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杭州拍摄。身高需要95cm左右,能穿110尺码的衣服,鞋子22码女。25码男的儿童 男女各一个。配合度一定要高。拍鞋子。可以定住。能引导的了,江浙沪报名 (男童鞋25码。女童 22码 ) 中外模都可以 报名
Hangzhou Next Week Brown skin female is needed for Short Drama Shooting Actresses around 20-30 years old able to speak Chinese are preferred Travel expenses reimbursement all over China
Hangzhou Furniture Product Photography We need Mexican models Both male and female models are required Determine shooting based on the model's schedule (Any city can register)
Hangzhou photoshoot: On Nov.18th, a total of three models are needed, a man and a woman(age 30-35 ), two adult models to play the role of parents, male models should not be too tall.and a girl aged 5-10 is needed ,and a long-haired cat is needed,shoot home products. Models can …
Hangzhou Yuhang District recently need a foreign skin color does not limit the model shooting jewelry time can negotiate under 30 years old only take the upper body, so the height does not matter, mainly side face, collarbone, hand to look good 2500 days 杭州余杭区最近需要一名外国肤色不限的模特拍摄珠宝,时间可以协商,年龄在30岁以下,只拍上半身,所以身高不重要,主要是侧面脸,锁骨,手好看2500天
Hangzhou,bath towel shooting,2 hours 【Demand】Need a 65-70cm baby ,can sitting independently ,but can't walk foreigner or 混血都可以(need only nearby city model) Send card+age+country+city+price
Time: Mid-December City: Hangzhou Shooting content: Flat 1. Foreign female model, wheaten skin, type below. You can have an interview tomorrow Hair pattern card.
LOOKING FOR KOREA TEACHERS 1. position岗位:Hangzhou Xiaoshan High School Korean teacher 2. 孩子年龄段Students' Age: 16 to 18 years old 3. 班级人数 Class Size: 40-45 4. 每周工作时长 Duration of work per week:8am-5pm,Monday to Friday 5. 每周休息时间 weekly rest:weekend 薪资待遇Salary and treatment :half paid in winter holiday 月薪 salary range:Negotiable 房补Housing:2k house …
Need a female mode with short hair , Hangzhou ,2 hours shooting with little baby, only need nearby city model,recently Send your card+quotation for 2 hours shooting+city+which country from please
近期拍摄黑人女模高瘦,175以上,杭州拍摄平面高定礼服,报名加微信Lyyla212 Recently filmed a black female model who is tall and thin, with a height of 175 or above. Filmed a flat high-end dress in Hangzhou. Register and add Lyyla212 on WeChat
Hangzhou:11.15,from 12pm to 4pm,White female model,Shoot skincare short videos and Teeth cleaning short video。Makeup remover is needed, do not have sensitive skin💰1200 Including travel expenses
抖音、小红书杭州本地生活、资讯、保险类博主招募 1、平台:小红书、抖音 2、产品:杭州医保 3、账号类型:杭州本地生活、资讯、保险类达人 4、粉丝要求:1w+ 5、合作方式:原创视频 6、合作费用:1000内自报价 7、要求:博主内容是贴近老百姓生活的,发布内容保留一年 8、档期:12月初 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mzCdH4z.aspx# 抖音游戏素人直发招募,不是游戏的不要报名! 内容:游戏 平台:抖音 账号类型:游戏类(跟王者荣耀相关) 粉丝量:10000+ 合作类型:直发 费用:200内自报价 档期:11月 主页内容需要跟王者荣耀相关 报名链接:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/ePgiAaB.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
[玫瑰]浙江杭州室内演绎[玫瑰] 公司直招 15号进场 [玫瑰]形象好 163➕ 演员要求:需要喝礼貌酒 形象好气质佳 工作周期:一个月起 🕐演出场次:3~5场/天,10-15分钟/场 💰薪资待遇:20000➕演出提成 包吃住,路费全报.(15天报销) 鸽子女,公主病,事儿多的勿扰 先发资料,资料通过随时进场
Hangzhou notice specific time again Fitness Equipment Video Shooting White outer model Male lead 1: visual age of about 25, to have fitness information Six hours + 700 hours budgeted Male model 2: visual age about 45, to have fitness information Length: from 4 hours Budget 600 hours Female 1: …
Hangzhou car photos shooting job, 1 day on 15-20th Nov., looking for 25-35yo white female models. • Need live in Shanghai or near. • Budget 800rmb/h. Shooting about 8hrs. • Pls send me material
2024/11/11 New job 1.Early Childhood education institutions -work address :Suzhou ,Hangzhou, shiyan , Ha erbin,Qi qihaer. Anshan,xuzhou,Taiancity,Shanghai City -start time :ASAP -Student's aga : 2-12 -Class size : 6-12 -visa : provide manager work visa (need to prepare the documents for work visa) -salary :12-15k after tax + apartment or …
[色]New JOB For all teachers - contact my wechat : 13287041213 [色]1. Russian teachers needed: fuyang city , anhui province , teach middle school and high school russian language , and can also speak chinese , no assistant teacher , one week around 25 teaching hours plus 15 office hours …
Nanjing shooting this week, fixed person fixed date, 4h/1500, need young female model, white skin, preferably from Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou models can also be
🔥🔥🔥杭州🔥🔥🔥 补女舞蹈:10女 身高要求: 女身高163+ 舞种:中国舞,民族舞、爵士舞等 待遇:1.5w-2w,包吃住行 每天五场,月休4天,住宿酒店公寓 进场时间:随时进场(资料定人) 🉑短期,实习生可盖实习章
Position: ·Full Time ESL Homeroom Teacher ·Start time: ASAP. Location: ·Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China Class size: ·up to 25 students Age Group: ·9-12 years old Teacher Requirements: ·Native English Speakers only ·Bachelor’s degree or above ·Non-criminal background check ·TESOL/TEFL Certification is preferred ·Passion for teaching Teaching Schedule: ·Office hours: …
This week, Hangzhou indoor shooting, home blanket products, flat + video, need younger female models, living in cities near Hangzhou, customers pay for tickets.
抖音医疗好物测评类博主招募 可挂车 1.产品:止鼾睡眠呼吸机 2.账号类型:测评类 3.粉丝要求:15w+ 4.合作形式:报备视频 5.合作费用:60s+报备视频2w内,返点30% 6..档期:11月-12月 7.要求:内容垂直,数据好点,不要美妆、个护类,需要拍摄使用过程及反馈,最好男博主,可挂车 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/ewgE7vB.aspx# 抖音杭州IP直发素人招募 1、平台:抖音 2、品牌产品:止疼药 3、发布形式:直发 4、粉丝要求:无要求 5、账号类别:不限 6、单个预算:50 7、执行时间:选中即执行 报名:https://www.wjx.cn/vm/rJoN2nl.aspx# 养号不易,打扰请踢
[色]Today Updated JOB offers : contact my wechat : 13287041213 [红包]1. 上饶市 Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, need female russian teacher , teach primary or high school , 22-26 classes per week, no office hours, 11-12K. (provide house , but need live with other teacher , but have own room and …
公司直聘🦋 杭州室内演绎补6名舞蹈演员 要求:舞种不限 身高163以上 工资💰:1.5w-2w 山西剧场招聘 要求:身高160以上 民族舞优先 工资💰:7000 🏠:包吃住 酒店标间 报销路费 长期短期都🉑 鸽子公主病勿扰 📝换裙加备注