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Qingdao next week need white male and female 30-40 years old shooting for scooter, contact me if u have time
Guanzhou job.We are looking around 108cm-113cm heights boys and girls Shoe size 27-28 for Shoes and close shooting of at November. ASAP if your kids available( Need Guanzhou kids)!Thx!Wechat lisazhang8180[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰]
need male model for the shooting in Ningbo on the 11th, need to stay one night in advance for the 10th.
SHANGHAI. Electro-car charger’s shooting (video + some photos). Confirmed actors can CHOOSE THE DATE OF SHOOT THIS MONTH. Need 1 male 30-40 years for FATHER role, 1 female 30-40 years for MOTHER’S role. And one girl 6-10 years old.
‼️Don't add me,add my new account. 2⃣️Guangzhou job(accept model from any city) Tomorrow 8th,clothes outside photos and video shooting,need a 160-170cm boy,40-42 size shoes.💰Give me your price Send your card+city+price ‼️Copy this post,Send your card to my new account 19270378871
Shanghai: between 10-11-12 October 1~2 days need females 18-40 years old around for feature extra shooting, price 600/10h overtime 60/h. Only need shanghai local foreigners otherwise can’t provide tickets from other cities ❗️
杭州拍摄:10月中旬户外产品拍摄需要一名黑人女童模3-4岁,江浙沪地区都可以,谢谢~Hangzhou shooting: In mid October, an outdoor product shooting requires a black girl model aged 3-4, who can be from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions. Thank you~
Hangzhou Notice Need two white female models, need youthful vitality, with a beautiful smile female model, at the end of August, shooting home clothes. Can accept natural curly hair female model, mixed female model, if you have something please contact me! (No WeChat, please add my new WeChat: angent-alice)
hengdian shooting。 October 11th. extras and front frame with the words, we need a man! if you have time let me know!
#2024暑期全国小演员招募3-15岁小演员 不带资有片酬 ! !超一线阵容大戏开机 s级院线电影,顶流加实力派主演一线剧组招募小演员 可爱,活泼,有可塑性的家长私我!新人素人可带! 全国各地均可报名,有差旅有片酬! 江浙沪,云贵川和东三省地区特招,每月都有通告,本地优先推荐! (1)深圳通告电视剧 拍摄日期:10月份开机 拍摄地点:深圳 需要演员: 1.男,饰演男一号儿子,15-16岁。戏好配合度高 2.男,15-16岁,外型冷漠一点。不要圆头、头发稍微长一点。 3.女,10岁左右,可爱漂亮。 4.女,15岁左右。戏好配合度高 资料: 自我介绍视频➕ppt➕作品视频➕试戏视频 私我拿试戏 (2)#浙江通告 电视剧 拍摄时间:10.1(待定) 拍期地点:台州 演员要求: 14-16岁女孩儿,中学模样的,主演小时候,会演戏的 需要资料:自我介绍➕作品➕ppt 私我拼图! ! ! (3)悬疑电影,10月中下旬开机,周期3个月,16-20岁,男孩,身高180以下,长相清秀
All provinces people applicable. hangzhou job 9th October disposable Hair dye spray product. (Need use again and again.)long term cooperation. One time about 6-12hours job. Products introduction video Shooting. Looking for a female actress. With brush cut better.
Tianjin notice Recently, a shooting job of leather jacket, looking for a tough guy male model , best have beard, contact me
99元模卡casting拍摄 地点:北京通州区物资学院地铁站附近 时间:看演员模特时间 报名:姓名、电话、身高、体重 99/1套 188/2套 266/三套 自我介绍视屏 送: 1:送演员兼职群
Any city:one shoes brand wanna 5 white female model or actors who has Instagram with more than 10 thousands followers,send u the shoes and wear it shoot some photos and post on your Instagram,contact me if u wanna join,not limit cities,price can talk according to fans
Gz 12 th shooting need sweet and young girls , please let me know if u free for 12 th shooting , WeChat 891126567
北京通告[红包]燕郊拍摄院线电 8号通告:预计3到5天以后接2到3天 不能接戏勿扰 男群演费用150需接戏 年龄20到35岁 报名发照片,时间地址群里通知 微信18001387157小薇
YIWU SHOOTING October 11th。 47 years old, British colonel in one-day shooting 40 years old, French lieutenant colonel in one-day shooting。There are a few lines. need 3 male members of the expedition team, about 30 years old. Two days of filming (tentative): October 11th/19th。 Want Yiwu, Jinhua, and Hangzhou to …
Guangzhou: We shoot product videos. Chocolate-skinned boys and girls are on sale on 12/13 October. The height is 135/145cm. No skills required, just this 👆🏻 height of the child's parents contact me, thank you
Recently, a male model who needs to shoot in Hangzhou can shoot for 1.5 hours according to the model's own time.
小院线电影 重要角色:6岁男孩(胖乎乎的萌萌的可爱),8岁女孩(长相大气),10岁男孩,戏重,新人不要,有影视拍摄经验!10.18号开机,周期一个月(30天)!
短期舞蹈演员看过来!想公费出国旅游的看过来 演出地点在智利!!!需要4名舞蹈演员 需要时间:11.1日-3.1日 需提前办理手续 气质佳有丰富工作经验者能吃苦优先录取!!! 住宿:双人酒店 薪资:9000 一个月 ②深圳欢乐谷补2舞蹈女孩165+跳舞好降低条件
Hengdian Shooting Short Video Shoot Shooting time: October 15-19 1. Male lead Occident Good image to act 2. Female lead Occident Good image to act Registration Information
Yantai advertisement shooting. Mid October. We need a white male model. Age range of 30 to 40 years old.