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Shanghai work, 20 or 21 shoot Tiktok video, need German girls + Italian girls + Indonesian girls + Vietnamese girls + Malaysian girls, if you free to give me introduction video, require nationality with mother tongue@all
Shooting in Hangzhou on the 27th Requirement: Female external model, good-looking and elegant, capable of supporting expensive products, above 170 yuan, good-looking hands Shoot a short video (bedding and scarf), shoot for 8 hours, send me a video of my work, and provide the price
Hainan city needs a male model and a female model to shoot surfing and play surfing,Please contact me,
Circular. Several screen short video shoot Shooting time: December 5 - December 11 1. Female female cousin Age: Around 25 2. Female Principal Assistant Age: Around 25 3. Female Three Age: Around 25 4. Female 2 Age: Around 25 5. Male and Female Assistant Age: Around 35 6. Male Principal …
Hangzhou photoshoot: On Nov.18th, i need a male model to play the role of father and a child aged 5-7 girl is needed to shoot home products. Each person shoot 4 hours the least, and customers do not need Eastern European models. Models from all over the country are welcome, …
End of this month. Xiamen city need a male and female actor from France for tiktok short videos shooting. Speaking French. 4hrs+
杭州小辣椒通告 拍摄时间:11月20-21 拍摄内容:宣传片第一天平面,1k(8小时工作制)。第二天视频,1k(12小时工作制) 拍摄地址:广州佛山 演员要求: 1、年龄20-26岁。阳光美少女,女生要求会点瑜伽。 只要人在广州的演员。 casting+自我介绍+作品。
公司直聘女演员 浙江杭州 薪资1.5w到1.8w 晚上八点到十一点半上班 酒店双人标间住宿 包吃住行 合同可写 无责底薪1.5 审核通过 底薪1.5w💰起步 条件优异可上涨 过年集中放假 有红包🧧 资料通过✅马上进场!
November 30th in Guangzhou dress shooting need a female model,700/h about 8 hours
Foreign Actors in England🇬🇧!! Car vlog, 8 days of shooting starting on November 18, reimbursement of travel, shooting in Scotland, United Kingdom, portrait one year online worldwide. [Personnel requirements]: 2 foreign actors, one man and one woman, are needed, and whites and Latinos are the best. Visual age 30-35. (Best …
春节档大品牌商务定制剧 ,大咖云集。 现招中国籍外国裔、混血,年轻男演员 ,视觉年龄20-35岁,要求中文流利,有影视表演基础。11月底开机,拍摄周期10天左右 During the Spring Festival, big brand business customized dramas gather with big names. We are currently recruiting young male actors of Chinese nationality of foreign descent and mixed race, with a visual age of 20-35 years old. They are required to be fluent in Chinese and …
#2025全国小演员招募3-15岁小演员 不带资有片酬 ! !超一线阵容大戏开机 s级院线电影,顶流加实力派主演一线剧组招募小演员 可爱,活泼,有可塑性的家长私我!新人素人可带! 全国各地均可报名,有差旅有片酬! 江浙沪,云贵川和东三省地区特招,每月都有通告,本地优先推荐! #新人需要电影作品的来‼ 古装仙侠剧🔥 全国找5到15岁的新人小演员‼ 江苏苏州 《风起长明》走进武侠时代的快意情仇☀ 适合人群 1.拍戏时间要求高只能接假期的 2.喜欢表演但一直拍不上角色的 3.一直跑群演,没有作品拿出手的 4.想和明星老戏骨学习➕切磋的 5.想通过作品未来找到更多好作品合作机会的 可咨询我
[[Cozmikk Castings ]] December high class shooting need mix actors actresses/ models , remain confidential now . Pls send me materials.
Dongguan Humen shooting requires a female external model to shoot a video. The shoot will take place on one day of November 21st or 22nd, lasting for four hours. Foreign female models in Guangdong can also apply and receive reimbursement for high-speed rail within the province. Please contact Koskye on …
Shanghai work, 20 or 21 years old to shoot Tiktok video, need German girl + Italian girl + Indonesian girl + Vietnamese girl + Malaysian girl, free to me moka price introduction video, require nationality with mother tongue There are foreign girls who want to find a Chinese man to …
Shijiazhuang area requires 2 foreign actors, 2 females or 1 male and 1 female. Russians who are beautiful or handsome are required to work in Russian restaurants, singing and dancing for more than a week
Hangzhou Xiaoshan Wenyan town Need a male actor with a big beard,middle eastern style,age 25-40,Have your own suit,1.2k/4h Suitable for long-term multiple cooperation,with good work attitude fixed people and fixed date Simple shooting content,act as a backdrop,very simple,like bodyguard Reimbursement of taxi fare in Hangzhou If you're interested,please send your …
杭州拍摄 27号 要求:女外模,好看有气质,撑得起来贵价产品,170以上,手好看 拍摄短视频(床品和围巾),8个小时内 费用3500,杭州上海模特!
Hangzhou Notice Foreign male teenage models with a height between 167-172 cm needed for a photo shoot lasting 5-6 hours. No experience required.
11.15号拍摄 广州白云区 女模特:8h/400 拍途虎养车门店口播 信息流口播 +场景化 (记词快的 可擦点边的优先)可反片 11.16拍摄 广州白云区 男模特:400/8h 拍摄:发胶、发泥、洗面奶、冲锋衣/可反片
广州拍摄:11月26~27号其中一天内景服装拍摄,需要两位身高120的男女童模,中模 混血 外籍也可以,预算500一小时以内报价,广东省内报销差旅,外地无,谢谢~Guangzhou shooting: On one day from November 26th to 27th, we will be shooting interior costumes. We will need two male and female models with a height of 120 meters. We also accept mixed race foreign models, with a budget of 500 yuan and a quote within one …
Notice from Shenzhen: We need a male model to shoot casual pudding shoes in the near future, aged about 45. The price is 700 ~ 800/h and the shooting time is 4 hours. This number is full, please add 19075160049 for registration.
Casting : 15 Extras Needed in Shanghai🎬 We are looking for 15 extras in Shanghai for a two-day shoot. The breakdown is as follows: • 7 extras will be needed on the 16th. • 8 extras will be needed on the 17th. The budget is 700 RMB for each extra. …
江门拍摄#大型网剧 拍摄时间:11.21-24(连拍) 需要演员:小角色 6-8岁男孩,看起来木纳,会演戏 6-8岁男孩,活泼可爱,帅气,戏好 需要资料:自我介绍+作品视频+PPT 江西通告#院线电影 拍摄日期:12月 需要演员: 6-7岁女孩,小主演,戏重。机灵 要接戏,小女孩戏份12天左右,配合度高。 资料: 自我介绍视频+ppt+作品视频 横店通告 #院线电影 时间:12.6号开机 需要演员: 12-14女孩,女主小时候,拍一周 14-16男孩,男主小时候,戏重,拍一周 资料: 自我介绍视频+ppt+作品视频
Guangzhou: around the 20th, smart toilet shooting, need a female model, young and beautiful, 700 / h, if you have time, please send me a message, thank you(only guangdong)