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《Jobs》 A JOB NEED NO-NATIVE TEACHER Early Childhood education institutions work address : 山东寿光,山东泰安,四川眉山,成都,北京石景山,上海,杭州,安徽滁州+ other citys start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :Negotiable Class hour : work five days , 2 days of rest time. Work hours : No …
《Jobs》 A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address : 北京,上海,南京,苏州,无锡,泰州,南通,十堰,淮北,滁州,阜阳,六安,马鞍山,合肥,杭州,泸州,成都,重庆,泰安,菏泽,聊城,运城,先,桂林 start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :13-15k after tax + apartment or house allowance Class hour : work five days …
《Jobs》 1. A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city,上海city,重庆city,+ others start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :negotiable + apartment or house allowance …
[Rose][Rose][Rose]Nanjing kindergarten needs native language teachers, start as soon as possible. [Rose][Rose][Rose]Chengdu kindergarten needs native language teachers, start in February. [Rose][Rose][Rose] Shanghai kindergarten needs native language teachers, start as soon as possible [Rose][Rose][Rose]Early Childhood education institutions Work addresses: Suzhou city, Hangzhou city, Shiyan city, Harbin city, Ma'anshan city, Chuzhou city, …
ASAP need many EU ESL teachers only for early childhood center Location : Suzhou 苏州 city, Hangzhou 杭州city,Shiyan十堰 city of Hubei province, Haerbin 哈尔滨city of Heilongjiang province, Maanshan 马鞍山 city of Anhui province,Chuzhou 滁州 city of Anhui province, Tai'an 泰安 city of Shandong province School type:Early childhood center, with kids …
《Jobs》 1. A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city,上海city start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :12-15k after tax + apartment or house …
《Jobs》 A big company all over the country find no-native teacher Early Childhood education institutions work address :苏州 city, 杭州city, 湖北十堰 city , 哈尔滨city, 安徽马鞍山city,安徽滁州city,山东泰安city start time :ASAP Student's aga : 2-12 Class size : 6-12 visa : provide work visa salary :12-15k after tax + apartment or house allowance …
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School,university. Working hours: 5 days per week Class time: 16-22 hours Salary provided: 18-45k for native language foreign teachers, 12-28k for non native language foreign teachers, 30-60k for management positions Date of employment: …
👈🏻安徽芜湖市区百万点跳场 生意🔥火爆稳定,常常爆满 💃🏻补招5位bgo,均况2000 💰28日结,准时不拖 🏠免费第一个月酒店住宿 🧧团队和谐,福利多多,新人吃香,点舞不断 👈🏻安徽滁州市区百万点跳场 👈🏻安徽滁州二店筹备中 💃🏻补招5位Bgo,点跳不断 💰生意稳定火爆 🏠免费第一个月酒店住宿 👈🏻江苏省泰州市,泰兴市 💃🏻补3个bgo💃🏻 目前女孩子很少,不卷一组人,轻松事少,人均2000+, 💰不卡年龄,28不押日结 👈🏻江苏省南通市启东市。 10月10号隆重开业。筹备店 新店捞金。全场一组人。 💃🏻招10位bgo💃🏻。 提前进场,200一天 🫰🏻位置有限,先到先得 💰无底28日结不押。 住宿免一个月 路费20天报销 微信:17855692104【长期换gogo群】
Urgent recruitment of full-time foreign teachers 🙋♂️ Job Position: Training Center, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, High School. With a good salary structure and other beneficiaries The working cities are as follows: 1- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen 2- Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Changsha, Dongguan, …
!!!Full time jobs open for the teacher who can get work visa only start from 2024!!! Beijing,北京 1. Primary school teacher,25-28k after tax, Native only 2. Training center teacher,16-25k pre-tax, no nationality required, Must with relevant teaching experience 3. 15-23k english Drama teacher,no nationality required Shanghai,上海 1. Biology teacher grade …