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Announcement: 4 Japanese male and female actors are required. Age: around 50 years old. Content: Filming. Oral broadcast AI price: 6000 per day. Location:Hefei.Reimbursement of airfare. 需要4名日本籍男女演员 各50岁 内容:拍摄口播 价格:6000一天
Announcement: 4 Japanese male and female actors are required. Age: around 50 years old. Content: Filming. Oral broadcast AI price: 6000 per day. Location:Hefei.Reimbursement of airfare. Registration via WeChat: wsfpyy888 需要4名日本籍男女演员 各50岁 内容:拍摄口播 价格:6000一天 地点:合肥 报销机wsfpyy888
Shenzhen circular 11.29(Time tentative) We need an Anglo-American international couple Beautiful, straight teeth, good acting skills Shoot a projector commercial 2 lines It takes six to eight hours Reimburse commuting expenses Please contact me if you are interested, bring your price and mark your nationality
Work in Guangzhou [Outdoor] Time: 12.1-3 (shooting for 2 days) The following models are required for the Pikeball short film + promotional film: 1⃣️White female model, 18-30 years old 2⃣️Male model, 18-30 years old 3⃣️ Wheat-colored female model, 18-30 years old Video + graphic works! Shoot for 4-8 hours ⚠️can …
大IP音乐剧~舞者招募!!! 招募要求: 1,古典舞者,有现代舞基础者优先 2,女舞者身高165及以上,男舞者身高175及以上 3,请将——个人简历、个人形象照、个人舞蹈视频、技术技巧视频 情况简介: 1,时间:24年12月~25年 2,地点:上海~北京~上海 3,1月中旬上海合成,2月中旬北京音乐剧节、3月上海首演 4,2025年5-7月巡演,更多巡演计划安排中 薪资待遇: 1,排练、合成、彩排,150元/天/人 2,演出,600元/场/人 3,包住宿交通,每月集中发放餐补补贴 💃苏州庆余年剧场💃 需要男女舞蹈演员 165➕ 175➕ ⚠️有现代舞基础 2-3场 双人间 室内沉浸式 市中心地段 设施配套齐全 需一名男昆曲戏曲演员 需一名高空稠吊演员 四川眉山景区 需两名女戏剧演员165+(需在成都的演员)演出类型类似NPC表现欲强 外向活泼 6500 需线下面试包吃住行 12月初进项 包吃住行 有意者尽快联系 河北邯郸沉浸式剧场演出 面向全国招聘舞蹈演员 优秀舞蹈演员30名(15男15女) 演员要求 颜值高 舞感强 有舞蹈基础(民族舞、古典舞优先考虑) 要求: 女净身高:165厘米以上 男净身高:178厘米以上 实际薪酬:底薪6000+场次费+其他福利 导演面试定薪 ⚠️五险一金,员工食堂,外地可包住 ⚠️国企长期合同 晋升空间大 ⚠️国字号院团/院校舞蹈导演/艺术家编舞 …
招聘剧场演绎 舞蹈演员 山西 安徽 湖南 湖北 江苏 河南 杭州 有场地 岗位要求:18岁-26岁有舞蹈基础,不限舞种,中国舞优先 ,形象好气质佳,身高160以上的女性! 底薪7000+加场有提成 带薪排练,提成另算,工资十天一发。 🏠🏠🏠住宿:公司包吃住,宾馆2人间,Wi-Fi、空调、洗衣机等各种家具 💼不喝酒 不应酬 纯演绎 应聘者先发模卡舞蹈视频资料,鸽子女勿扰‼️ 男士勿加 📝换群加备注
🌟北京通告🌟 🕰️时间:11.27周三 后期需要长期合作 🎬拍摄:抖音流量账号 💫需求:20-25岁左右 女演员 甜美 看着好像刚上大学似的 青涩 领家小妹的感觉 形象好 戏好 配合度高 事儿少 新人也可 💰片酬:400 ⚠️报名发摩卡➕自介视频➕作品视频 谢谢❤❤❤
📸Notice❗️❗️❗️ 📍Address:Guangzhou (Costume shoot) 1️⃣👧🏽👧🏼Girls:100~110cm,Euro-american appearance and black skin. 2️⃣👶🏻Baby boys:78~85cm,Blond hair and blue eyes. 3️⃣🧒👧🏼Boys and girls:100~110cm & 135~145cm,Middle eastern face. Please contact me and send your model card. Thank you!
