[Party]Two full time kindergarten homeroom teachers needed in Shanghai( English &French)
1⃣English homeroom teacher
💡On board: Feb,2025
🌏Job requirements:
-Native speaker
-Bachelor degree
-TEFL/TESOL certificate
-2yrs kindergarten experience
~Education or Early years education back ground preferred
-Salary : 23~32k before tax + 5k housing allowrance
-Medical insurance
-Christmas bonus
~Paid winter and summer holiday( 5weeks holiday )
~Paid national holiday
2⃣French homeroom teacher
1. Starting Date: Feb. 2025
2. Students: 2-3 years old
3. Working hours: 8:00am-16:30pm;
4. Working days: Monday to Friday;
1. Monthly salary: 23-25k after tax , open for negotiation;
2. Working lunch will be provided;
3. work visa (Z-visa) ;
4. Health Insurance;
5. Paid holidays,2wks Christmas , 3 weeks summer holiday,1 week French holiday
6. Annual performance bonus,
7. Children's Education Benefits
1. Bachelor degree or above (Notarized/Authenticated);
2. Native French Speakers only;
3. Minimum 2 year kindergarten teaching experience ;
4. Non-criminal Record/Police Clearance(Notarized/Authenticated)
5. Prefer female teachers;
📋Pls PM me if you have interest.
[party]two full time kindergarten homeroom teachers needed in shanghai( english &french)
1⃣english homeroom teacher
💡on board: feb,2025
🌏job requirements:
-native speaker
-bachelor degree
-tefl/tesol certificate
-2yrs kindergarten experience
~education or early years education back ground preferred
-salary : 23~32k before tax + 5k housing allowrance
-medical insurance
-christmas bonus
~paid winter and summer holiday( 5weeks holiday )
~paid national holiday
2⃣french homeroom teacher
1. starting date: feb. 2025
2. students: 2-3 years old
3. working hours: 8:00am-16:30pm;
4. working days: monday to friday;
1. monthly salary: 23-25k after tax , open for negotiation;
2. working lunch will be provided;
3. work visa (z-visa) ;
4. health insurance;
5. paid holidays,2wks christmas , 3 weeks summer holiday,1 week french holiday
6. annual performance bonus,
7. children's education benefits
1. bachelor degree or above (notarized/authenticated);
2. native french speakers only;
3. minimum 2 year kindergarten teaching experience ;
4. non-criminal record/police clearance(notarized/authenticated)
5. prefer female teachers;
📋pls pm me if you have interest.