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蜂线传媒 主营:品宣 种草 探店 平台:小红书,抖音,快手,视频号,微博,公众号 可原创、直发、视频、图文,探店【可代拍产品图,代写文案】 含财经,时尚、宠物、运动、穿搭、科技、母婴、美食、家居、探店类等各类垂直一手资源 王:15002756257 换群
🤍SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTION🤍 ❤️INSTAGRAM (Followers, Likes, Views) 💛YOUTUBE (Subscribers , Views, Likes) 🖤TIKTOK (Views,Likes, Followers) 💙TWITTER(Impression, Retweets,Followers) 🩵 FACEBOOK (Followers,Likes,views) 🎬🍿 NETFLIX ( Premium Accounts) 📸 SNAPCHAT(Likes,views, followers) 💜TELEGRAM(Views, reaction,members) 🎧SPOTIFY(Plays,followers, premium accounts) 🔥 Website Traffic ( From Google) ✅Wechat ID: growwithantonio 🤍SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTION🤍 ❤️INSTAGRAM (Followers, Likes, Views) 💛YOUTUBE …
Shanghai: 11.13-14 shooting for tiktok need 25-35 years old,male and female.white or black or mix both beed, shooting for global Titok,🎫600/h ,minimum 5h. 10 need fitting,send me yr model card and video if you are interested.
急!深圳通告(11月4日) 明天需要一名外国女生 要会中文的 表现力好的 给抖音汽车账号搭戏 估计拍一天 自报价 深圳拍摄 Urgent! Shenzhen Notice (November 4) Tomorrow, we need a foreign girl who can speak Chinese and has good performance. It is estimated that she will play a role in Tiktok's car account for one day
[Heart]艾律动抖音云连锁拓客[Heart] 一年保底100~1000个真实到店客户 郑重承诺,前期免费,没有效果不收取费用 微18378823717 万分感谢群主提供平台
There is no fare. Filmed in Hangzhou. Video shooting of disposable hair dye spray Tiktok. Not damaging hair. There are lines. I need to say lines. Both the 5th and 6th need a girl. Starting from 4 hours. 400-700/h Model demand: 1. Short hair. 2. Accept hair dye spray and …
Shenzhen. Recently Live streaming need 2 male students as background. Around 6hrs Only need students or no professional model thx.
One standard English spoken male who majored at finance and economics at the university is needed for live streaming on TikTok. Please send me your diploma and your CV Working place: Shenzhen Longhua Working hours: 2 hours at mid night. Payment: 300-500/hours (it can be increased afterwards)
🏆全马销量排名No.1的歌曲Usb配套 🔥3500首歌曲 抖音+慢摇+英文歌.. 🍓买了就可以 在 家/店/车上听了..
Guangzhou need female models to show clothes in TikTok live Video, can be long time cooperation, everyday 4-5hours , if can do please contact me
Famous Brand urgently Need Tiktok E-commerce anchor,White female ,per month 40+ hrs live,part time offer ,native fluent and accent good English necessary.salary and time negotiated.all traffic expenses paid.
job 1, November shooting in shanghai, looking for a chubby American girl. Please send me your acting materials or TVC works to sign up. Must be American speaker. job 2, tiktok shooting in shanghai ,looking for French actress and vietnamese actor(really from these countries). if you are interested, please send …
Shenzhen Tiktok live streaming job (long term) Male 30-40, Fluent in English 2-3 times per week (abt 2 hours per day) You need to have experience in live streaming 500/h Longhua area
北京通告[红包]拍摄抖音视频 时间4 号或者 5 号拍一天 中年男子约 40 以上 形象好,气质佳,有表演功底 会有,费用600 25 左右的男子,台词好点, 形象要好,阳光形象要好 费用600,资料 资料模卡➕PPT➕自我介绍➕作品 微信qq1800138157福
蜂线传媒双十一推出超级特惠! 1.媒体发稿特惠:中国日报+环球网+人民日报客户端+新华报业+经济网(经济日报)+中国网+中国改革报+中华网+中国财经时报+华声晨报+东方网+大众网+共工日报社+中国企业家日报(官方百家号)+市场导报等15家央媒主流门户=3180元,赠送8大门户客户端媒体+5个公众号+5个微博! 2.抖音短视频帮您助力产品宣传曝光:50个抖音博主(10个万粉+10个千粉+10个百粉+20个素人)=4980 名额有限,先到先得! 近期需要新闻媒体发稿可以随时联系我,王15002756257 换群+
