 years old. They have a …
☀️日与夜🌙公告牌 主题:🌹 1、🟥新疆南疆地区库车市,(库车古代叫龟兹),南北疆中心,交通枢纽中心。中国最美独库公路,一日游四季,十里不重天,是始点也是终点。 2、🟥古代它是丝绸之路中心,东西方之间,政治,经济,文化中心,西域36国,龟兹女儿国。 3、🟥鸠摩罗什龟兹人(龟兹意指现今库车),佛经翻译家之首,是中国佛教史上佛经翻译的第一人。古老的历史文化,对佛教的重要性体现在它是古代丝绸之路上东西方文明交流的重要枢纽,也是佛教传入中原地区的重要通道,是古代汉唐文化、印度文化、希腊文化、波斯文化交互融合的产物,形成了独特的龟兹文化,它是佛教东传的桥头堡,佛教艺术的重要发源地,以及佛教文化交流与传播的关键节点。 4、🟥🟥🟥如果你感兴趣想做赚钱的,不一样的,特别的,独一无二的,伟大的,有意义,有价值的投资项目事业工作与其它。 我将提供一手直通车,帮助你与当地市政府领导与各部门单位领导,央企,国企,民企,某集团企业公司领导,进行投资项目与其他事项,有结果的成功落地。 例如:沙漠🏜变绿洲,戈壁变良田等等或其他。共建,共享,共策,共赢。(🟦🟦🟦本人,从小大自然森林长大,了解明白。) 5、🟥库车市涵盖了世界90%以上的地貌,雪山、森林、草原、峡谷、河流、湖泊、沙漠、戈壁、雅丹、丹霞、野生动物保护区、无人区,库车是上海面积的两倍多。 咨询人:🌹职业飞行→🍇🍷葡萄酒行家&独立研究学者 兼→🌍全球国际社会精英老板企业家→职业经纪人 中文名:瞿天行健 艺名/英文名:Lance 上海号: 19542780757 咨询方式:🌹单独沟通,确认。 温馨提示:🌹信息真实有效,去伪存真,言而有信。(方可持续) 该信息长期有效🌹🌹🌹@所有人
Guangzhou, on October 15th, the event requires 3 foreign white male models to play the role of God of Wealth. Sign up for WeChat Koskye