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河北邯郸沉浸式剧场演出 面向全国招聘舞蹈演员 优秀舞蹈演员30名(15男15女) 演员要求 颜值高 舞感强 有舞蹈基础(民族舞、古典舞、音乐剧、影视表演等相关专业优先考虑) 要求: 女净身高:165厘米以上 男净身高:178厘米以上 实际薪酬:底薪+场次费+其他福利(6000-10000)导演面试定薪 ⚠️五险一金,员工食堂,外地可包住 ⚠️国企长期合同 晋升空间大 ⚠️国字号院团/院校舞蹈导演/艺术家编舞 正式演出2场/天,上6休1 简历包括:一寸照、舞蹈照片(3-5张)、身高体重、学习经历、表演实践经验、舞蹈视频等 短期活动张家口舞台剧[Party][Party] 需2女165 活动时间: 12.1~12.30排练+13天演出 演出时间: 12.31~1.1 2天演出 1月29~2月5(初一-初八)8天演出 2月11~2月13(正月十四-十六)3天演出 费用7500+800路费 过年有红包。包吃住。民族古典专业 石家庄集合大巴去张家口 咨询请发模卡
Shenzhen needs a female model to shoot a treadmill recently, with a height of about 1.64-1.68, a shooting time of about 5 hours, and a price of 500/h. If you are interested, please contact me
jiangsu nantong shooting need a boy model will in next month start send your model card and vedio and tell me how much
Notice Beijing job !!! 2th or 3th December one day Shoot pic with normal fashion clothes need one white girl . Shooting inside at least 4h If u r in Beijing and free ,let me know Can send me price and data WeChat 17301359091
Beijing December 1th needs foreign male model ( 30-35year-old) for car shooting , (6-8h.)Pls send me model card. Base in Beijing .
Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai accept outdoor model indoor shooting for men and women, and the price is 800/h.
Location Shanghai,, the shooting date is December 13th or so, the specific date has not yet been determined, need a foreign English hostess, the main requirements of the English accent standard some, the estimated shooting time of 8 hours Budget 4K
拍摄时间 2-3天, 找全国优质 男女外模,跟男女中 模, 拍摄职业装,符合国内审美的 ,发卡,谢谢 (有经纪模特群帮忙互拉下)
need 20 boys from Russia movie Shooting Salary 400 yuan a day . 3 days shooting hotel food train tickets will give people need Nearby Yangzhou city (Nanjing Shanghai ) Thank you all
need 20 boys from Russia movie Shooting Salary 400 yuan a day . 3 days shooting hotel food train tickets will give
11月30号拍摄一天,浙江品牌定制剧,要求高高高高,自己报价,要有视频作品 ①两个小点的小男孩4-5岁,年龄卡死必须5岁以下,2018年前的小朋友不要报了.全国报差旅
Beijing announcement: A sweet type of girl is needed to shoot a clothing advertisement on November 29.About 20-25 years old Please send me the information card photo + video self-introduction. 500 yuan/hour
Date not confirmed Foshan shunde area Home products photos and videos Shooting Looking for a female model slim body shape. 18-25years old. Without manicures not even nude or transparent.
全国通告🌹拍摄电视剧 现代戏,地点,深圳, 香港,演员,阵容保密 会讲粤语的,中途不能离组 差旅报销,需要跟组, 年轻男,数名年龄30岁以下 资料通过,今天或者明天今组跟在女主身边,会讲粤语优先 周期50天左右 资料PPT自我介绍 ➕影视剧作品 费用私聊定人聊价 报名,说清楚所在地什么地方 微信18001387157,齐大圣 全国通告[Packet]横店拍摄 大古装电视剧一线制作班底 保密项目不便透露 11月底开机,周期130天 保证能跟全程3月以上 横店拍摄,跟组青年男女 男孩182以上, 女孩165左右 另需文替(需跟全程) 男:182cm,60kg 资料PPT自我介绍➕电视剧昨品,拒收打包资料,费用私聊 微信18001387157 齐大圣
A girl based in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai. A day between the 25th and 27th. Shoot clothing, flat ➕ Video. 800-900/h. Only two hours. If possible, please contact me. Filmed in Hangzhou. Be able to abide by the agreement properly.
(2)nov 29th Guangzhou shooting office product video,20-30years old #male model, your looking like Arab or Southeast Asia people. 6h+. we pay ticket from all china. ✈️
(1) guangdong zhongshan nov 24th morning shooting drama video speak English lines,#female actor. (2)nov 29th Guangzhou shooting office product video,20-30years old #male model, your looking like Arab or Southeast Asia people. 6h+. we pay ticket from all china. ✈️ (3)guangzhou december 2th ,3th,4th,6th,7th, 1male actor,30-40years old,act as Warehouse supervisor 1male,25-35years …
Guangshen shooting, scheduled for early December with a specific person and time! Outdoor shooting of the base, children's swimsuits, requires foreign child models of the following height, mixed race with a foreign background, 110cm for boys and girls, 135-140cm for boys, and 140-145 cm for girls! Send Mocha information and …
1. Foreign male models. Time: 2024.early December. Location: Hangzhou. Outdoor. Product: Clothing. Foreign male model, black. Costume shooting can be reported all over the country. Two years of portrait rights, with their own prices, do not report false high. 2. Foreign female models. 2024.11.29。 Plus-size female models. Location: Hangzhou. Work …
Hindi/Indonesian/Vietnamese Local Job Description Job Responsibilities: 1. Daily Customer Service: Respond to customer complaints in Hindi/Indonesian/Vietnamese on WhatsApp and Zalo groups. Be the Community Manager in WhatsApp/Zalo groups. 2. APP Administrator: Manage activities in the app for the India/Indonesia/Vietnam regions, including but not limited to monitoring, interacting with users, resolving …
河南沉浸式舞蹈演出 女舞蹈:8个 🧚♀️女乐器6个 民乐 专业:舞种不限 1.工资待遇: 9000+额外提成 工资半月一发 2.酒店标间 3.路费报销500以内 4.工作内容:一天3个舞蹈 咨询先请先发摩卡,舞蹈视频! ❗️补6名女舞蹈❗️ 项目直聘(无中介) 演出场地:山西演艺剧场 女舞蹈演员6名 身高164以上,形象好 无责底薪:10k—15k 住宿:酒店标间 路费报销 甘肃舞蹈表演 专业:舞种不限 1.工资待遇:1w➕额外提成 2.住宿:酒店标间 3.路费满月保险 4.工作内容:舞台跳舞 没表演时后台休息 咨询请发模卡 舞蹈视频 项目直招 无中介! 女舞蹈演员 形象良好 另招3名线上领队,本人亲手带(备注来意)
These three types of overachievers, sports men, playboy type looks, and those with a height of 185 or above who need to have a better physique Not every character needs to be filmed for 15 days. It's just that two of the characters have more scenes and require longer filming …
Casting Call: White Models Needed for Photoshoot We are looking for white models for a photoshoot happening tomorrow in Tianjin. Details: • Location: Tianjin • Date: Tomorrow • Type: Photoshoot I interesting add me
Beijing Notice "1129 (Friday) Print Advertisement Requirements: One foreign female model from Europe and America. Requirements: Sweet, friendly, strong expressive, able to speak Chinese, shooting time: 4 hours
In Tianjin notice: shooting date: on 24th or 25th, about translation machine, just shooting an hour,take some pictures! need European white skin boy or girl ,age 18-35, if u r in Tianjin ,Right now share ur model card and video to me,wechat:461520711