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Guangzhou job, female model, Jewelry shooting,having ear hole,black/dark brown hair,500/H, 4H-8H ,please send me your card and video.thanks 🌹
#2024暑期全国小演员招募3-15岁小演员 不带资有片酬 ! !超一线阵容大戏开机 s级院线电影,顶流加实力派主演一线剧组招募小演员 可爱,活泼,有可塑性的家长私我!新人素人可带! 全国各地均可报名,有差旅有片酬! 江浙沪,云贵川和东三省地区特招,每月都有通告,本地优先推荐!
Shanghai Order: TikTok commercial shooting Tip: Directly send me your model card + mother language intro video (if you don’t have, pls prepare and send) + your mother language modeling/acting samples (if have) + your location Nationality needed: Italian If you have friends you can recommend them
🌟🌟🌟集美CASTING🌟🌟🌟 🌟National recruitment, reimbursement of travel to other places, Beijing artist advertising shooting, 10.6/7 makeup, 10.8 rehearsal, 10.9 shooting, two-year global all-media, self-quotation [Role Requirements]: White people aged 40 to 50, French or looking like French, can speak French (no Russian and Ukrainian nationalities) [Contact WeChat]: Awei 15600666838 ⚠️⚠️⚠️There is …
Job notice 🎥 : Shooting of documentary in Ningxia and hengdian need several people for different roles for few days 1️⃣ Wiltomar: Male of age around 58, 3 days shoot . October: 10 /17 /20. 2️⃣ Charlie Gordon: Male of age around 47, One day of filming, October 11th, 3️⃣ …
厦门单 明天10.5广告拍摄还需多名 上午 男中老年 下午 年轻男女 男女中老年 拍摄时间两小时 120 $拍摄简单 当天现结
Oct 10th, shooting furniture in Foshan, need a female model, free to send me a model card
1️⃣ need male model from ⚠️Middle East for shooting in Shenzhen for electronics. Can be from these countries :Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Bahrain, Turkey ,Cyprus 13202265064
@ all people Shanghai notes tomorrow i need some girls from Bangladesh for 1.5 hour car shoot video note: if anyone has done it once not acceptable again. Bangladesh
[[Casting Notice]] Game TVC ——— In house agent Louise in Cozmikk. Roles: two young female and two young male who can speak native English , good English accent Shooting dates: 17th Oct Shooting duration : one day Shooting Location: Shanghai Talent rate: 4000/ 8 hours + overtime Need sign right …
I am a highly capable education and training professional, and my daily task involves reaching out to students to inquire if they are in need of an English teacher. Currently, my requirements are as follows: I am seeking both foreign and Chinese teachers for various locations in Shanghai. In Beijing, …
Guangzhou wig product shooting at the end of October, the need for young short hair foreign female models, the price of 500 per hour, shooting often 6 to 8 hours, free with moka registration.
China based 🇮🇹Italian/🇩🇪Germany male actor at 40s needed for movie 5 days shooting in Harbin Mid of October Role: expert in meeting with simple lines in your language Apply with photo +video We chat: 735340944
homeware shooting im Qingdao ,10-12th,need 20-30years old lady who is based in Qingdao. if you are interested,ct me please
Shanghai October 20-23 location shooting, need 4-5 foreign band: One vocalist, one bass, one cello/double bass, one drum, one saxophone/trumpet, can be a solo instrument, do not need to be a band, no Russian, Ukrainian, any other nationality is acceptable, blacks and Asians are acceptable
全国通告[红包]拍摄院线电影 一线团队,阵容保密 广州拍摄 男女 10月底进组 周期100天。会演戏 要电视剧有作品 年龄20到50岁之间男女老少 资料PPT➕影视剧作品 费用私聊适合群规 微信18001387157小薇 ———————————————— ❌替身❌替身❌ 差旅报销 佛山项目 10月底-11月初开机 身高 178cm 体重 64kg 替身中年男的35-45岁 会演戏 有作品 ➕ 前后 正面照片➕港澳通行证照片 真实身高不得相差 1cm 真实体重不得相差 2kg 预计跟组3个月,如有有想了解的联系我微信18001387157小薇
海南乐园补招 女舞蹈演员:10人(身高163➕) 男舞蹈演员:6人(身高175➕) 包吃住行随时🉑进场,学校,团队,经纪人可谈了解详情速度联系[勾引][勾引][勾引] 换群备注
Shanghai notes need Africans girls and boys for car video shoot age is above 25 1.5 hours if you do it before no need to come
Shooting Need 2 male young model 500/h ,shoot for 8hrs, date:14-15th Need to sign portrait right, model from Zhejiang,Jiangsu, Shanghai area can apply for it, send me ur material.
#佛山电影拍摄 时间:10月16号拍摄,15号要提前进剧组。 价格:2000/8小时。 要求: 一位外国过 ,年龄20-30岁都可以,20-30岁,要说几句词,金发白人男,要会说中文的,不用流利,能说就可以。 只要在广州本地的外地不考虑。 # Foshan film shooting Time: October 16 shooting, 15 to enter the crew in advance. Price: 2000/8 hours. Requirements: A foreign, age 20-30 years old can, 20-30 years old, to say a few words, blond white male, to speak Chinese, not fluent, can …
Beijing Foreigners Notice: The treadmill commercial was filmed: Around 10 October Needed urgently: A black actress, a white actor, aged 20 to 30 years old, would like to be in good shape, fit, and speak English!
北京近期拍摄游戏 需要菲律宾演员 在北京或者北京周边优先 Beijing recently filmed games We need Filipino actors Priority given to Beijing or its surrounding areas 东莞拍摄服装,需要一个外籍女模特,鞋码37或者38,肤色不限,服装尺码s或者m 500/小时,拍摄时间上午10点到下午5点左右,中午休息一小时 报名发送模卡,自我介绍视频 Dongguan clothing shooting requires a foreign female model, shoe size 37 or 38, skin color not limited, clothing size s or m 500/hour, shooting time from around 10am …
1️⃣Guangzhou october 6th young FEMALE model normal clothes shooting indoor,500-600/h. 4h-8h. 2️⃣jiangmen: october 12th-16th shooting gongfu movie need MAN 18-30years old, you can do boxing. send card ,boxing videos. 3️⃣Guangzhou soon shooting indoor clothes need black-skin MALE model, thin body. 500/h,two hrs. depends on model schedule.
@所有人 改拍摄地,报过的愿意自理差旅的,可以重新报 杭州单,外地没有差旅, 8号或者9号定妆,10号拍摄,需要一个5-6岁的女孩,表演经历丰富,长相可爱,价700,一定要配合度高的,可控的, 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频,