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四川成都通告: 2024世界国际小姐&世界国际先生 成都赛区B轮海选赛 时间:2024年10月27号 地点:成都格宝丽·忆喜婚礼艺术中心 时间安排◆ 10:00 前到场签到 10:00-10:50换装补妆 10:50-13:00彩排 13:00-13:30吃饭休息 13:30-15:30正式开始 15:30-16:00拍摄官方形象照 16:00-16:30公布晋级名额人气冠亚季大合照 报名参赛要求: 女生身高163以上,男生身高180以上;形象气质佳,身材比例好,会走秀。 加微信发资料,符合要求即可免费参加。通过海选晋级的选手,可参加11月9日四川总决赛,参赛优秀选手可以获得各大知名媒体新闻宣传曝光。 买成都模特通告群。加这个微信号报名:18662244883
[Heart][Heart][Heart][Heart][Heart][Heart][Heart] 金华通告 工作室招聘写真模特 [Rose]日结工资2000+ [Rose]女生,身高160以上,18-30岁,身材匀称 🎾外向,能配合拍摄要求 🎾有无经验均可,拍完结清工资 🎾报销路费 🎾有意向请加微信
这两天需要会讲印尼语的演员拍摄视频,演员自己架个架子自己拍就行了,我们提供台词,男女都可以,饰演律师,科普法律知识,背景为办公室或者书房 预算1500💰 I need Indonesian actors to shoot videos. Actor himselfJust shoot.Both men and women should be older.Play the lawyer, we provide the lines.Legal knowledge of popularization of science The price is 1500💰
Shenzhen requires one foreign actress, with priority given to women under the age of 25. White Americans look like Barbie dolls, with blonde hair and blue eyes (ages 14 to 18 are also acceptable), have experience in shooting short videos, strong camera performance, and can collaborate with clients to shoot …
全国通告🌹拍摄电视剧 现代戏,地点,深圳, 香港,演员阵容保密 广东周边优先会讲粤语的 11月19号之前确定能进组的, 周期50天左右,中途不能离组 差旅报销,需要跟组, 年轻男,数名年龄30岁以下 女生已够 会讲粤语优先,不会也没事 周期5天左右:保证要跟全程 资料PPT自我介绍 ➕影视剧作品 费用私聊定人聊价 微信18001387157,齐大圣
Movie shooting🎬🎬 I need foreigners in xishuangbanna city yunnan province can be from any nationality Local people please dm me with their material
杭州通告: 2024世界国际小姐&世界国际先生中国区晋级赛 时间:2024年11月30日 地点:杭州意法纺织城时尚发布中心 时间安排 10:00 前到场签到 10:00-10:50换装补妆 10:50-13:00 彩排 13:00-13:30吃饭休息 13:30-15:30正式开始 15:30-16:00 拍摄官方形象照 16:00-16:30公布晋级名额、大合照 通过晋级赛线下选拔的选手将获得参加12月15号在成都举行的中国区总决赛的名额。 报名要求: 女生163以上 ,男生180以上,形象条件良好 符合以上条件的发资料进行报名。换,买杭州模特通告群。报名加这个号:15501455944
Casting Call We are looking for European-looking males to work as long-term featured extras for a TV series. Details: • Arrival Date: Around December 10th • Work Duration: 2 months (cannot skip work, but a visa run can be discussed if needed) • Height Requirement: Around 180 cm • Roles: …
Shenzhen needs a male actor from the Middle East who looks like the Prince of Dubai, has high looks, can drive with a driver's license, and is under the age of 20-30. Shoot a video to play the role of a boyfriend. Please send me the model information and country …
[庆祝][庆祝][庆祝]现浙江景区招募: 1、女舞蹈5人(形象气质佳舞种不限) 2、男舞蹈5人(舞种不限) 3、佤族演员 4、主持 以上演员和我联系一专多能的优先[庆祝]吃住行都包,长期稳定项目,出粮准,一手项目,资料通过后线上面试✅本月中下旬进场[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][礼物][礼物][礼物]
