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Beijing Notice! Time: one day from October 9th and 10th. Money: 2500rmb, 5hurs. Request: white man with beard around 60yrs old; white man around 40 yrs old who looks like designer. ROLE TYPE:main roles with 5 or 6 English lines. Brand: car commercial. Wechat:A17310408029 send me ur card+self video+acting videos …
[爱心]麻烦报名哪个,复制通告,发详细资料,谢谢配合[爱心] 1.杭州拍摄 10月17号 秋冬拍摄模特计划:拍摄秋冬面霜产品(补水 保湿) 国模 3位模特: 质量高的,一般勿扰 2-3岁小孩子女生(能活泼玩耍)是否会滑雪 3-12岁小孩子男生(8岁最佳)是否会滑雪 13岁以上小孩子女生(11~12岁最佳)是否会滑雪 摩卡,自我介绍视频,生活照片,作品视频,备注一下是否会滑雪 2.深圳或者惠州拍摄 10月12~15号其中一天拍 国际学校篇 男孩2个:10岁左右 男生 酷一些的小朋友 会编程的小朋友,以及活泼可爱的,备注一下会不会编程 女生10岁左右 优雅一些的小朋友 会小提琴 费用:1000/天 摩卡,自我介绍视频,小提琴视频 3.上海通告 9月28日-10月3日,备注哪天空 9:00-18:00 【产品】个护 【模特需求2名】 1. 男女不限,10岁以上+青少年长相 2. 颜值佳、可以有轻微痘痘 3. 有个护/护肤产品拍摄经验 摩卡,自我介绍,生活照片,作品视频 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
Guangzhou/Zhuhai job, the product is Hair straightener/comb. Shooting pictures and videos I need a female model. Please send me your card and video.thanks 🌹
Shenzhen filming ice machine, September 30th, need a female model, please contact me when you are free.
Guangzhou Need a Wheat Skin Model, Dress Shoot, 4 Hours, Indoor If you can, please send me a model card
Changchun shooting, Role requirements for international students majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medicine: 1. Gender: Male 2. Nationality: Italian, or other European and American nationalities who resemble ancient Romans in appearance 3. Line requirements: English, simple Chinese 4. Visual age: 20-35 years old 5. Shooting location: Changchun, Tonghua 6. …
15th of October Shanghai video shooting needs a white male around 180 cm . Normal look is fine . Low budget. 2k per day (within 8 hours ). Only local or nearby.
Beijing job Date : ‼️28th Sept. Tmrw A video shooting in outside need a foreigner stand-in actress (just for lighting adjustment,normal clothes and no use face). require: ‼️white or a little dark skin ‼️height around 170-176cm ‼️can understand English 💰payment 3000, no over 16h(include wait and transfer time) if you …
Shooting October Identity: playful, non chalant, romantic, a bit cocky somehow but also with joy . Location: Shanghai only
S.H kids=官方通告 近期拍摄要以下模特 1)鞋码28-35男女童模,混血/外模 拍摄地址:广州 模特范围:全国 时间:10月10日后 要求:好看,专业性强 报名发一张模卡 号满可添加:13750830600 S.Hkids = Official Notice Recently photographed the following models 1) Shoe size 28-35 male and female children model, mixed race / foreign model Shooting location: Guangzhou Model Range: National Time: After October 10 Requirements: good-looking, professional Sign up for a …
[炸弹]Notice: Date:October 7 Place:Shanghai shooting Requirements: 1. Two male model 2. Can speak Portuguese (Better Brazil nationality) 3. one act as a boss, another act as a worker If you're interested and meet the requirements, can send your model card, price and Portuguese video.
[庆祝][庆祝][庆祝]现湖北景区招募 2名小丑演员 一专多能的优先[庆祝]吃住行都包,給价高、出粮准、一手项目带资料来谈、资料通过✅可马上进场 👉🏻浙江剧场招募文戏、舞蹈、武术、音响师
杭州通告 9.28 明天 需要一个身高120左右,男孩女孩都可以,配合度高的小朋友。拍摄短视频 预算300/3h 早上9.30-12.30 报名 模卡+短视频作品
30th I need Brazilian🇧🇷 girl for social app shoot in Guangzhou, speak Portuguese 🇵🇹, Pls send me your model card and videos. Only Guangzhou, or nearby!
We need two actors tomorrow. Require to speak Chinese time:14:30-18:30 Location: International Trade Center content:Watch a new movie and interact with the star
观影演员单 明天下午需要2个外国演员 要求:会普通话 时间:14:30-18:30 地点:国贸附近 内容:观看电影结束跟演员进行互动
Movie shooting I need one male who can speak Chinese 2days shooting First day 30th at 阿坝 Second days 7th or 8th. At Chengdu Plz contact me if you’re free
Shenyang shootingAround October 3-4Sports bra, we need a foreign female model, visually 25 years old,Outdoor Scene ➕ Shed filming·800h(Reimbursement of travel expenses from other places)Register to send Mocha video materials
国庆通告️ 内蒙古,太原剧场招募演员: 1.舞蹈演员 薪资10000元/月,身高163➕ 2.编导老师450/天 要求: 1.各大院校舞蹈专业生、有一定的舞蹈基础(拉丁,爵士,民族不限) 2.条件极优秀者可适当放宽 ️看清楚再报,演员需准备个人摩卡资料+自我介绍视频 ❗️❗️❗️公主病 ,吃不了苦,享受型,不回消息,鸽子勿扰 国庆通告️(短期一个月起步) 1.福鼎,晋城,东营 2.身高163➕,女舞蹈演员数名 3.民族古典 形象气质佳
广州服装拍摄 时间:10月中旬 费用:自报(全国可报) 模特:80-90cm 男女童 要求:颜值高 有服装拍摄经验 资料:模卡/视频/服装作品 发我笔记 谢谢
Huzhou Shooting (Departing from Shanghai) We need one male model and one female model to take car photos on September 28th(September 27th requires makeup setting) Requirement: Business elite men from Europe and America, no need for beards. Business elite women in Europe, Central and South America. One year global portrait …
This Sunday or after National Day, I need a baby model and a mother model to shoot a baby bed in Shenzhen at the same time. The shoot will last for 1 hour each. The budget for the baby is 600 yuan and 800 yuan for the mother. If you …
Beijing Notice Time: Choose 28 days makeup, 29 days formal shooting Huawei mobile phone shooting, the need for a young foreign female model, young and dynamic, is expected to shoot 4-5 hours, the cost of 1000 yuan per hour, portrait of the world for one year, local priority, interested in …
Shenzhen single need 9.29 need male model 175+ skilled riding electric skateboard half day start shooting, sign up to send photos 深圳单9.29号需要男模特175+户外拍摄熟练骑行电动滑板半天起拍,报名发资料
City: Huzhou Time: Set makeup on the evening of September 27th, shoot on the 28th (departing from Shanghai) Type: Car photo Requirement: Business elite men from Europe and America do not need a beard Business Elite Women in Europe, Central and South America Shooting time: Starting from 4 hours, 1000/H …