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小红书南京IP家居家电数码科技探店达人招募 平台:小红书(报备) 类型:家居家电数码科技达人 产品:苏宁易购以旧换新 预算:报备价15000内 合作方向:探店 档期:12月订号执行 探店地址:南京 https://www.wjx.top/vm/hkM29fu.aspx# 抖音探店沧州、张家口、衡水、秦皇岛、泰安市、滨州市、枣庄市、烟台市、德州市 合作产品:汽车养护探店 合作平台:抖音 合作形式:星图招募报备 粉丝要求:1w左右 预算:200 达人类型:测评类,生活方式,探店 要求:要3到6级达人,达人附带拍一条随拍 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OtFicYg.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
《Jobs》 A JOB NEED NO-NATIVE TEACHER Early Childhood education institutions work address : 山东寿光,山东泰安,四川眉山,成都,北京石景山,上海,杭州,安徽滁州+ other citys start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :Negotiable Class hour : work five days , 2 days of rest time. Work hours : No …
Urgent recruitment of native/non-native foreign teachers 1-Beijing Chaoyang Kindergarten, native language 22-32k, non-native language 18-25k 2-Beijing Haidian Kindergarten, mother tongue 27-35k 3-Beijing Shunyi/Tongzhou/Fengtai Kindergarten, mother tongue 24-30k 4-Shanghai kindergarten, mother tongue 25-32k, non-native language 15-22k 5-Shenzhen high-end kindergarten: 28-35k 6-Shenzhen kindergarten: mother tongue 22-28k, non-native language 15-20k 7-Guangzhou Kindergarten: Mother …
2024/11/24 New job 1. Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shiyan, Harbin, Anshan, Xuzhou, Tai'an and Shanghai need non-native English teachers for early education institutions. Salary is 12-15k after tax with provided accommodation. Two days off per week with a maximum of 40 working hours per week. Management visas are provided. 2. Suqian University …
《Jobs》 A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address : 北京,上海,南京,苏州,无锡,泰州,南通,十堰,淮北,滁州,阜阳,六安,马鞍山,合肥,杭州,泸州,成都,重庆,泰安,菏泽,聊城,运城,先,桂林 start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :13-15k after tax + apartment or house allowance Class hour : work five days …
Shandong full time jobs hi, everyone, we have two early-chirdhood center positions in shandong province, one is in shouguang, another is in tai'an. the children's age is 2-6 years old, work time is Wednesday to Sunday, 8 hours per day in general. the center offer is 12-15k/month with free apartment. …
2024/11/15 New job 1. Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shiyan, Harbin, Anshan, Xuzhou, Tai'an and Shanghai need non-native English teachers for early education institutions. Salary is 12-15k after tax with provided accommodation. Two days off per week with a maximum of 40 working hours per week. Management visas are provided. 2. Suqian University …
《Jobs》 1. A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city,上海city,重庆city,+ others start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :negotiable + apartment or house allowance …
[Rose][Rose][Rose]Nanjing kindergarten needs native language teachers, start as soon as possible. [Rose][Rose][Rose]Chengdu kindergarten needs native language teachers, start in February. [Rose][Rose][Rose] Shanghai kindergarten needs native language teachers, start as soon as possible [Rose][Rose][Rose]Early Childhood education institutions Work addresses: Suzhou city, Hangzhou city, Shiyan city, Harbin city, Ma'anshan city, Chuzhou city, …
ASAP need many EU ESL teachers only for early childhood center Location : Suzhou 苏州 city, Hangzhou 杭州city,Shiyan十堰 city of Hubei province, Haerbin 哈尔滨city of Heilongjiang province, Maanshan 马鞍山 city of Anhui province,Chuzhou 滁州 city of Anhui province, Tai'an 泰安 city of Shandong province School type:Early childhood center, with kids …
《Jobs》 1. A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city,上海city start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :12-15k after tax + apartment or house …
《Jobs》 A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :12-15k after tax + apartment or house allowance …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School,university. Working hours: 5 days per week Class time: 16-22 hours Salary provided: 18-45k for native language foreign teachers, 12-28k for non native language foreign teachers, 30-60k for management positions Date of employment: …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers 🙋♂️ Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School. With a good salary structure and other beneficiaries The working cities are as follows: 1- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen 2- Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Changsha, Dongguan, …
(小红书)美食探店类达人招募 2、品牌产品:品牌餐饮(会补助相应餐费) 3、探店城市:昆山、、衡阳、昆明、泰安、天津、邯郸、长春、上海(上述地区补号); 上海地区要30w左右的垂直质量号! 4、发布形式:非报备视频/图文 5、粉丝要求:1w+ 6、账号类别:探店、美食 7、单个预算:根据粉丝量和账号质量来 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/eYmvIdB.aspx# 小红书品质生活(含美妆博主)、家居美学类女博主招募 2、产品:浴室柜(镜) 3、账号类型:品质生活(含美妆博主)、家居美学类 4、粉丝要求:1W+ 5、合作方式:报备图文/视频 6、执行时间:10月 7、合作价格: 5W以内自报价 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/wkLF2O2.aspx#