Match 3-5 oneday shot in Sh
Feb25-26 fitting
Local or nearby city
* orchestra band *8ppl :violin,viola,double bass ,cello,harp,clarinet,bugle,French Horn,trumpet,Saxophone,tuba,flute,bagpipes ,harmonica One or some of these instrument .
Performer please contact me
*male singer : mixed blood better/oratorio
*guitar player
—group B:photo shoot 4models
better tanned/white/latino/brown mix
Pm ur modeling note+2hands photos
match 3-5 oneday shot in sh
feb25-26 fitting
local or nearby city
* orchestra band *8ppl :violin,viola,double bass ,cello,harp,clarinet,bugle,french horn,trumpet,saxophone,tuba,flute,bagpipes ,harmonica one or some of these instrument .
performer please contact me
*male singer : mixed blood better/oratorio
*guitar player
—group b:photo shoot 4models
better tanned/white/latino/brown mix
pm ur modeling note+2hands photos
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