WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
If you would like to continue using the service and would like to discuss the future of WeChatJobs, then please scan the QR code below and join the group to discuss it.
💙💙北京单💙 12月7号拍摄 需要一名视觉年龄看起来16-18岁的女孩 需要🈶舞蹈基础 芭蕾舞最好 报名的发我一下资料 费用500/天 合适🉑自报
[Heart][Heart]北京单[Heart] 十一月四号晚上和十一月七号拍摄需要一名中年男35-50岁左右的都行 声音要🈶凶狠一点儿的 拍摄戏份少 费用200合适的发我一下资料