12.3 or 12.4,杭州产品拍摄。需要 1️⃣身高68-75cm左右的宝宝,要会站(可以扶站)愿意坐背带的,混血或中模 2️⃣身高88-95cm左右的宝宝,混血或中模。江浙沪优先 3️⃣身高100-110cm的国模,要肉一点的,不要太瘦,听话乖巧情绪稳定的 请私信发模卡+近期生活视频+所在地
December 9th Midea TVC We need a white male actor and a black male actor to play the role of a home appliance installation engineer Price: 500/h, 3h Need to sign a one-year global portrait rights agreement Some outdoor scenes and a few English lines Send me a model card+self …
💙💙北京单💙 12月7号拍摄 需要一名视觉年龄看起来16-18岁的女孩 需要🈶舞蹈基础 芭蕾舞最好 报名的发我一下资料 费用500/天 合适🉑自报
央6电影月底江苏盐城开机,12-15岁男孩,胖胖的,16岁左右男孩,29号,3号,8号拍,戏好,时间合适联系,欢迎推荐 电影短片,11.30-12.1号北京拍摄,13岁左右女孩 演初中生 不要长相太成熟的 身高160左右 在北京的,合适联系,需要三个女孩都是主演, 优酷平台横屏网剧,小安安,小苏菲(有台词,主演小时候)拍摄周期11.29开机20周期(约1-2天的戏)青岛拍摄。一定要可爱洋气的小朋友,年龄5-7岁女孩,个头越矮越好。 古装玄幻竖屏 横店12月7号开机, 林凡 男孩 7~8岁左右,形象好戏好,要演出成年人那种睿智老谋深算的感觉 林洪才 男孩 7~8岁左右,反一儿子,嚣张跋扈,仗势欺人,戏好。拍6/7天,全程戏份, 合适联系 短剧29-5号横店拍,4岁女孩,漂亮的可爱的,戏好的,合适联系,
1️⃣山西太原 城市音乐舞蹈融合高端剧场 马上进~长期2个月起步 🙋♀️招18女中国舞165➕ 6000➕800餐补️ 下午晚上演出 工资准时发 包住行单程 项目靠谱 想长期稳定有意向的来!🫵 包吃住行(长期演员限名额15个) 住宿4-6人 月休待定2-4 资料通过马上进场 寒假生🉑预留名额 换群备注
Hanyang 26 ,I need 2 women and 2 men for shooting , people around this area and near can apply WeChat: Angelosibbs
Video Shooting in Shanghai Fitting Day: 2 or 3 December (2h free, ot 300/h) Shooting Day: 5 or 6 December 💰: 600/h, 6hrs➕ Portrait Right: 2 years China mainland Need: a black man around 25-30 yo,tall and strong, had big muscle, acting as a basketball player, no need to play …
XIAMEN: December 12,shooting costumes, need 1 female model, blonde hair, white skin, height 175cm+ send me casting + clothing collection + hourly price
Shenzhen single, no travel, looking for a white female model to shoot underwear, 1000-1200/h, age 20-22 years old, 4 hours from, no fare
需 180 ➕男舞蹈演员 央视春晚 档期两个月 大年初一结束 档期空的丝
🎥 Yangzhou Need: European male actors for filming When: 25-26 November Payment: 700 rmb/day Contact: 15382269996
🎞️Beijing on December 15th for Clothes photo shoot need : On December 13th or 14th one of these days will be fitting 1️⃣ 1 female model age 20-35 years old 2️⃣ 1 male model age 20-35 years old 3️⃣ 1 boy age about 5-9 years old Need only Beijing people, …
Macau Job: We need 15 foreign influencers . Invite to experience Macau tourism. Shoot Macau tourism and cultural travel vlog videos. Everyone need make 4 short travel vlog videos. We provide scripts. Shoot it yourself. Require to have over 30K followers on any of these (TikTok/ Ins /Facebook)platforms. We pay …
Attention Models and Aspiring Stars! Want to boost your chances of being chosen by top brands and transform into a professional model? Whether you're: ✨ An experienced model refreshing your portfolio, ✨ A beginner stepping into the industry, [1 Photography] is here to help you stand out! Model Card Options: …
Guangzhou shooting video and pic Next week need one sweet style girl shooting for home children products ,good smlie,500/h, 4-6h, also need one kid shooting,4-6h,400/h, all is at least 4hour if u free next week pls send me info Need sign Portrait right 281377067 no ticket!!
Henan, the short video shooting started on December 3rd. A young male and female protagonist is needed to shoot for about 4 days. If you have time, please give me the information, and the national reimbursement of accommodation and air tickets.