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Shenzhen work: On October 10th, Longgang Dayun subway Station needs 3 child models, 125-135cm boys and girls, to shoot product videos, at least 4h. If you have time, please send me model card for child. 深圳工作:10月10日龙岗大运地铁站附近需要3个外籍童模,125-135cm的男孩和女孩,拍摄产品视频,最少4h。如果你有空请发我孩子的模特卡
Shenzhen work: On October 10th, Longgang Dayun subway Station needs 3 child models, 125-135cm boys and girls, to shoot product videos, at least 4h. If you have time, please send me model card for child.
全国可以报名: 上海拍摄 类型:Tvc 定妆拍摄:11月中旬 需要一位演技很好的小女孩,6-10岁 拍摄费用:2000/天💰 报名请发:资料➕自我介绍视频➕有演技有剧情的作品视频➕有质感或者笑起来好看可爱的照片5-8张(原图) 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
需要越南语的模特拍摄线上短视频,报名+Lyyla212 Models who need Vietnamese to shoot online short videos, sign up +Lyyla212.
Shanghai shoot 10 or 12th, cosmetics shooting, need a female model, if you are interested, please contact me, thank you
深圳拍摄 10月10号需要,中年外籍, 年纪40-50岁 Filming in Shenzhen. Required on October 10th, middle - aged foreigners, aged 40 - 50 years old.
Shooting In Hangzhou Need Female model who can do swimsuit shoot Shooting duration:4 hours Only Hangzhou local models[拥抱] Send your material Thankyou
北京通告(外地包差旅) 14-15其中一天拍摄 宣传片,需要提前定妆,补充 男模特 时尚 帅气 气质25岁左右 ,身高185左右 费用2500(含定妆)拍摄12h后算超时 报名请发笔记资料
全国通告[红包]拍摄院线电影 一线团队,阵容保密 香港大导演,广州拍摄 跟组男,10月底进组 周期100天。会演戏 要电视剧有作品 年龄20到35岁之间男 资料PPT➕影视剧作品 费用私聊适合群规 微信18001387157小薇
@All Online Job Opportunity: White Female Model Looking for a white female model to shoot with a bag (no Chinese characters) at home. The bag should look like it can hold clothes (e.g., a jacket). Clear, high-quality photos needed. Good English pronunciation for a short script. DM if interested!
通告一:湖北孝感婚宴演出 补8名舞蹈演员净163➕ 民族 古典 现代 爵士 薪资:6500~7000 发放工资日:每月10-15号 2.住宿2人间公寓 3.外地全职演员路费500以内 满一个月都报销! 4.工作内容:3支舞 资料通过✅国庆后入场 通告二:湖北(梦敦煌)剧场 ①人员需求: 补10名舞蹈女演员 净身高163及以上,民族舞专业 ②场次安排: 一天3-5场 ③薪资待遇 薪资8000元/月 住宿民宿网红酒店标间 有独立卫浴和空调 每周休2~4天 给上保险 ④进场时间:10.7~10.15 工资发放每个月15号准时打卡 ⑤实习福利:实习生可免费盖实习章薪资待遇与正常社招演员一样 以上项目咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频,不发资料不回复,公主病,大爷病的勿扰.黑中介勿扰 欢迎优秀舞者各大领队带资源合作,有资源的欢迎合作浅谈!
Movie shooting in Shanghai starting on December for 2-3 months need: -1 Black male actor about 20 years old, to play a rapper (hip-hop) -1 Black female actress about 25 years old, good acting skills and preferably can sing 🎤 #Salary: 10k~13k per month Interested apply with model card, self …
Recently,Hangzhou job We need a baby,height68-78cm,foreign or mixed race(Or good-looking Chinese) Please contact me 近期,杭州拍摄,需要68-78cm身高的宝宝,外籍或混血(好看的中模也可),要求配合度高 请私信发模卡+近期视频+所在地
大量拉群 导演群·· 演员群·· 影视群·· 摄像群 ··化妆群 ··摄影群··模特群 全国云剪群 探店群 等等 需要进群的 打电话 18767729502 或者扫一扫 加下面的微信
Shanghai needs a male foreign actor Filming took place between October 9 and October 12. Be able to communicate in simple Chinese Must be in Shanghai Age Required 30 + Shoot a short video, play a businessman At least 6 hours, salary please communicate with me, interested please contact me
北京通告 电影开机筹备小演员男女不限。 电影题材:打拐/母爱 拍摄时间:假期 拍摄地点:北京 演员需求:5~15岁男女不限。配合度高,形象好 报名发ppt摩卡➕自我介绍 素人也🉑️报名试镜,资料从简个人生活照!
