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江门拍摄#大型网剧 拍摄时间:11.21-24(连拍) 需要演员:小角色 6-8岁男孩,看起来木纳,会演戏 6-8岁男孩,活泼可爱,帅气,戏好 需要资料:自我介绍+作品视频+PPT 江西通告#院线电影 拍摄日期:12月 需要演员: 6-7岁女孩,小主演,戏重。机灵 要接戏,小女孩戏份12天左右,配合度高。 资料: 自我介绍视频+ppt+作品视频 横店通告 #院线电影 时间:12.6号开机 需要演员: 12-14女孩,女主小时候,拍一周 14-16男孩,男主小时候,戏重,拍一周 资料: 自我介绍视频+ppt+作品视频
Guangzhou: around the 20th, smart toilet shooting, need a female model, young and beautiful, 700 / h, if you have time, please send me a message, thank you(only guangdong)
Shooting in Hangzhou On either November 21st or 22nd, a foreign female model is required for a professional and advanced shooting fee of 700 hours per hour, with a duration of more than 10 hours. If you are interested, please send a model card
These last few days,, shooting a short video in Shenzhen, need a foreign male model,like the Middle East, a little Chinese, good effect, customers often have to shoot, 1200 / 2h. Best living in Shenzhen
Hangzhou Notice Expected late November Product Advertising Shoot Shooting in an indoor shed 1⃣️ Boys 8-12 years old, foreign white boys 500 hours, 6 hours or so 2⃣️Role Financial accountant, foreign white male model, age 35-40, business elite sense 600 hours, about 4-8 hours The above models need beautiful fingers, …
Shooting in Hangzhou 1. Two white men with European faces 2. Time 1 to 2 hours 3. Bring your own three sets of clothes (including what you wear, normal travel clothes, except shorts) 3. You need to shoot three times in total, just come once every other day.
Notice from Hangzhou (no travel): Appointment, file, and short video shooting for oral broadcast. We require pure white Americans who can speak authentic English. The shooting will last for 3 hours and we will provide a self quotation。
Shenzhen is in need of young white models to shoot plot videos for beauty instruments. Both male and female models are required, with a payment of 600 yuan per hour. Models with good English skills are needed ‼️ One will play the role of a guest and the other will …
一定要现在就有签证的,一定要现在就有签证的,全国通告(某奶粉,拍过奶粉要说) 12月9-16其中一天新西兰拍摄和定妆 ⚠第一篇肖像全球全媒体使用两年 2⃣亚裔混血偏东南亚小女生4-6歲,12月9-12其中一天拍TVC,拍攝前兩天去新西蘭定装 (需要会骑马或者敢骑马) 3⃣亞洲3歲小男生,12月9-16日其中拍摄两天TVC,拍攝前兩天去新西蘭定妝。 ⚠第二篇肖像使用:中国大陆,香港,东南亚,欧洲及墨西哥两年 4⃣混血小男孩 3岁视觉年龄 可爱 形象好气质佳 12月12-16日其中一天拍摄 需要提前两天去新西兰定妆 6⃣亞洲3歲小男生,12月9-16日其中拍摄两天⚠TVC➕平面,拍攝前兩天去新西蘭定妝。 ⚠要能去新西兰的,直接有護照簽證的,注意⚠ 报名发模卡+自我介绍视频(自己录的)+艺术照+生活照+视频作品 全球费用合理自报,只要能去,报名备注所在城市或者国家
《成都》 成都武侯区招: 1. 化妆师一名:懂上镜妆容。化妆学院优先、有化妆经验优先。 2.编导一名:从事短视频行业优先,编导相关专业对口优先。 3.带货主播多名,接受新人小白。 4.古典舞、古筝、皮革、古琴等才艺多名。(不兼职,需全职) 意向咨询+V:(k130120356) ------------------------------------ 成都演员、礼仪、模特、舞蹈、主持、歌手没有通告的可以加我免费介绍活动。(仅成都)
🌟Beijing circular🌟 🕰Time: this Saturday 🎬Shooting: advertising 💫Requirements: 30-year-old visual age, foreign white actor, IT feels,good image, good acting skills and high cooperation. 💰Payment: 500 yuan/hour (starting from 4 hours) ⚠Sign up for casting➕Self introduction video➕Video of the work Thank you❤❤❤
We need a white female model, with a shooting time of 6-8 hours, to shoot in Dongguan, with a budget of 500/hour, and to contact the model card
Gz model only:Looking for experienced male model shooting for sports wear.Height 180-185,with nice smile.
We need one male external model by the end of the month, expected to shoot for 3 hours in Dongguan with a budget of 600/hour, mature and stable,已经报过的就不报了
kids( girl )and mom job shanghai or chengdu成都city--can from any city december 8 or 9 car video and pic. outdoor ①5 years old pretty little girl. or height around 110-120cm.(Children who cooperate with the filming) ②mom role. Elegant white/tan skin women. 25-35yo. 10-12h. end of november shanghai上海 or xiamen厦门 city--can …
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 5⃣️Guangzhou job December 2th,inside phone photos and video s shooting,need a male and a female model.💰Give me your price,at least 4 hours Send your card+city+price 6⃣️Gz job Date depends on your time,stomatological hospital photos and videos shooting(For Ai),need business feel male and a female …
Beijing single. Shoot the commercial video tomorrow. We need a 30-something white boy with American accents. There are some English lines. Make sure it's American. Americans are the best. Budget 500/h. From 4h.
It is expected that in November in Shenzhen a white girl is needed to take flat photos and videos of a niche jewelry design brand, preferably a blue eyed girl. Shoot for 8 hours, tell me your price $ Travel expenses: Only pay for travel expenses in Guangzhou/ Shenzhen area
A girl based in Guangzhou. Shoot clothing. Model requirements: Requires a beautiful wheat color and brown skin tone. Height 168-170. Don't be tall. Follow the model during the schedule. Shoot for 2-4 hours. Can accept 2-3 hours. Tell me your price.
#新人需要电影作品的来‼️ 古装仙侠剧🔥 全国找5到15岁的新人小演员‼️ 江苏苏州 《风起长明》走进武侠时代的快意情仇☀️ 适合人群 1.拍戏时间要求高只能接假期的 2.喜欢表演但一直拍不上角色的 3.一直跑群演,没有作品拿出手的 4.想和明星老戏骨学习➕切磋的 5.想通过作品未来找到更多好作品合作机会的 🉑咨询我🔛
Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai registration Shoot at the end of the month, confirm the model and confirm the schedule. Need a plus size female model⚠️Big size, fat Self-quoted price pm with video and card
Changsha: 25-29th two days family photo shooting need one little girl 3-6 years old, cute and good smile. 500-700/h 4-8h. Pay tickets. PM me if your girl available
[Heart]Guangzhou job: * Clothes shooting * European boys&girls (73码/80码/90码/ 100码/110码/120码/130码/140码) 混血也可以. * need only nearby city model. Thank you, Welcome to forward, WeChat:baby50835350
21 or 22 and 27th two days (Same model two days ) foshan shunde area ronggui station. (Shenzhen models transportation only claim 200yuan. Arrange by yourself please ) by train from gz south to ronggui station only 20yuan. Home product video shooting Looking for a female model blond hair. 20-28years …
Notice: Date:by the end of November Location:Shanghai Shooting Requirements: 1. Young white skin male model (23-30 years old, under 40 years old) 2. Must know how to play golf 3. Can do oral broadcasting, prefer American accent 4. Has muscle 5. Style:old money style If you're interested and meet the …