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15th in GZ FOUSHAN Looking for 2 ppl who can be Mideast ppl ,plz contact me 2extra actor
Shenzhen job :tmr shooting product need a female model ,2-3hours ,who can pls contact me,just need Shenzhen model ,no ticket
Hangzhou: 21 or 22nd shooting in Hangzhou need a female model.videos+photos Fashionable 10hrs➕,700/h No offer travel fee from other city. Pls send me card first
收 笑容有感染力的小麦色拉美女模 拍摄日期:17-19号之间一天 拍摄地点:深圳或者三亚 拍摄内容:手机样张(平面) 预算:1-1.3k/h 四小时起 室内室外 需要配合签国际 一年肖像权 (投放印度) 具有独特漂亮的女模 有合适的请发模卡 超预算的需要备注(城市➕报价) ,谢谢
@所有人 报过的不用重复报名 江浙沪差旅,上海拍摄,定妆也有差旅,24定妆25-27其中一天拍, 有可能平面套拍,12H超时 需要3岁-4岁的男孩女孩,可爱一点,肉嘟嘟的,纯真一点,青梅竹马的感觉 价1000 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+TVC作品视频+平面作品,有啥发啥+生活照多张
14th SHENYANG 沈阳 for extra movie shooting need 10 man 35-50 years old from near city provide tickets
20-30-year-old young white-skinned male model , 178-181cm tall, Nanjing shooting for a total of 4 days, 500-700 per hour, at least 4 hours a day Must be able to drive the bike shown in the picture.
叶崇生:男,视觉年龄是个13岁左右的孩子,看起来天真无辜,实际已经是个100多岁的老人,醉心于长生的研究,是个近乎变态的科学家。需要戏非常好。 女主童年:女,10岁左右,身世凄惨,颠沛流离,要形象好戏好。 少年蒋卓: 女,10岁左右,身患重病的富家女,任性傲慢,形象好戏好。 程小星:男,8岁左右,育幼院孩子们的领头,善良勇敢,总是护着妹妹们。 小梅:女,7岁左右,育幼院的小妹妹,勇敢坚强。 程小青:女,7岁左右,育幼院最小的妹妹,怯懦爱哭。 以上孩子戏份非常重,都要求形象好戏好,29号横店开机,网剧周期30天 短剧,22号开机,6岁双胞胎男孩,全程戏份,戏好合适联系,横店周边,拼一起像也行 央6电影26号江苏盐城开机,9岁男孩,15天戏份,16-17岁女孩,4-5天,14-16岁男孩,3天戏份,合适联系, 快手平台古装网剧20号开机,7-10岁孩子,全程戏份,天真活泼,烂漫可爱,戏重,合适联系, 短剧18号横店开机,13岁男孩,全程戏份,横店周边联系, 全国通告(某奶粉,一年内不能拍过奶粉) 亚裔混血偏东南亚小女生4-6歲,12月9-12其中一天拍TVC,拍攝前兩天去新西蘭定装 (需要会骑马或者敢骑马) 混血小男孩 3岁视觉年龄 可爱 形象好气质佳 12月12-16日其中一天拍摄 需要提前两天去新西兰定妆 亞洲3歲小男生,12月12-16日其中拍摄一天TVC+⚠️平面,拍攝前兩天去新西蘭定妝。 ⚠️要能去新西兰的,直接有護照簽證的,注意⚠️ 报名发模卡+自我介绍视频(自己录的)+艺术照+生活照+视频作品 版权范围:中国大陆,香港,东南亚,欧洲及墨西哥兩年 全球费用合理自报,只要能去,报名备注所在城市或者国家
Haerbin city from end of November till January 60 days work shooting TikTok video everyday 6-8h ,need 1 male 175-185 ,1 female 165-175,age 20-30 look young can understand Chinese can speak Chinese ,transportation hotel food pay ,plz send me ur card and self introduction video in Chinese
4)zhejiang: home product indoor shooting nov 19th 1#male model(175cm-180cm) .1#Female 19-20-21th (160-170cm),400/h,5h+. we pay ticket from Shshanghai,HangZhou..nearby city.
