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‼️Job 1: Shooting in Hangzhou From October 15 to 17 Choose 2 or 3 days. 1.25-40 year old male 2.25-40 year old female 3. baby Indoor shoots, furniture Videos + Photos May need to be filmed with a dog You can sign up as a family or as a single …
It was a very low-budget shoot Filming took place around the middle of October Filming in Changchun, Jilin all over the country reimbursement of fares The content can be seen as follows The protagonist budget is not more than 4000/ day, the hard standard is the accent, to American, nationality …
Shooting in Shenzhen (outdoor) 1️⃣ Both men and women can play tennis. 🎾 💰 500 / h, more than 8 hours Sign up and send me the information wx:Z-510-Q
8号朝阳名媛传奇 医美探店拍摄 非常简单 不用注射 素颜去就可以~最好要笑起来甜美的,网感好的,皮肤状态好的 ,不要照骗,不符合当场退🙋 🌟定人定档,结款非常快 ,拍摄大概3h左右,最多不会超过5h ,巨轻松,就是配合视频转头 🎬 报名私信我摩卡➕自我介绍➕素颜视频(正侧面),不收笔记 ! 合适的欢迎报名发资料,其余的不提 自报价费用高
7 Oct we have a commercial video shooting in Huzhou city. We will start from noon time and finish late by the second day early morning on 8 Oct. We need to hire several light skin tone appearance male and female talent for feature extras ballroom dancing scene. We don’t …
招聘女舞蹈演员!! 安徽景区时间:10.12-半月结束 路费实报实销单程高铁二等 工作稳定 资料过就进场 住宿:2-4 需求:7名女舞蹈演员165+ 薪资: 200一天 演出场次:2-4工作轻松休息时间多
Oct 10,Shenzhen ,Need kids boy and girl,height 125~135,shooting for bag ,pictures and video all have ,price not high just 500/h ,at least 4 hour ,if your baby available ,find me ,
Hangzhou, 10th,cosmetics shooting,only 2-3 hours female model,pls let me know if you are in.hangzhou
江苏南通 开心麻花表演剧演员招募 国庆后10-13号进 一年 平均一天2场左右 一场一个小时 4男8女6000-7000➕ 要求:男孩净175 女孩:净165 专业要求:表演专业或有喜剧天赋 线上面试:录制试戏视频 面试 住宿两室一厅或者四人间 路费报销来回 吃食堂 鸽子事妈勿扰虚假资料退回路费不管
Shooting tennis rackets in Shenzhen on the 11th, white-skinned male models and female models who play tennis professionally, 500~700 per hour for 6-8 hours,note ur city total of 2 days shooting in Guangzhou from October 12 to 13, white-skinned men 14-17 years old, 500 to 700 per hour, at least …
TVC shooting in Beijing on October 8th need 1 mixed blood (European- Asian) Male Model about 20-25 years old. Interested dm me asap for more details. ⚠️: Based in Beijing only
Shooting tennis rackets in Shenzhen on the 11th, white-skinned male models and female models who play tennis professionally, 500 per hour for 6-8 hours
Guangzhou: We need a female model around 30 years old for product photography on the 11th. The shoot will last for about 3 hours, and a two-year portrait agreement is required. If you are available, please contact me as soon as possible to send your information. Thank you.
广州单:服装拍摄 需要60-70cm左右的中国女宝宝,合适的请私发我模卡和视频,谢谢!(报名仅限广佛)
上海通告 15-17号拍摄 东南亚男演员 上班族男主演 (印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾) 年龄25-35岁 空的发模卡视频+作品 价格看人定价
🎥For the upcoming movie in Hengdian and Guangzhou, the following actors are needed: • European-looking male, 30 years old (supporting role) • European-looking male, 45 years old (supporting role) • European-looking male, 55-60 years old (supporting role) ••• Preference will be given to actors based in Shanghai, Hangzhou, or Guangzhou. …
It was shot in Paris, France, and the Chinese were asked to do it in Paris Shooting content and actor requirements: Video one October 14th (may also be filmed on October 16th) one ️⃣ General content: Showcasing martial arts and playing Chinese musical instruments at various landmarks and streets in …
Customer increases budget.Hangzhou, 10th,shoot skincare products for 2-3 hours,600-700 per hour, white skin female model, please send me a model card and video materials if you are free. (Don't post what was previously posted)
Upcoming movie in Hengdian and Guangzhou will need following supporting positions -European looking guy for 30 years old, supporting - European looking guy for 45 years old, supporting - European looking guy for 55-60 years old, supporting Price negotiable, we prefer ones from Shanghai/ Hangzhou/ Guangzhou Shooting place: hengdian and …
Movie shooting. Need stunts for 30 days. Provide tickets and hotel. For more details add me. ‼️Only ppl from Europe ‼️
Casting Call: Actors Needed for Upcoming Movie in Hengdian & Guangzhou Looking for not very experienced talents. Budget is not high, but negotiable. If you fit the role description, please PM me. Exact shooting dates to be confirmed. Roles Needed: • European-looking male, around 30 years old, supporting role. • …
Shooting in Shenzhen Looking for a Middle Eastern male model with a lot of beards to shoot video. Only can accept from near city. 💰 budget 600-800/h. If you are suitable,please send me your model card and packaging materials with city and price. thank u
Hangzhou, 10th,shoot skincare products for 2-3 hours, 500 per hour, white female model, please send me a model card and materials if you are free.
Recently we need 4 persons for shooting in Shanghai. ❗️Only old people based in Shanghai. Age 40-70. ✨Black and white all can apply. ❗️We don’t need professional models. Only need normal looking models. Date: Two days. 10.12-10.13. If you are interested, please send me your information.[抱拳][抱拳]