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Shooting in Qingdao We need 4 European and American male models Requirements: Age 20-40 years old about 180 height, good temperament Pay day: 500/h(3 hours of shooting) Shooting time: 3 hours on October 12) Shooting address. Grand Mercure Qinghang Qingdao Duration: 7am - 10am 3 hours Fares can be reported …
Guangzhou ,need female age around 40-50 ,look older also ok. Shooting for tvc as a scientist ,need speak all time French ,who available ,find me ,chose model free day
Need a male model for 4-5 hours shooting on October 12th or 13th in Shanghai, Amazon.com Home Products. If you are interested in contacting me.
Collecting information on shooting mother and baby brands in Hangzhou Filming time from October to January requires Chinese mixed race external models, small models, boys and girls with a height of 50-110cm, to register for the issuance of model cards, nude videos, and regions 杭州拍摄母婴品牌收资料 拍摄时间10-1月份需要国模 混血 外模 小模特 男孩和女孩 …
💃💃💃山东音乐剧 直招20名女舞蹈演员 项目稳定可靠 工资准时 薪资:6500-7000 要求:净身高 165➕ 形象好条件优 舞感好 学习能力强 舞种:不限 每天三场 超场有加场费 长期两个月起 室内工作 月休四天 包吃住行 住宿四人间 设施齐全 ️虚报身高被退概不负责 三天考察期 进场时间:面试通过 10.1号前到 越早越好 🈲身高不够勿扰 短期勿扰 事多 公主鸽子勿扰️
Shooting for clothes in hk on 13th October: need one black and one white model guys style as pics I send,will be 8-10 hours outdoor shooting,if u fit this kind of style please send me your card thanks !
甜禾通告:10.17拍摄,需要 1⃣️2-3岁女童 2⃣️3-12岁男童(8岁最佳) 3⃣️13岁+女童 最好有滑雪经验(不需要很熟练 会滑就行)看清要求报名,报名发模卡单卡+平时定位,江浙沪地区报名
Around October 5, Shijiazhuang needs a foreign actress to shoot a movie, who is in her 20s and can speak a little Chinese, 500-1000/6 hours. Have experience in filming. Three days.
It is for tvc shooting on 15th in Beijing fangshan Need a woman 35 years old play a scientific researcher It is for tvc shooting on 16th in Beijing haiding Role 1: a male 35 to 40 years old, play an research expert Role 2: a female 25 to 30 …
Shot in October:need men models shooting casual men's clothing, Black skin male model!golf action will be a priority, 💰Give me your price Send your card+city+price!if you are free, please send me a model card, thank you
TV series shooting in November (air ticket reimbursement). 1. The mixed male model needs to be able to speak Chinese. 2. The foreign male model must be handsome or the foreign male actor must be handsome and able to speak Chinese. The shooting will take about 10 days.
Guangzhou Shooting for baby stroller in the middle of October Need 6-15 months baby Need female model shooting together If you are available please send me model card Only Guangdong models Thank you
Guangzhou Shooting for baby stroller in the middle of October Need 6-15 months baby If your baby is available please send me model card Only Guangdong city kids Thank you
@所有人 通告有调整 汽车Tvc,江浙沪报销差旅,可能提前定妆,拍摄时间预计10.9-10.11其中一天 需要一个1岁左右的男孩,土的资料,不要时尚的造型 分别需要一个视觉15岁左右的男孩和女孩(真实年龄接受12-18岁左右),青春的感觉,价1000,优秀可聊 报名发卡+自我介绍视频(婴儿发生活视频)+作品视频+10张近期生活照 备注文字 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地:
Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we need a plus-size female model to shoot clothes in Shenzhen. If you have time, It is expected to shoot for one day,.please send me a model card and more works. thank you
Chongqing shooting: Need black male model,need good looking,Thin. Fashion style。look like picture.Shooting for fashion stuff. Time: October 8th 600/h, no transportation fee
换群+换群+换群+ 项目靠谱 不真心找工作勿扰 上海舞团 补4女舞蹈净165+ 工资7000~1W+无上限 随时进~长期半年起步 一月20场 加场另算 包吃住行 月薪架构底薪 5000+提成 看能力 底薪会上升专业好 短期项目江苏淮安方特 时间:9.28-11.10(须提前三天 薪资:5000男生没有要求 成都融创补女演1名 身高156+报吃住行速来 西双版纳剧院招 7女 165+民族古典舞4800加一场50资料过进~半年起 月休四每天四场左右工作轻松 本地有意向的来 河南景区 ,女身高166+ 男身高176+月休4天 包吃住行半年签资料定 徐州市彭城风华景区需线上面试马上进~补三男175+包吃住行 长沙景区招聘舞蹈女166+8名 武术男孩10名172+稳定的演员来随时进~长期半年起步
gz:ocot 11st need male model shooting skin care serums and masks,need use on face,tianhe district,inside,4h+,500/h,if u can do send me card+video without makeup+skin care video if u have
Watch Strap Shot I am looking for a foreign flat male model, white, visual age 27-35 years old, business male visionary, 175cm tall or taller, to shoot video within 4 hours. Currently located in Shenzhen or Guangzhou (shooting in Shenzhen). Please contact me if you are interested. Salary please discuss …
Beijing Notice, No.2 Shooting, a black boy and a blond white boy, each about 140cm tall, signed up to send a model card introduction video, WeChat: 35056786.
One day around October 10-15: Sichuan tvc shooting needs a foreign black male model: or wheat skin tone: about 30 years old: need to have a strong sense of muscle movement of men: 8-10h: suitable, please give me the information travel reimbursement: the following figure for reference
Hangzhou clothes shooting need 3-4girls 120-142cm Date:November 12-14th,only free one day olso ok if ur duaghter suitable pls contact me thx! 欢迎签约的合作,
10-1🈷️ 品牌服装&产品拍摄收资料:需要50-105cm的男女宝宝,混血国模外模都可以,报名发模卡➕近期无美颜无滤镜视频【❗️一定要带视频 缺少资料无法报名⚠️】,全国都可! (October-January 2025 )Big brand clothes and products shooting: Model information collection: we need 50-110cm boys and girls. Sign up with your model card and videos. 【❗️MUST WITH VIDEOS 】 You can come from any city. *长期欢迎互换各种高质量童模群
Announcement for Hangzhou We need a middle-aged white person aged 45 or above to play the role of a priest for a shoot. The shoot will last about 1 hour and pay 300 RMB. Please send your resume if interested.