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杭州拍摄 需要身高50-90cm宝宝 混血或者外国人 只要常驻江浙沪皖地区的 Shooting in Hangzhou Baby needs a height of 50-90cm Mixed blood or foreigners As long as the resident is in the Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai Anhui region
S.H kids=官方通告 某品牌拍摄服装要以下模特 1)120码女童模,国模/混血,拍摄预计2.3小时,愿意拼单的发资料 拍摄地址:杭州 模特范围:杭州及周边 时间:定人定档 要求:好看,专业,报名发一张模卡 号满可添加:13750830600
Hey i am looking for agents for baby shootings , add me if u are one
16 or 17 Guangzhou shooting adds a white female extras . Only accept local . No need experience. Super cheap extra job .
For shooting in Yunnan i need white blonde girls from yunnan province to play feature extras role Work for 7 days Only yunnan local people Available people dm with your material and mark your city please
(1)shenzhen 8th shooting health product, #female and #male actor ,speaking USA-style ENGLISH lines,400/h,4h. (2)zhuhai soon shooting facial skin care product . we need #female model from zhuhai local.
🎞️In Hangzhou on November 7th for short drama shooting need extra people : 1️⃣ 5 white femeles age 20-30 years old extra people, only Hangzhou ‼️ For more information send me your model card and video introduction, thank you 🤝
Beijing only: November 21th need mass extra actors, no need super professional. 6 boys and 4 girls Party feeling shooting 600¥ per shooting. Wechat id: iupa_a
🔥燕郊通告 11月10号短剧开机拍摄 需要反派男主的父亲(父亲人设城府深,经营灰色产业发家,睚眦必报不是好人,家产已交给男主,退居幕后) 要求:年龄45~55左右,咬字清楚,不要口音 2个镜头,一句台词 🔥自报价格(短剧预算低)
Guangzhou, communication after selecting shooting time A male model and a female model are needed. Filming sexy lingerie. They will be photographed separately, and if you are not at ease, you can find a friend to accompany you. From four hours Experienced ones can send me similar works and model …
@All Shenzhen only: tomorrow need a German female model about 4 hours shooting 1600rmb[Packet][Rose][Heart]
shanghai--from shanghai local 1 day from november 21-22 Shaver 剃须刀 shooting, brown/tan skin father character 20-30yo. On the day of the shoot, accpect shave during the filming process 4h or more . 500per h
Shenzhen shooting: 8th, female model, video, indoor+outdoor, shoe products, one day, price 2800, meals and rest, acceptable, please send me the information, thank you!
🇦[Fireworks]补男孩[Fireworks] 上海单:上海拍 江浙沪报销,备注坐标 预计11月15~16号拍某服饰平面(鞋子)+侧拍花絮视频,需求: 145cm左右的男童:听话配合度高,擅长拍电商类作品。备注鞋码,35~36码鞋子 报名发 平面类模卡 ➕ 自我介绍视频,平面展示视频花絮,备注鞋码 备注坐标,不备注没有差旅费 🇧.上海通告 10号拍摄 7-8岁的男孩,配合度高 预算400/天(不报销差旅费) 摩卡,自我介绍视频 🇨.上海通告 27-28其中一天提前定妆,汽车广告 小朋友12~16岁左右,男女不限,要年龄大点,不想用座椅,整体需要有点质感, 预算800/12h 含定妆(江浙沪报销) 摩卡,自我介绍视频,作品,生活照片多发几张 🇩.上海走秀通告 12月12号9.30-15.30。 两男两女要混血宝宝 一对两岁:男女都要 一对8岁:男女都要 工作内容:走台(附加几张照片) 报名:摩卡,介绍视频,走秀视频有就发 有下面哪个号发哪个号 qydance2017(🈵加不进) qigege122(🈵加不进) qigege12211(可加)
Beijing needs a foreign girl on Friday night to accompany female customers to drink and chat in the bar, it is best to point dance hybrid also, interested in contact me! Guangzhou Auto Show needs a boy, look Beckham type, can start across the country, work 10 days need to …
TVC shooting looking for supporting actor Location: Guangzhou Date: November 9th Brand: ChinaMobile 1. Blonde wheat or white female walking though a street, only 1 shoot. 1hour 2. Black male for background passenger No lines, . Please send me your card and price. Only accept actor located in guangzhou. Thanks!
Urgent Casting Call Seeking a handsome male actor, 25, to play a successful business role (with some Chinese lines) in a 1-2day shoot on Nov 15 in Wuxi. High pay available. Please PM all your materials, European looking including Chinese introduction video, if you will get shortlisted will revert with …
Shanghai this week Christmas home celebrations vedio shoot .170 cm ➕,sweet style or mixed blood female model .4-5 hours+ Local or nearby city contact 🫶🏻
山西/太原场 音乐舞蹈融合会客厅 长期招聘舞蹈舞台剧餐秀演出演员 工作内容: 负责每天节目流程演出,休息时在化妆间后场,每天3-4场演出,每场15-20分钟 有经验的公司都会提供培训,不收取任何一分钱 岗位要求: 1、身高165以上,体重110以下,年龄18-28岁,身高体重比例条件优秀也可以放宽要求。 2、每天上班5-6个小时左右 3、要求舞蹈专业,舞台表现力强(这个是重点) 有自信且有责任心能服从公司安排 4、对化妆品不过敏、可以适应高 薪资福利: 1、外地来的可报销路费薪资待遇: 2、底薪工资300-400/天+50%提成(日结)+包吃住+五险+出勤满奖励(满28天算全勤) 3、包吃住,宿舍环境优美1-2人公寓,空调热水器洗衣机冰箱,家电齐全 4、月休 2-3天,可调休 所有演员准备好50秒左右的舞蹈,现场需要展示能带服装带好服装。 目前舞蹈演员还补12位 寒假可提前预留名额先到先得,满人截止
Shanghai Advertising Notice: (Need in Shanghai, no additional travel expenses) Shooting time: November 13th Personnel requirements: 1️⃣ A person over 30 years old European white women 2️⃣ An ordinary-like white guy who is a little older Job content: Play a mass actor without lines Working salary: 800 yuan/10h, Overtime 80 …
11.29th Shooting in Xiamen Looking for black skin boy around 6 to 12 years old. Can accept from any other city . 💰 budget 700-1000/h. high quality can be self-quoted If you are suitable,please send me your model card and packaging materials with city and price. thank u
1.Shooting products in Guangzhou: shooting products in Guangzhou at the end of the month, the shooting time is about 8 hours, need good body, plump, foreign female models, please send model card + video, self-reported cooperation price, travel reimbursement 2.Guangzhou clothing shooting notice: pole dancing clothing needs to be shot …
November 16 only Shanghai shooting front shot, product presentation. need 2 female women :- Actresses do not have to be thin, but must be athletic and must be between 25-35 y.o if you have time let me know!
Shanghai 11.11 needs a blond hair, blue eye child model 🧒 3-5 years old, shorter than 100cm, well cooperate while shooting, if can speak English is the best, 4h, 400-600/h, please send me model card and videos to sign up