公司直聘✈️ 杭州室内演绎补6名舞蹈演员 要求:舞种不限 身高163以上 工资💰:1.5w-2w 🏠:包吃住 酒店标间 报销路费 长期短期都🉑 鸽子公主病勿扰 📝换裙加备注
Shenzhen 25 Projector Video A family of three father mother son 🙍♂️Young Dad 22-30 Years Approximately 16h Boys from 20 to 30. Play the change of time 💁♀️Young mother 22-30 years old Approximately 10h 👶🏻Son 6-10 years old Approximately 4 h You need to have TV commercials that can see …
Shenzhen Luohu Black girls need to shoot, shoot accessories, shoot for half a day, sign up and send information
Casting Call: European-Looking Talent Needed for TV Series in Hengdian We are seeking European-looking male actors for a long-term role in a TV series. Details: • Role: Mafia team members (must be comfortable using prop guns) • Height: Around 180 cm • Requirements: Basic acting skills, able to speak some …
Gz 18 th shooting a 40-50 years old male models, please send me ur card , 891126567
Guangdong film shooting, youthful actress, young, cute and sweet, must have movies and TV series videos, 4000-6000 per day / 12 hours, about 15 days of shooting, note your city
广州单 车展时间:11月20号到24号连着有3天档期的国外模特,会说中文的男女模特不限, 拍摄类型:配合客户讲解说车视频拍摄,讲解车的性能款式 发布平台:抖音小红书 客户预算价格1800一天有符合的麻烦发模特卡视频给我谢谢!!
Shooting on November, the later time plan is not yet known. White-skinned actresses must have movies and TV series work video,4000-6000 per day/12 hours, note your city
Shooting in Shenzhen on November 26, sports-style female model 700 per hour, minimum 4 hours, note your city
Tonight, Shenyang,I need an African actress to shoot a promotional bar short video.About half an hour 今晚沈阳需要一个黑人女演员拍摄酒吧宣传视频。大约半个小时结束
[炸弹]Notice: Date:November 24 Location:Guangzhou Shooting Requirements: 1. White skin girl model 2. Age: 4-6 years old 3. Clothes size: 100-110 4. Must have modeling experience If you're interested and meet the requierment, can send your model card and work video!
代发:有想来新疆滑雪,考虑包车带领队的可以联系我,包车一天1.1k想去哪里滑雪任你安排,24小时管家服务,如果只单独在可可托海、将军山、禾木内活动包车一天300元子,(豪华suv保时捷或者路虎,带gopro、360航拍、无人机、单反)带装备可坐3个人 如果滑雪是0基础可以安排带教学的陪练一天1k(可以1教2,全天教学可以顶门到雪场直到下班,全天教学跟拍、拍摄,对半一个人才500元子,比找教练划算的很多) 有需要的雪友联系18509944641(同微)
腾讯网剧,男主女儿, 15岁左右女孩 青春 懂事 却又带一点邪气, 12月1号后有档期的 发一下资料给我 戏重,资料通过拿试戏 筹备院线电影2月份开机,120-150身高男孩,重要角色,戏好合适联系,资料通过拿试戏 央6电影26号江苏盐城开机,9岁男孩,11-15天戏份,戏好,机灵,16-17岁女孩,拍4-5天,14岁左右男孩,胖胖的,,3天戏份,16岁男孩,撇坏的,3天戏份,合适联系,资料通过拿试戏 12/6号郑州拍短剧,7岁左右男孩女孩,萌宝系列,全程戏份拍6天,合适联系, 短剧20号开机,7.8岁男孩,220-27号拍其中一天;3场戏,合适联系,北京本地,
近期深圳罗湖需要黑人女生拍摄,拍摄饰品,拍摄半天,报名加Lyyla212 Recently, Luohu, Shenzhen needs black girls to shoot, shoot ornaments and shoot for half a day, and sign up for Lyyla212.