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Wenzhou,22th, wedding dress +suits show ,in hotel ,12:00-8:30pm 【Demand】Need a female+ male model (need only nearby city model) Send card+country+city+your price
Need a female with 90C chest 【city】shooting in Guangzhou pr Hangzhou ,model can come from any city underwear shooting, not sure which date Send your card+chest+cup+quotation +city+which country from please
Need a female mode around 40-55years old with good figure , Suzhou ,dress shooting,4-8hours,, only need nearby city model,recently Send your card+quotation +city+which country from +age please
Need a female mode with short hair , Hangzhou ,2 hours shooting with little baby, only need nearby city model,recently Send your card+quotation for 2 hours shooting+city+which country from please
Need a female mode with short hair , Guangzhou city ,only need nearby city model sports style clothes+ swimming clothes shooting ,4-5 hours ,this month, inside+outside Send your card+quotation for 2 hours shooting+city+which country from please
Need a female model , Hangzhou city ,only need nearby city model 2 hours ,this month,bath towel shooting, inside+outside Send your card+quotation for 2 hours shooting+city+which country from please
Need a 163-168cm female model , only need nearby city model Hangzhou city ,2-3 hours ,this month,normal clothes shooting, inside+outside Send your card+quotation for 2-3 hours shooting+city+which country from please