广东通告电影 开机时间:10月21日 拍摄时间:50天 拍期地点:潮汕 演员要求:4-14岁时候的男孩女孩,️要说潮汕话,或者愿意学的,配合度高 需要资料:ppt+自我介绍+作品视频 --------------- 宁波通告央六电影 开机时间:10月中 拍摄时间:4天左右 拍期地点:象山 演员要求:6-7岁左右男孩,身高120左右,主演小时候,戏好,配合度高 需要资料:ppt+自我介绍+作品视频 -------------- 宁夏通告央6电影 拍摄时间:10月20左右开机 拍期地点:银川 演员要求:10左右岁男孩 帅气 戏好 需要资料:自我介绍➕PPT➕演戏视频➕试戏视频 ---------------- 西藏通告电视剧 开机时间:已开机 拍摄时间:10月7号(拍摄周期未定) 拍期地点:林芝市 演员要求:8岁左右的女孩,长相偏藏族,好看,戏份重,戏好。配合度高 需要资料:ppt+自我介绍+作品视频 ------------------ 广东通告院线电影 开机时间:10月中 拍摄时间:70(总周期) 拍期地点:广州 演员要求:女主小时候8-10岁女孩,身高135左右。戏好,可爱,配合度高,会手语,不会有老师教。 需要资料:ppt+自我介绍+作品视频 -------------- 大量优质电影电视剧筹备中需要3-16岁男孩女孩,有无经验均可。
Shooting in Beijing on October 17th, I need a white actor who can tap dance, and the salary is 6000/16 hours. The model's face is high-end and exquisite, and I want to recommend it, and I can find it all over the country, so I can reimburse my travel.
Tiktok shooting in shanghai, date around Oct 11th. Looking for Italian actors or actress. Age no more than 30th. Please send me your acting materials to sign up. Accept models from any cities!
【Shanghai and nearby only】 Shanghai needs models below urgently 🚨shooting in October, don’t have exact date yet: 1️⃣ Spanish speaker 🇲🇽🇪🇨🇻🇪🇵🇦 2️⃣ Italian speaker 🇮🇹 3️⃣Arabic speaker (following country only 👉 🇦🇪🇴🇲🇧🇭🇶🇦🇰🇼🇸🇦 ) 4️⃣Brazil Portuguese speaker🇧🇷 5️⃣ French speaker 🇫🇷 Video shoot, 6-8h, 1500-3000/day, no experience is ok, please send …
hangzhou--only can from hangzhou 1day from oct 20-23 Student graduation project act shooting . white skin female 4h or more .indoor+outdoor 600per h
🎥Upcoming TVs will need a good looking guy: • good English; • social dancing(like you’re in the club) • about 5 days shooting (not in a row) • shooting place is in Hengdian/Hangzhou and Fuzhou, so guys from Hangzhou Shanghai Guangzhou all good. Contact me with materials if interested. Thanks. …
Guangzhou, mid-October white female model is needed [玫瑰]Be 168cm tall or younger Shoot in ordinary costumes Indoor shooting, pictures Price 600/hour, 4 hours Prices can also be adjusted if they meet the requirements Reimbursement of high-speed rail tickets If you are interested, please send me a model card and tell …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 5⃣️jiangsu(accept model from any city) Date depends on your time,winter clothes outside photos and video shooting,need a fashion old male model more than 50 years old.💰Give me your price Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871