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native offers list : Contact my --wechat : 13287041213 30-42K offer : Beijing.Haidian District, international school,30K-42K, need native ----CAN teach IB/AP/A level 1.AP High School ELA Literature teacher . 2.AP Social Science teacher (model mind, history, AP research, AP seminar) 1。 beijing.chaoyang. kindergarten , 26-27k after tax,. February to work …
[红包]NEW Updated jobs !contact my wechat :shiranjingeva [爱心]1. 濮阳市 puyang city in henan province , accept non native teacher 10k , provide free house , make manager work visa , five days to work , training centers [红包]2.兰溪 Zhejiang province,--- jinhua lanxi small county, Accept female , non native teacher …
[红包]NEW Updated jobs !contact my wechat :shiranjingeva [爱心]1.金华兰溪 jinhua city Lanxi county -belong to zhejiang province , one college , need native teacher 14-20k around , provide free house , only need native who hold working visa documents , , work from next term [红包]2. 云浮 Guangdong Province, YunFu city …
native offers list : the below salary is my estimated salary, but you are the best enough to get a higher salary,---wechat : 13287041213 [爱心]1. 杭州市 hangzhou city need kindergarten teacher 30k around , and need you have 2 years teaching recomnmend letter from kindergarten , training center or other …
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