WeChat API fully operational
The WeChatJobs API will be turned off this weekend (11th/12th January 2025) due to high server maintenance costs.
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[微信红包]恭喜发财,大吉大利 #山西运城(10号开业) #60卡高空纯点舞筹备场 💃招聘:BGO #过年捞金场 💴待遇;无底2/8 ⏰结算:日结不压 🍒#服装自由搭配🉑比基尼👙 🏨住宿:酒店 两人一间 🉑单间 ✈️路费:15天结 国际惯例 ——————————— #佛山高明区(百万业绩店) #40卡+20包厢生意稳定 💃招聘:BGO #过年捞金场 💴待遇;无底2/8 ⏰结算:日结不压 🍒#服装自由搭配🉑比基尼👙 🏨住宿:酒店 两人一间 🉑单间 ✈️路费:15天结 国际惯例 #接各种代发通告 联系VX:17677459901
[微信红包]恭喜发财,大吉大利 #山西运城市区高空大店 高铁机场出站半小时车程 最迟十五号开。十号进场有筹备补贴。150一天。 住宿酒店标准双人间管一月。车马行规十五天天半地全。 服装自由全场一组人。年底捞金场。天菜自带价位。可开有底 ——————————— #佛山高明 #生意稳定人均1500可查 招聘🧚♀️:Bgo数名 点舞:2/8日结不押不卡 住宿:酒店 路费️:国际惯例 服装自由 #接各种代发通告 联系VX:17677459901
2025 January 28th ~ February 12th Need 1 Female DJ and 1 Female MC for music festival show Yuncheng city shanxi province 16 days job Provide ticket. Hotel. And food. Performance work permit
1、[Gift]December (according to the model's schedule)Address: Shanghai (8 hours) ‼For the filming of clothing videos and oral broadcasts, the following models are required: [Rose]2 female models from Indonesia🇮🇩. 2、[Gift] cultural tourism project: take everyone to travel for free, we will provide you with hotels, breakfast, train tickets, scenic tickets, 50 …
《Jobs》 A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address : 北京,上海,南京,苏州,无锡,泰州,南通,十堰,淮北,滁州,阜阳,六安,马鞍山,合肥,杭州,泸州,成都,重庆,泰安,菏泽,聊城,运城,先,桂林 start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :13-15k after tax + apartment or house allowance Class hour : work five days …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School,university. Working hours: 5 days per week Class time: 16-22 hours Salary provided: 18-45k for native language foreign teachers, 12-28k for non native language foreign teachers, 30-60k for management positions Date of employment: …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers 🙋♂️ Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School. With a good salary structure and other beneficiaries The working cities are as follows: 1- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen 2- Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Changsha, Dongguan, …