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Shanghai shooting e-commerce product video a male model, preferably 175-185, not too tall 25- 35 years old, wheat colored skin budget 700/H about 6-8H near SH
抖音达人招募 1、平台:抖音 2、产品:支付宝小荷包 3、账号类型:买车方向 /好有/滑雪 4、粉丝要求:10w+ 5、合作方式:自己攒钱买车方向,20-60s,预算5k内 攒钱看雪剩——滑雪/好友,20-60s,5k内 备考剩——大学生、考公考证等相关,20-60s,5k 返点40+ 6、档期:选中执行 8、备注:标明非报备价格 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OtSfgIu.aspx# 招募标题:小红书亲子母婴宝妈颜值时尚探店博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:黄油小熊联名款薯片 3、账号类型:亲子类、宝妈类、母婴类、时尚、颜值、探店 4、粉丝:1000+ 5、合作方式:去最近的盒马拍摄并发布原创图文 6、档期:11月 7、价格:报价150内+送价值百元零食礼包 8、要求:需要拿着产品最近的去盒马拍摄(假装购物了此薯片) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/huY49vz.aspx#
Gz Nov shoothing sexy underwear need a female model. Shoothing 6~8hours. Need White skin girl. If you can pls send me your information with price.
1. Shenzhen single, can speak Chinese, need a male external model tomorrow, need to have a beard, 500 hours, only 4 hours of shooting, indoor and outdoor, there are products, no fare 2. Shenzhen single, the recent need for a male and female external model tiktok live, 2-3 hours from, …
Shanghai announced that the field should not disturb the filming at the end of the month Half a day, I'm not sure what day it is. Male model is about 25-35 years old. 600/ hour.
Dating APP tvc Guangzhou Date📆:Nov.20th Looking for Middle East looking female actresses 💰600/h minimum 4 hours Nothing intimate movements involved. Portrait will be needed for the job. 🚗 Only reimburse transpo in Guangdong. Pls send me ur card 📩+ video materials 🎥 to sign up
Shanghai 24th weekend shooting (foreign or mixed). 1. Need age 7 to 12 foreign girls or mixed girls, with suitable hair model card and self-introduction video for me.
On November 21st, outdoor work in Hangzhou, products shoot including videos and photos. Need a white American actress aged 28 or so with American accent (with dialogues). Estimated 4 hours, 800/H, 2-year global full media portrait rights. Need advertising portfolio and self-introduction video.
Shenzhen Single We are looking for male models with a schedule for tomorrow. The client requires that they can understand some Chinese to facilitate communication Filming duration: 3 hours Customer budget: 700/H The fare is reimbursed on a case-by-case basis. If you have time, please send me a model card. …
#新人需要电影作品的来‼ 剧本阵容升级🆙 保护和传承传统文化艺术,戏曲类型剧🔥 全国找5到15岁的新人小演员‼ 福建泉州 《同心桥》展示了两岸人民之间深厚情谊和交流的重要性 适合人群 1.拍戏时间要求高只能接假期的 2.喜欢表演但一直拍不上角色的 3.一直跑群演,没有作品拿出手的 4.想和明星老戏骨学习➕切磋的 5.想通过作品未来找到更多好作品合作机会的 🉑咨询我🔛
@Everyone Recently, Shenzhen Luohu needs black girls to shoot, shoot accessories, shoot for half a day, budget 500-600/h
甜禾通告: 杭州拍摄 需要95身高左右男童女童(93-97),国模或者混血,江浙沪地区报名
Qingdao this or next week advertising shooting for sport machine need one female 150-168cm , contact me if u have time or recommend with pleasure
We need a 40-year-old female model to shoot furniture in Hangzhou on November 20th.
@All dear friends:looking for 1 male and 1 female models for products shooting at Xiamen city on Dec,pls contact me ASAP if you are available!Thx!
[Bomb]Notice: Date:November 24 Location:Guangzhou Shooting Requirements: 1. Male model 2. Can oral broadcating, American accent 3. Must have modeling experience If you're interested and meet the requierment, can send your model card and American accent video!
抖音、小红书杭州本地生活、资讯、保险类博主招募 1、平台:小红书、抖音 2、产品:杭州医保 3、账号类型:杭州本地生活、资讯、保险类达人 4、粉丝要求:1w+ 5、合作方式:原创视频 6、合作费用:1000内自报价 7、要求:博主内容是贴近老百姓生活的,发布内容保留一年 8、档期:12月初 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mzCdH4z.aspx# 招募标题:小红书亲子母婴宝妈颜值时尚探店博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:黄油小熊联名款薯片 3、账号类型:亲子类、宝妈类、母婴类、时尚、颜值、探店 4、粉丝:1000+ 5、合作方式:去最近的盒马拍摄并发布原创图文 6、档期:11月 7、价格:报价150内+送价值百元零食礼包 8、要求:需要拿着产品最近的去盒马拍摄(假装购物了此薯片) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/huY49vz.aspx#
hanghai Notice Shooting Don't Disturb Shooting at the End of the Month I'm not sure exactly when. External model (male) and adolescent boy (8-15 years old) cost 400/ hour. Male external model is about 25-35, and the cost is 400/ hour.
The costume shoot in Beijing requires a white female model who is over 175 centimeters tall and between 25 and 35 years old. Please send your model card information. Preferably Beijing model, other places do not include travel, interested in contacting me for 6-8 hours of shooting! Chengdu and Shenzhen …
Shanghai study desk shooting requires a white male model (around 30 years old), and a white teenage boy(Around 12 years old),Please send me your information and quotation
Shanghai November 28 29 short video shooting need a foreign white young male 20-30 years old with muscular appearance. Sign up and send information. 400-500/h shooting 3 hours
💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻招聘短期人偶戏剧男演员!![Fireworks][Fireworks][Fireworks](人偶无经验也可以只要身高满足) 哈尔滨剧场景区👉🏻时间⌚️:11.28-2.27 路费实报实销(来回1000以内) 工作稳定 资料过就进场 👉🏻住宿:2-4 👉🏻需求:男女人偶身高140-155 戏剧男身高155-170 👉🏻薪资: 人偶:6000 戏剧:6000 👉🏻演出场次:2-5工作轻松休息时间多
上海通告 服装拍摄 需要身高175左右的黑皮女模和身高185左右的肌肉男模,国模或者亚裔混血模特都可以。拍摄时间暂定下周,预算3000/9小时内,要求比较高,一般的勿扰。 报名发casting+自我介绍视频即可 一卡一视频不要合并不要多发 外地无差旅谢谢
11.20 Gz (outdoor) We need a man to play the caveman Price 600/h (shoot 4h)no fare You need two years of image rights