Guangzhou Panyu District: ⭕️Tiktok Live broadcasting 🔆Good English is required, 📣Non native speaker 🕐5 hours of work per day, working hours 8:00-12:00 or 9:00-1:00 💰 salary 10K 🔖self care.visa no accommodation provided, as soon as possible.(Li) Wechat:
Hello, our company is located in Unit 3, Building 8, Hengsheng Science and Technology Park, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, and we are currently in urgent need of recruiting 2 part-time anchors. The anchor works 2 hours a day, brings goods live in English, requires English without accent, and knows Spanish to …
抖音北京数码 汽车类 本地生活打卡类达人招募 项目:某手机店打卡 粉丝量:8w+ 达人类型:数码 汽车 美女(少点)北京本地生活号 男性博主 kpi要求 :播放10w 互动1000 执行时间:8号之前 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OQYgOMV.aspx# 微博直发 1:重庆ip 2:微博50w粉丝+ 3:费用500 https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rmbunIs.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
小红书北京、成都、南京、杭州线下探店亲子类达人招募 2、产品:少儿芭蕾机构(北京、成都、南京、杭州线下探店) 3、账号类型:亲子类账号 4、粉丝要求:1w+ 5、合作方式:原创图文 6、执行时间:11月 7、合作费用:300 8、要求:发布内容保留3个月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tmxJPup.aspx# 投放平台:抖音 投放产品:上海假发店 达人类型:时尚 生活 男女不限 合作形式:探店视频 账号预算:500 发布时间:订号执行 要求上海本地达人 https://www.wjx.top/vm/wCdUHL1.aspx#
没有车费。杭州拍摄。一次性染发喷雾剂抖音视频拍摄。不伤头发。有台词。需要说台词。5号跟6号都需要一个女生。4小时起。 400-700/h 模特需求: 1.短头发,头发多 2.接受染发喷雾使用在头发上 3.接受拍摄中洗头发 4.需要自己准备5套鲜艳颜色衣服(裙子吊带/不要长袖) 5.表现力好,说台词自然,有激情❤️🔥 6.自带妆 ,需提前弄好头发来拍摄。 No, 🚗 Train tickets. Filmed in Hangzhou. Video shooting of disposable hair dye spray Tiktok. Not damaging hair. There are lines. I need to say lines. Both the 5th and 6th need a girl. Starting from 4 hours. 400-700/h Model …
投放平台:小红书抖音 投放产品:文旅,必须是苏州IP达人 达人类型:母婴亲子 本地生活 VOLG 合作形式:探店图文 探店视频 账号预算:单个探店图文视频1000 发布时间:11月 https://www.wjx.top/vm/rXjB4nI.aspx# 抖音出行旅行类达人招募 项目:某服装 粉丝量:10-80之间 达人类型:出行旅行 费用:3500内自报最低价 合作时间:11-12月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Qy7YcKR.aspx# 招募标题:小红书北上广深杭 成都 南京好物分享博主招募 2、产品:某团居家检测服务 3、账号类型:好物分享 4、粉丝要求:1000+ 5、合作方式:非报备图文 6、合作费用:非报备千粉+150以内自报最低价 万粉+200以内自报最低价 (数据特别优质账号可自行报价) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OQdgJlO.aspx#
Notice: Shenzhen/Guangzhou! [红包] We're looking for one German speaker and one French speaker to participate in a short TikTok filming project. Project Details: Date: Starting 7th November Location: Shenzhen ,Guangzhou Approximately 3-4 hours Project: Filming a TikTok video showcasing a pool cleaning robot Compensation: 1,400 RMB[红包] Requirements: Language Skills: Fluent …
PUBG game shooting Shenzhen or Guangzhou 11.11 or 12 We need a male actor to play the role of a live streamer(Not really live streaming). The male actor is required to be fluent in English. Need to sign a one-year global portrait rights agreement Send model cards+self introduction videos+ English …
1️⃣ 【Couple Video Blogger Noticed 】🚬Looking for European who are good at shooting videos or couple bloggers, no matter how many fans in whatever platform. Our product is nicotine pack, the blogger needs to have his own camera equipment, can simply edit two tiktok short videos by yourself , a …
小红书个护达人招募 1、平台:小红书 2、产品:洁护 3、账号类型:个护 4、粉丝要求:千粉 5、合作方式:报备300反50% 6、档期:11.4之前 7.备注:整体方向就是 种草机制那种 攻略类型的 文案图片需要自己出 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mfWSzH5.aspx# 抖音出行旅行类达人招募 项目:某服装 粉丝量:10-80之间 达人类型:出行旅行 费用:3500内自报最低价 合作时间:11-12月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Qy7YcKR.aspx#