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A part time offer in Jinan. A training center needs a part time female teacher. 45+hours per month. Classes r from Wednesday-Sunday. Can introduce the school and u talk through details.
A good offer in Jinan!!! From February 2025. A training center, 2 days off. Teachers with self care visa preferred. Very safe place. I can introduce the employer and you talk through all details yourself.
A good offer in Jinan!!! From February 2025. A training center, 2 days off. Teachers with self care visa preferred.
Who needs a part time in Shenzhen?! Only Nanshan is available. 1-2 times a week, 1-1, 5h+ Payment 350+/h. Parents want only experienced teachers with European face and a good accent.
A full time offer in Jinan from February 2025. A contract 1 year minimum. 2 days off a week. Working from 12-1pm -8pm on weekdays and from 8:40 - 6-6:10pm on weekends. Parents want an European face, female or male are fine. Need a teacher with a good accent and …
Need a female teacher for classes in Baoan Center Shenzhen to teach 4-5 yo students, beginners. A teacher must be with a clear accent. 350+/1h.
Native English teachers or teachers with a good accent are needed in Shenzhen. Only experienced once. 350¥+ / hour. 1-2 hours on weekdays. Working after 5pm. Teaching group of kids 3+yo (3-6 kids). Send me your information if you're interested. Classes are in Nanshan.