WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
If you would like to continue using the service and would like to discuss the future of WeChatJobs, then please scan the QR code below and join the group to discuss it.
北京通告:礼仪迎宾接待、晚宴模特20人(提供住宿上下班接送) 待遇:日结工资1500-3000起。 微信:15010299589 要求:身高170以上形象好、气质佳、五官端正;有无工作经验均可,形象出众者身高不够也可以,带着颜值来,颜值一般的勿扰。(兼职长期均可)报名加微信发模卡或者生活照片定人。