WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
If you would like to continue using the service and would like to discuss the future of WeChatJobs, then please scan the QR code below and join the group to discuss it.
俳優を募集する 性別 男性, 国籍 日本人, 20-35歳, 背番号 30+, キャラクター 日本の兵士 、撮影テーマ:中国侵略戦争、撮影タイプ、映画、キャスティング範囲:全国、撮影時間:年明け、撮影場所:上海、撮影期間:1~2日、予想給与:1k-2k以上、応相談 男優さんのプロフィール写真と自己紹介動画, , Recruit actors Gender Male, Nationality Japanese, Age 20-35 , Number 30+, Character Japanese Soldier , Filming theme War of Aggression against China, shooting type Movie, casting range Nationwide, Shooting time After the year, Filming location Shanghai, Shooting …