WeChat API fully operational
大家好! 我们翻译公司可以翻译以下文件(户口本,出生证,结婚证,身份证,营业执照,邀请函,毕业业 书,检验证,驾驶执照,护照,成绩单,委托书,简历,出国留学 申请书,健康证明,转让书,免学费证明书,牌子,菜谱等) 我们的语种有(汉语,英语,法语,德语,西班牙语,等语言) 包括其他很多语言种类 请随时联系[握手] Hello, hope you are doing great !!! I just want to inform you about our company's services: 1- Official Translation with legal Stamps which are accepted in Mainland China including Hongkong and Macao. 2-Interpreting and language assistance all over China. 3-Currency exchange (swapping) …