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@所有人 继续补人 江浙沪报销差旅,艺人单TVC 12.5定妆,12.7拍摄,12.8/9拍摄预留日 需要如下孩子,不用考虑发型,已准备假发 4-5岁的男孩,价1000 10-12小女孩,价1000 16-18岁小女孩,价1500 报名发卡+自我介绍视频+作品视频+6张以上生活照+以下文字信息 姓名: 出生年月: 最新身高: 体重: 鞋码: 所在地: 并单独给一张照片说明现在的发型
We have an indoor studio video shooting in Shanghai on 6 December which need to hire many talents for this project. We don’t have high request of this one. 1. Caucasian, 50 years old appearance lady 2. South East appearance male 20-30 years old. 3. Caucasian appearance male and female …
Movie shooting in Yanghzou , 27th-28th November- need to join shooting team. Need : extra ( all scenes in studio ) 30 people from ( Russia Ukraine Belorussian, Moldova Georgia… don’t need from Stan country ) one month PROVIDE TICKET FROM ANY CITY IN CHINA ! Requirements: 1. This is …
Shenzhen job: 6-7th we shooting tvc need 4 white models. 2females and 2males . 20-30years old. No hand hair.Shave your hands if you can. Play a scientific researcher. 500/h. 4hours + . If you can please contact me! Thanks 🙏 WeChat: xixiang123
Electronic lock shooting :middle of December we need these roles for electronic lock shooting in Guangzhou or shenzhen, we choose actress/ actors first. Role 1 father role. Age 40-45th,grey short hair . height should be 183+. Role 2 mother role. Age can be 33-35 years old. Black curly long hair. …
[礼物][礼物]湖州拍摄民国短剧12.3号—12.10号。(2号定妆) 女主——沈清竹/沈心儿:大帅府六姨太。家里被灭口,双胞胎妹妹被凌辱致死,女主代替妹妹嫁入大帅府。 男主——晏韬:为了复仇假冒少帅,跟女主从小定情(有信物),彼此不能确定长大后身份,却依然互相吸引。 男主爹:大帅,大帅府最高掌权者,心中有白月光(亡妻),现府内有一个继太太,四房姨太,并马上要同时迎小五小六进门。每一位身上都有亡妻的影子。(集周边,类似依萍他爹) 男三号:继太太所出儿子,纨绔,和四姨娘勾搭。 【冒险设定:一开始的大帅是男主披着人皮面具假扮的,男女主都在互相防掉马】 大帅正房:大帅亡妻妹妹,一辈子活在姐姐阴影下,佛面蛇心(类似知否顾二嫡母) 大帅二房:嗜甜如命,手段最直接狠毒,养了一只猫。因为长得最像大帅白月光,因此最得宠,也最恨别人争宠,曾让猫抓花一个爬床丫鬟的脸。 大帅三房:医女出身,穿越女,表面怯懦胆小,体弱多病,与世无争,实则贴身丫鬟是男人假扮,有私情。 大帅四房:眼里只有钱的墙头草。(已故) 大帅五房:当红名伶,恃宠而骄,最快作死,被毁掉嗓子,穿着戏服泣血唱戏而死。 男女主已定。其他人物未定。周期合适的老师麻烦联系我。微信同号13968383826
优酷平台横屏网剧,小安安,小苏菲(有台词,主演小时候)拍摄周期11.29开机30号青岛拍一天,。一定要可爱洋气的小朋友,年龄5-7岁女孩,个头越矮越好。6.7岁小男孩,可可爱爱帅气的,两场戏,30号拍一天,合适联系, 短剧29-5号横店拍,4岁女孩,漂亮的可爱的,戏好的,合适联系, 爱奇艺网剧,29号横店拍,5-10岁男孩,两场戏,词多,戏好合适联系, 短剧12月5号横店拍,5-7岁男孩女孩,全程戏份,戏好合适联系, 电影,12月底开机,10岁男孩,主要角色,合适联系, 短剧,5-7岁小男孩,28号进组,29-31号拍,可可爱爱的,戏好的,横店周边联系,
Movie shooting in Wuxi, 27th-28th November- need to join shooting team. Need : extra ( all scenes in studio ) 60 people - For one month PROVIDE TICKET FROM ANY CITY IN CHINA ! Requirements: 1. This is not war movie 2. No big tattoo 3. No fat and no …
Shanghai notice: The morning after tomorrow shooting demand entrepreneur image about 35 years old foreign actors, time 3 hours, cost 1500, have time to send information thank you ~
K.Kids|📷官方通告 大品牌平面拍摄 地点:杭州 时间:11月30号 要求:105身高男童 ‼️品牌换季需要新模特 定下会长期拍摄 报名发直接发模卡!
