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Shenzhen Notice Jewelry short video shooting We need a European and American external model Time: Designated personnel and files Requirement: White skin without tattoos, nail art is optional (if there is nail art, it should be European and American style) Registration and issuance of model card prices can merchant
外籍童模工作:Foreign child model jobs: job 1 #佛山视频拍摄 (室内基地拍摄) 时间:10月7号 价格:2500/8小时 要求: 一位外籍童模,男孩子女孩子都可以,白人黑人都可以,不限定肤色,身高115-140cm的都可以 只要广州佛山或者深圳的模特,外地没有差旅。 # Foshan video shooting (indoor base shooting) Date: October 7 Price: 2500/8 hours Requirements: A foreign child model, boys and girls can be, white and black can be, without limiting skin color, height 115-140cm can be As …
@All Good evening dear friends! Great news for who has love and interest for the movie industry !Beijing 5+5 舞加武 studio the first short training camp is about to starts very soon get your spots ! 5+5 short Training camp in 6 days provide you professional acting , action, horse …
Hangzhou shooting promotion We need a foreign male actor with a business acumen to shoot a promotional video, Requirements: White skin, English proficiency, and Chinese proficiency are preferred, Visual perception for individuals aged 30 to 35 years old, Shooting location: Hangzhou Shooting time: One of the days from October 7th …
[福][福]做公益[福][福] [福]现在大环境消费降级 赞助前期无投资 较困难开机的剧组[福] 提供【竖屏短剧赛道的项目】所有拍摄期间的摄影设备、灯光设备、录音设备等等 【无偿使用】 相关部门工作人员劳务费【低市场价】 力所能及尽一份力 行业加油 :hahakaixin1616
1️⃣ October 11-13, one day, shooting furniture in Huizhou, need a foreign elderly male model, aged 55-75,500/h,4-8h 2️⃣ October in Shunde, Foshan, shooting small household electrical appliances, need a young foreign model, 3500 / 8h 3️⃣ Shooting in Foshan or Guangzhou, need Iran 🇮🇷 Foreign female model, middle east female …
Guangzhou👨 Shooting during the national day. Need a male model to shoot jeans,👖Pant European size:29-30,Indoor shooting for 5 hours.
Overseas drama filming, We need a foreign white male actor from North and South America to shoot a short drama, with the role of the male lead Requirements: American accent, good pronunciation, good figure, dominant facial features, age range: around 40 years old, Shooting location: Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) …
山西/太原场 音乐舞蹈融合会客厅即将开始 长期招聘舞蹈舞台剧餐秀演出演员 工作内容: 负责每天节目流程演出,休息时在化妆间后场,每天3-4场演出,每场15-20分钟没 有经验的公司都会提供培训,不收取任何一分钱 岗位要求: 1、身高164以上,体重110以下,可微胖,年 龄18-28岁,身高体重比例条件优秀也可以放宽要求。 2、每天上班5-6个小时左右 3、要求舞蹈专业,舞台表现力强(这个是重点) 有自信且有责任心能服从公司安排 4、对化妆品不过敏、可以适应高 薪资福利: 1、外地来的可报销路费薪资待遇: 2、底薪工资300-400/天+50%提成+包吃住+五险+出勤满奖励(满28天算全勤) 3、包吃住,宿舍环境优美1-2人公寓,空调热水器洗衣机冰箱,家电齐全 4、月休 2-4天,可调休 月底进场,准备自己擅长的月底进场演员还补15个
Motorcycle advertising PV video shooting requirements: Candidates requirements: Two foreign-faced males, 174-180 height, well-built, do not need to be acting, do not need to be a model, do not need to be able to ride a motorcycle (we have a professional rider as a substitute) just need to take off …
Introduce Solor engergy product mid of Oct in Guangzhou Need actor or actress who is from German,can speak standard Germany. if you are interested,plz send model card,city and your pirce with lines.
Shot in Fuyang, Hangzhou, on September 30 Two men and a woman The White Model Model Age Around 35 Indoor Video Shooting Four hours + 600 an hour, pay the next day Receive Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, interested friends leave me a message
On October 15-18, one of the days will be in Shenzhen or Huizhou Two white actors are needed to play the role of the teacher, with no dialogue for 2 hours and 1500 yuan
Gz Indoor summer clothing photos and video Shooting Looking for a female model chest about 88-92 18-28years old. 600-700 per hour 4h minimum
Hefei notice: 30 promo video sHooting, need a European face male foreigner, age about 40 years old, good image temperament 600 / H, Minimum 4 Hours to sHoot, no lines! 29 nigHt arrived in Hefei, reimbursement travel! Registration please send me MocHa + video, indicate coordinates
October, 7-8, shooting 2 days, in Guangzhou, shooting small household appliances products, need a foreign female model, beautiful, temperament a little, shooting time more than 8 hours a day, interested send model card to me
Chengdu We need a female model to shoot a video commercial. Time :3-6h Contact me if you are interested.
Dongguan Humen, about five months of foreign, or mixed-race male and female cherry, shooting molar glue, the cost of self-reported.
Looking for ordinary foreigners to shoot TVC in Jiangzhehu (Shanghai local best, Jiangzhehu area can be reported on the road) Actors: A husband and wife (about 35 years old), a child (about 5-10 years old) Shooting time: First set the person, then set the schedule, about 8h White or black, …
I need a black girl tomorrow at 3 pm in Futian, Shenzhen. Shoot for an hour. The actual working time is very short. If there is a suitable one, please send me the information. 💰 500 1h
🐲公司直聘 (1)#江西小剧场(长期) 乐器 歌手 女舞蹈演员30名 舞种要求:不限 身高160以上 薪资待遇:7500➕提成 资料过立马进 ⚠️不喝酒 不应酬 (2)#广西柳州 演绎吧诚聘 女舞蹈演员15名 (统一净身高:163+) 舞种要求:中国舞/爵士舞/拉丁舞皆可 进场时间:资料过马上入场,可以长期 薪资待遇:9000+提成 (3)欢迎各大经纪人 团队 学校加入 待遇:有能力月入过万 有手机就能工作,不坐班
Shenzhen jewellry shooting indoor, need a FEMALE, long hair 23-30 y.o, 600/h min 8hs, pay train, pls send a card. date after holiday in Oct wx: a_scouter
Guangzhou shooting, 30th September, only guangdong area, looking for a mature white male model, 600-700/h, 8hours, send me your card if u're available
Add WeChat:18006504917 Guangzhou Oct.18-19 Need White man, about 60 years old.shooting video for 3hours.Play the role of captain.please add WeChat:18006504917
白云区女模特 10.8 10.9 10.10三天 不同的女模特 都可以报 信息流商品拍摄 🉑反片 备注哪天空 价格400/8h