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I am looking for a boy who can speak Spanish. I will send you a women's health product and you can help me shoot a video. If you can speak Spanish, please send me some information. It can be done anywhere in China for 100 yuan per video. We need …
11.10, need female model, Hangzhou shotting a small video of clothing, indoor, a little outdoor, 600h, at least 4hs, pay transport, if u have douying and free time, show me thanks, accept nearby city
📍Guangdong 💃💃2 girls for work in park ASAP❗❗❗❗❗❗ ✅work visa ✅1 year contract ✅9500 RMB ✅4 days off Who in china‼️ ———————————- Duoying/tiktok Girls 10 - 11k Work visa Apartment ✅ —————————— 💃💃💃Agogo Ningbo Zunyi Wuhan Yongzhou Dongguan ————————————— Bgogo Guangzhou Shanghai Mangshi Yuxi Zhangjiakou Nanjin Baoding ——————————- Singapore KTV …
你好,请求帮个小忙 这是我的抖音号56111071068 抖音昵称:窗帘源头加工厂,目前需要增加粉丝,欢迎关注我,感谢🙏🏻,关注抖音号,近期有福利
抖音福建/广西/海南南本地探店达人招募 品牌:某汽车 达人类型:福建/广西/海南本地探店达人(优先本地达人) 合作形式:线下实探+发布 费用:星图招募任务2000内合理自报价 执行时间:本月(选中即执行) 需要合作星图招募任务,走不了招募任务的不要报名 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/hd94gJO.aspx# 上海小红书抖音koc招募 1.产品:某送酒活动 2.达人类型:生活类、白酒类、探店类 3.合作要球:不报备视频 4.粉丝要求:没有 5.价格:10000内自报 6.地址:上海 7.档期:本月底 8.要求:到线下参加一个劳斯莱斯送酒活动,要求比较简单需要数据比较好的账号 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/r04nTuQ.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
抖音小红书达人招募 1.产品:某影视app 2.达人类型:搞笑、剧情、生活、大学生 3.合作要求:不报备视频 4.粉丝要求:小红书50000+ 抖音100000+ 5.价格:自报价 6.要求:产品类似爱壹帆无版权网站,服务器在国外,所以平台审核比较严格,报名的我就默认为可以接的,植入方向我这边可以提供,达人报价要跟账号数据对比的上 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/QwWV7sd.aspx# 招募标题:小红书时尚潮玩cos亲子户外博主招募 1、平台:小红书 2、品牌产品:上好佳 3、账号类型:时尚类、潮玩类、cos类、亲子类 4、粉丝:1w+ 5、合作方式:原创图文 6、档期:11月 7、价格:报价200内+送价值百元零食礼包 https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mBk5Hes.aspx#
Shanghai announcement Filmed on November 13 on Douyin Needed, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, female age 20-30 years Primary language needs to be the same as nationality. Cost 500 an hour Takes 3 hours to shoot Filmed on November 14 on Douyin Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malay, female, 20-30 years old Primary …
We're seeking a Social Media Specialist and TikTok Shop Operator! The position is full-time remote and ideal for candidates based in the US or Europe. If you're interested, please send your resume directly to email: kons@content2ell.com Or please feel free to share this opportunity with anyone in your network who …
Recruiting TikTok English anchors. If you have experience in live streaming and selling goods, please contact me!
