🎞️Short drama Shooting need Actors:
1️⃣Actresses female age over 45 years old, date 1.22 1.23 1.25 1.26. Role Laura, the mother of the male protagonist
2️⃣ Actresses female age about 30 years old, date 1.23. Role Linda boss
3️⃣Actor Male, date 1.20 1.26 (tall and muscular)
4️⃣Actor Male, age about 30 to 40 years old, date 1.22. Role Mr. Brown
5️⃣ Actor male, age over 50, date 1.24 . role Carl, old man. Fred's father
6️⃣Actor male, age 25 years old , date 1.25. Role Laurence Company Manager
Have lines in English, English accent should be good
Provide transportation all over the china,
For more information send me your materials, thank you 🤝
🎞️short drama shooting need actors:
1️⃣actresses female age over 45 years old, date 1.22 1.23 1.25 1.26. role laura, the mother of the male protagonist
2️⃣ actresses female age about 30 years old, date 1.23. role linda boss
3️⃣actor male, date 1.20 1.26 (tall and muscular)
4️⃣actor male, age about 30 to 40 years old, date 1.22. role mr. brown
5️⃣ actor male, age over 50, date 1.24 . role carl, old man. fred's father
6️⃣actor male, age 25 years old , date 1.25. role laurence company manager
have lines in english, english accent should be good
provide transportation all over the china,
for more information send me your materials, thank you 🤝
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