[Sun]Kindergarten job near Liu Fang,Line 13 ;Chao Yang;Beijing
Schedule : 7.30AM-5.30PM; Monday to Friday;around2 beak hours at noon
Requirements : Experienced English native speakers with teaching visa .
South African,Jamacian(...) teachers with teaching visa .
Teaching in different classes a day
Salary: 18-20K/Month after tax ; Working vsia sponsored.
Onboard date : 5th feb
[Party]Kindergarten job near Ping Xi Fu,line 8; Chang Ping district, Beijing
Only English native spekaers needed .
Female Kindergarten teachers preferred .
Up to 30K/M after tax ; 60% paid summer/Winter holidays(2-4 weeks each); paid statutory holidays , work visa sponsored!
Onboard date : No later than Feb 10th, 2025
[Blessing]Full time kindergarten teachers needed now near to Cao Qiao, line 10;Feng Tai, Bei jing
Non native speakers (European/Some Asian) with good pronunciation needed!
Experienced Forign teachers with clear accent are also considered!, work visa provide ,
Kids are 3-6 years old.
The Teacher will stay in 2 classes a day. one in the morning,the other in the afternoon.
15-17K/Month after tax, paid statutory holidays.
Onboard date:10th feb
[Fireworks]Full time Homeroom Kindergarten teachers needed now near to Jin Tai Lu station ,line 6/14, Beijing.
8.00M--17.00PM; Monday to Friday ; Kids are 2- 3 years old . You will stay one group every day.
19-24K/Month.Chinese ID holders or foreign teachers with Green card needed now !
20-28K/M or more after tax for English Native speakers; teaching visa sponsored.
Start date: 5th feb ; long term contract preferred!
[Coffee]Wechat: 15010926285; jobinchina999
[sun]kindergarten job near liu fang,line 13 ;chao yang;beijing
schedule : 7.30am-5.30pm; monday to friday;around2 beak hours at noon
requirements : experienced english native speakers with teaching visa .
south african,jamacian(...) teachers with teaching visa .
teaching in different classes a day
salary: 18-20k/month after tax ; working vsia sponsored.
onboard date : 5th feb
[party]kindergarten job near ping xi fu,line 8; chang ping district, beijing
only english native spekaers needed .
female kindergarten teachers preferred .
up to 30k/m after tax ; 60% paid summer/winter holidays(2-4 weeks each); paid statutory holidays , work visa sponsored!
onboard date : no later than feb 10th, 2025
[blessing]full time kindergarten teachers needed now near to cao qiao, line 10;feng tai, bei jing
non native speakers (european/some asian) with good pronunciation needed!
experienced forign teachers with clear accent are also considered!, work visa provide ,
kids are 3-6 years old.
the teacher will stay in 2 classes a day. one in the morning,the other in the afternoon.
15-17k/month after tax, paid statutory holidays.
onboard date:10th feb
[fireworks]full time homeroom kindergarten teachers needed now near to jin tai lu station ,line 6/14, beijing.
8.00m--17.00pm; monday to friday ; kids are 2- 3 years old . you will stay one group every day.
19-24k/month.chinese id holders or foreign teachers with green card needed now !
20-28k/m or more after tax for english native speakers; teaching visa sponsored.
start date: 5th feb ; long term contract preferred!
[coffee]wechat: 15010926285; jobinchina999
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