Job description: 1.Responsible for the English live broadcast of the overseas version of TIKTOK platform, and completed duty of live broadcast stipulated by the company according to the company's requirements; 2.To introduce the product in English, create the atmosphere of the broadcast room, conduct Q&A interaction with fans, and guide …
主营业务: 1.网红达人种草探店、素人矩阵发布,可接原创、二创、直发,看图写文,代拍短视频等。(平台包括抖音小红书视频号等) 2.媒体品宣推广,全国各大权威门户,主流门户,行业门户,地方门户等等。 3.微信微博投放,官方蓝V,行业KOL,素人博主等。 4.媒体邀约到场参加活动,电视台邀约和内容播出,硬广播出。 5.活动线上平台同步直播,需要带设备到场或者直接转播均可合作。 6.全球海外地区媒体宣发,海外网红达人对接合作。 王:15002756257 换群
11.17 上海 Tiktok宣传视频,外地差旅费由自己承担。我们需要一个欧美白人,最好是男模,目测成熟,30岁以上。最短拍摄时间4小时,500/h,可先报名发照片符合工程师形象的那种
11.17 Shanghai Tiktok promotional video, No travel Expenses We need a European and American white man, preferably a male model, who is mature and over 30 years old by visual inspection. The shortest shooting time is 4 hours, 500/h. Registration can be issued first, And Send me your Model Data …
Guangzhou wants a male student with a Xinjiang or mixed-race face to do Tiktok live and shoot videos, if you interested pls send me price with information,need speak Chinese,广州要一个新疆或者混血面孔男模。有成熟气质的 配合直播手机拍视频。如果感兴趣可以给我你的报价 需要会说中文 不用专业模特形象合适也可以 欢迎推荐
抖音南京本地生活 颜值 母婴达人招募 地区:南京 达人类型:本地生活 颜值 母婴 文旅 航拍 摄影 粉丝量:1w+ 费用:600内自报最低价 合作方式:实探+视频发布 执行时间:12月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/eaRB7R1.aspx# 北京地区:抖音美食探店类达人招募 平台:抖音 品牌:甜品店(北京三里屯) 形式:非报备30—60s视频 账号类型:美食探店达人 粉丝要求:万粉丝以上 执行时间:11月9日-11月11日 要求:会视频的博主,配合度高的来! 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/YmJFurZ.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
项目:小红书上海医美图文直发 粉丝量:千粉以上 预算 :600走报备 返点50% 类型: 颜值美女 高级脸网红脸 形式:图文直发 要求:需要自拍照侧脸,品牌提供文案 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/tuiI9oP.aspx# 抖音南京本地生活 颜值 母婴达人招募 达人类型:本地生活 颜值 母婴 文旅 航拍 摄影 粉丝量:1w+ 费用:600内自报最低价 合作方式:实探+视频发布 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/eaRB7R1.aspx# 小红书珠海探店达人招募 达人类型:吃喝玩乐 颜值 时尚 粉丝量:1K+ 费用:千粉200 万粉300 合作方式:实探+图文发布 执行时间:11月 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Othmgoo.aspx#
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Hi, This is Raina from Yaso Travel Union, which is a special travel association for Chinese tourist destinations promotion of the government. We will organize some free trip experience to some destinations in China every month for expats who love China and share beautiful sceneries of China on your social …
流行抖音好听Usb Pendrive配套
Several English speakers wanted in Shanghai : ❣️It’s a long term cooperation. We are looking for talents( both of female and male )periodically. It’s not a committed job, We’d ask for your availabilities for each time. we’d ask you again for the following shootings if you wouldn’t be available on …
sh longterm cooperation We need TikTok influencer style girl. Pakistani look or Arab look.Preference will be given to those who speak English well or can speak Urdu. Hours: 6-8h Pay: self quote No traffic or hotel Please send me model card + intro video[Rose]
招募抖音素人KOC 产品:c咖美白罐 平台:抖音 达人类型:美妆 合作形式:视频 粉丝量:1w+ 要求:粉丝受众人群女性60%以上,24-40岁这种,(精致妈妈,Z时代,白领)这种占比为主,cpm小于20,不要水号 选号比较严格 合作费用:200/篇 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/Q0Oz7HF.aspx# 抖音B站某汽用品招募 1、平台:抖音,B站 2、产品:ATE 3、账号类型:维修科普类汽车达人 4、粉丝要求:5w-10w+ 5、合作方式:非报备原创视频 6、执行时间:每月都要 7、合作费用:2000 8、要求:账号参考(https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18x421C7ws/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=b1053eff3ef27f7cdc71c639319acfd8) 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/r9CRHnt.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
小红书重庆本地探店达人招募 品牌:佰视佳 地区:重庆 合作形式:非报备图文/视频 合作平台:小红书 账号类型:时尚,摄影,职场 美妆护肤,个人护理,母婴,出行旅游等 粉丝要求:1000+ 要求:探店时不能戴隐形眼镜和美瞳,数据优质,配合度高,选号严格 对数据要求高 预算:300 执行时间:11月 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wFLRonG.aspx# 抖音短视频带货招募 1、平台:抖音 2、品牌产品:徐福记 3、发布形式:原创视频挂车 4、粉丝要求:W粉+ 5、账号类别:不限 6、单个预算:一箱产品+10%的佣金 7、执行时间:选中即执行 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/h49HG7Z.aspx#
There is no fare. Filmed in Hangzhou. Video shooting of disposable hair dye spray Tiktok. Not damaging hair. There are English lines. Need to say lines (good English). Shooting date: November 11th or 12th Starting from 4 hours. 400-700/h 💰 Model demand: 1. It's best to have short hair. Long …