Hainan Sanya
2 muscular guy ABgo 182+
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 11000+35% semi-active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation
Hainan Baisha
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Hainan Sanya
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+30% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Zhejiang Huzhou
2 muscular guy ABgo 182+
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Guangdong Shenzhen
3 female party girl or Bgo 170+
Salary 12000+30% table dance
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Hunan Changde
2 muscular guy ABgo 182+
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Hunan Jishou
2 muscular guy ABgo 182+
4 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Zhejiang Quzhou
3 muscular guy ABgo 182+
3 female ABgo 168+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Sichuan Deyang
6 female ABgo 167+
Salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
Work visa, ticket, accommodation.
Кому нужно продлить или оформить рабочую визу.
Рабочая модельная виза на 3 месяца.
Рабочая виза на компанию 6-12 месяцев.
Who needs to extend or apply for a work visa.
Working model visa for 3 months.
Work visa for a company for 6-12 months.
hainan sanya
2 muscular guy abgo 182+
4 female abgo 168+
salary 11000+35% semi-active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation
hainan baisha
4 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
hainan sanya
4 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+30% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
zhejiang huzhou
2 muscular guy abgo 182+
4 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
guangdong shenzhen
3 female party girl or bgo 170+
salary 12000+30% table dance
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
hunan changde
2 muscular guy abgo 182+
4 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
hunan jishou
2 muscular guy abgo 182+
4 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
zhejiang quzhou
3 muscular guy abgo 182+
3 female abgo 168+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
sichuan deyang
6 female abgo 167+
salary 12000+40% not active table dance.
work visa, ticket, accommodation.
для тех кто в китае и за границей
кому нужно продлить или оформить рабочую визу.
рабочая модельная виза на 3 месяца.
рабочая виза на компанию 6-12 месяцев.
for those in china and abroad
who needs to extend or apply for a work visa.
working model visa for 3 months.
work visa for a company for 6-12 months.
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