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江苏南通 开心麻花表演剧演员招募 国庆后10-13号进 一年 平均一天2场左右 一场一个小时 4男8女6000-7000➕ 要求:男孩净175 女孩:净165 专业要求:表演专业或有喜剧天赋 线上面试:录制试戏视频 面试 住宿两室一厅或者四人间 路费报销来回 吃食堂 鸽子事妈勿扰虚假资料退回路费不管
Shooting tennis rackets in Shenzhen on the 11th, white-skinned male models and female models who play tennis professionally, 500~700 per hour for 6-8 hours,note ur city total of 2 days shooting in Guangzhou from October 12 to 13, white-skinned men 14-17 years old, 500 to 700 per hour, at least …
TVC shooting in Beijing on October 8th need 1 mixed blood (European- Asian) Male Model about 20-25 years old. Interested dm me asap for more details. ⚠️: Based in Beijing only
Shooting tennis rackets in Shenzhen on the 11th, white-skinned male models and female models who play tennis professionally, 500 per hour for 6-8 hours
Guangzhou: We need a female model around 30 years old for product photography on the 11th. The shoot will last for about 3 hours, and a two-year portrait agreement is required. If you are available, please contact me as soon as possible to send your information. Thank you.
广州单:服装拍摄 需要60-70cm左右的中国女宝宝,合适的请私发我模卡和视频,谢谢!(报名仅限广佛)
上海通告 15-17号拍摄 东南亚男演员 上班族男主演 (印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾) 年龄25-35岁 空的发模卡视频+作品 价格看人定价
🎥For the upcoming movie in Hengdian and Guangzhou, the following actors are needed: • European-looking male, 30 years old (supporting role) • European-looking male, 45 years old (supporting role) • European-looking male, 55-60 years old (supporting role) ••• Preference will be given to actors based in Shanghai, Hangzhou, or Guangzhou. …
It was shot in Paris, France, and the Chinese were asked to do it in Paris Shooting content and actor requirements: Video one October 14th (may also be filmed on October 16th) one ️⃣ General content: Showcasing martial arts and playing Chinese musical instruments at various landmarks and streets in …
Customer increases budget.Hangzhou, 10th,shoot skincare products for 2-3 hours,600-700 per hour, white skin female model, please send me a model card and video materials if you are free. (Don't post what was previously posted)
Upcoming movie in Hengdian and Guangzhou will need following supporting positions -European looking guy for 30 years old, supporting - European looking guy for 45 years old, supporting - European looking guy for 55-60 years old, supporting Price negotiable, we prefer ones from Shanghai/ Hangzhou/ Guangzhou Shooting place: hengdian and …
Movie shooting. Need stunts for 30 days. Provide tickets and hotel. For more details add me. ‼️Only ppl from Europe ‼️
Casting Call: Actors Needed for Upcoming Movie in Hengdian & Guangzhou Looking for not very experienced talents. Budget is not high, but negotiable. If you fit the role description, please PM me. Exact shooting dates to be confirmed. Roles Needed: • European-looking male, around 30 years old, supporting role. • …
Shooting in Shenzhen Looking for a Middle Eastern male model with a lot of beards to shoot video. Only can accept from near city. 💰 budget 600-800/h. If you are suitable,please send me your model card and packaging materials with city and price. thank u
Hangzhou, 10th,shoot skincare products for 2-3 hours, 500 per hour, white female model, please send me a model card and materials if you are free.
Recently we need 4 persons for shooting in Shanghai. ❗️Only old people based in Shanghai. Age 40-70. ✨Black and white all can apply. ❗️We don’t need professional models. Only need normal looking models. Date: Two days. 10.12-10.13. If you are interested, please send me your information.[抱拳][抱拳]
Shenzhen work: On October 10th, Longgang Dayun subway Station needs 3 child models, 125-135cm boys and girls, to shoot product videos, at least 4h. If you have time, please send me model card for child. 深圳工作:10月10日龙岗大运地铁站附近需要3个外籍童模,125-135cm的男孩和女孩,拍摄产品视频,最少4h。如果你有空请发我孩子的模特卡
Shenzhen work: On October 10th, Longgang Dayun subway Station needs 3 child models, 125-135cm boys and girls, to shoot product videos, at least 4h. If you have time, please send me model card for child.
全国可以报名: 上海拍摄 类型:Tvc 定妆拍摄:11月中旬 需要一位演技很好的小女孩,6-10岁 拍摄费用:2000/天💰 报名请发:资料➕自我介绍视频➕有演技有剧情的作品视频➕有质感或者笑起来好看可爱的照片5-8张(原图) 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
需要越南语的模特拍摄线上短视频,报名+Lyyla212 Models who need Vietnamese to shoot online short videos, sign up +Lyyla212.
Shanghai shoot 10 or 12th, cosmetics shooting, need a female model, if you are interested, please contact me, thank you
深圳拍摄 10月10号需要,中年外籍, 年纪40-50岁 Filming in Shenzhen. Required on October 10th, middle - aged foreigners, aged 40 - 50 years old.
Shooting In Hangzhou Need Female model who can do swimsuit shoot Shooting duration:4 hours Only Hangzhou local models[拥抱] Send your material Thankyou
北京通告(外地包差旅) 14-15其中一天拍摄 宣传片,需要提前定妆,补充 男模特 时尚 帅气 气质25岁左右 ,身高185左右 费用2500(含定妆)拍摄12h后算超时 报名请发笔记资料
全国通告[红包]拍摄院线电影 一线团队,阵容保密 香港大导演,广州拍摄 跟组男,10月底进组 周期100天。会演戏 要电视剧有作品 年龄20到35岁之间男 资料PPT➕影视剧作品 费用私聊适合群规 微信18001387157小薇