🟦Car vlog, start shooting for 8 days on the 18th, reimbursement of travel, shooting in Scotland, England, portraits online worldwide for a year [Personnel Requirements]: Two foreign actors, one male and one female, white and Latin American are the best. Visual age 30-35. ( It's best in the UK, but …
Hangzhou job Time:11.22 We need a girl who is 80-95cm tall. Please contact me! 11.22,杭州产品图拍摄,需要80-95cm身高的女孩,外籍或混血,可以自己涂一下驱蚊膏的(需要有类似作品,或者自己录一个涂抹动作的视频发给我),要情绪稳定配合度高的。 请私信发模卡+生活视频+孩子自己涂抹动作的视频或类似作品+所在地
Shooting Date: Nov. 17th Location: Shenzhen Shooting content: Mobile Phone Model requirements: a female and a male model,25-30,white,sunshine,smile 4 hours+ pls send me ur materials thx
🎞️In China for Big movie shooting need : ‼️ Requirements: Need Inuit and Eskimo Girl age about 5 to 10 years old , Mixed races with Inuit and Eskimo also acceptable, Provide accommodation , visa and transportation from all over the world 🌍 If you know child girl of this …
Shanghai single, the recent need for a large size female model to shoot clothing, 700-800 an hour, 4 hours to start shooting, free to send me a model card, there are fares
Beijing 15 shooting 🎬 promotional video We need two white boys and two white girls Age 25 ~ 35 years old. There will be a small number of English lines Contact me when you have time 北京15号拍摄🎬宣传片 需要2名白人男孩,2名白人女孩 年龄25岁~35岁。会有少量的英文台词 有时间的联系我
Xiamen city, shooting on 20th this month need a male actor with big tattoos and some beard. 500rmb per hour and the shooting will be about 6 hours. There will be some English lines.people from other cities are also welcomed. Transportation from other city will be reimbursed. If you are …
(1)shenzhen shooting nov 18th shooting pet producrs#female model. 3k eigh hrs. send card. (2)shenzhen soon shooting teacher english video,#female model,4h.500/h. speak english lines. 3)jiangxi gangzhou(train 2.5h from GZ):nov 16-17th two day for local mini Music Festival,outdoor【extra role】,1.2k per day six hrs, 6young #boy,16-25years old,student-looking. we pay ticket. (4)zhejiang: home product …
Changsha No.14 short video shooting requires both male and female foreign actors, with a low budget, Register and send me a demo card or photo
长沙14号短片拍摄需要男女外籍演员,预算低, 注册并给我发一张演示卡或照片
Shooting in Shenzhen on November 20 We need a white male model, Bearded, handsome, around 25-35 years old, nice hands 3000 for 8 hours Need to sign a model authorization for 5 years
Zhongshan job ,this week we need a foreign girl for children bike shooting ,height around 90cm,pls pics to wechat :happyvero123
Guangzhou Notice 2 foreign actors are needed, male, aged 20-30 years old, to shoot a short video on Douyin, similar to playing a boyfriend, tentatively scheduled for the evening of November 17, with a shooting duration of 4-5 hours
Hangzhou needs a male and female model next week who can speak Portuguese, preferably a native of Portugal🇵🇹, to shoot home product videos. The price is 500 yuan/h and the duration is 5-6 hours. Transportation expenses will be reimbursed from other places. Welcome to register
小红书招募北京ip医美直发达人 产品:医美 平台:小红书 达人类型:颜值 合作形式:供稿直发 粉丝量:无要求 要求:要北京IP,能接医美的 数据优质 合作费用:报备图文300以内(返点50%+) 执行时间:选中就执行 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/eAIBiGw.aspx# 抖音 汽车类 运动类达人招募 2、品牌产品:汽车保养套餐 3、发布形式:视频 非报备 原创 4、粉丝要求:千粉+ 5、账号类别:汽车类 运动类 6、单个预算:500内自报 9、投放时间:定号就执行 11、是否需要探店(地区): 当地连锁店内进行拍摄 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rJN7nM0.aspx#