Game video shooting. Need Latin/African actors(English speaking) in Vancouver Canada,pls let me know if you are available
Recent Hangzhou clothes shooting need a male model, net height no taller than 180cm. From Zhejiang, SH, Suzhu only If you are available, please send me model card+ price
Date:11.30 12.1-2 3days location:Guangdong Type:videos+photos Requirements: Need 60cm 80cm 100cm kids model to shoot videos and photos.White.Indoor. One-year domestic portrait rights. National reimbursement of travel 💰600-700/h over 5 hours
深圳外籍通告,定人定档 外籍演员, 1女会说西班牙语的 30岁左右 1男:肌肉男,帅气的,会西班牙语,拍摄8个小时 报名:发模卡+介绍视频+作品 地址:深圳福田 时间:侍定 📱微信:13316439784梁总 欢迎转发推荐
Shantou, need a 15 to 20 years old girl model shooting, girl underwear. Please send me the model card if you answer, thank you
Guangzhou or Shenzhen need a white model on the 11th. The male model is about 35 years old, the husband role, the female model is about 30 years old, the wife role, and a child (both boys and girls are welcome) is about 5 years old. There will be pets …
Redmi Mobile Phone TVC Advertising Shooting General Requirements for Roles: White foreign models. Their skin color can be on the yellowish side, but not black. Models of Belarusian, Ukrainian or Russian nationality are not needed for this shooting. Copyright is required for one year globally. Leading Role: A male aged …
#杭州下沙视频拍摄( 杭州或者上海都可以考虑)客户报销来回差旅。浙江省都可以报名 时间:12月3号 价格:600一小时。6小时起。 要求: 模特需求:杭州下沙 1⃣️25-35岁左右女模特,非消瘦平面模特,亲和力强,金色头发。金色头发 国籍:西欧,北欧,美国,巴西等区域内 欢迎在本地的外籍报名报名。或者在上海的也可以报名, 报名微信:13265920123 # Hangzhou Xiasha video shooting (Hangzhou or Shanghai can be considered) customers reimburse travel back and forth. Anyone in Zhejiang Province can sign up Date: December 3rd Price: 600 per hour. From 6 hours. Requirements: Model demand: Hangzhou Xiasha 1⃣️25-35 …
Boost your modeling career with [1 Photography] in Lishui, Zhejiang! We offer tailored model card options for both experienced and beginner models, including high-end fashion shoots and product model cards. Enjoy bespoke portfolios, expert posing and styling advice, and quick delivery of polished images. Limited slots available, so book now! …
北京通告 拍摄时间:11月28日 年轻女演员两位(上午下午各一位) 💰费用:400/人 拍摄要求: 产品(涂抹产品)空镜拍摄,需要能说点词,词不多,年轻漂亮的女演员2位,20-25左右,有经验、配合度高。⚠️产品涂抹皮肤不过敏的! 报名发模卡casting➕自我介绍➕作品(合并资料)
兰州室内演出招聘(男舞蹈演员10人,女舞蹈演员3人) 1.要求中国舞专业,男净身高172cm,女净身高163cm) 2.住宿4人间,每月轮休4天。 3.每天演出8场,每场5-20分钟。 应聘加微信发资料。 微信:wk2426 资料审核,虚报身高原路退回,路费自行承担。 (换舞蹈群,换群加好友,买舞蹈群)
多业务通告: ①全国招经纪人(儿童,经纪,春晚,比赛,商业演出等等),在可在办公,可兼职,全职,也可以来办公室上班(济南) ---------- ②专业制作艺人PPT、模卡,演员卡、笔记 ---------- ③储备儿童、大人演员、模特、主持等一切与艺术相关从业人员 ---------- ④济南春晚招儿童主持人 ---------- ⑤济南1月招电影摄像师、摇臂摄像、导播 ---------- ⑥寻找精品剧本投资(25年投资3-5部) ---------- ⑦常年换儿童,影视,模特,导演等群[Rose]
Shanghai Yangpu New Jiangwan City needs a foreign female model to shoot a short video of Tiktok, which will last 1-2 hours. It will be shot tomorrow, 700/hour
Chengdu is looking for a 20-35 year old foreign male model. Requirements: height above 178cm, handsome, fluent in Chinese. Job description: shooting short videos and live streaming on Douyin. Salary: 20,000 yuan per month (negotiable). Working hours: 6 days a week. City: Chengdu. Beijing1. 8, five young female models are …