#Beijing needs a female english tutor at dongzhimen station to a 14 years old boy every 3-5pm
🇩🇪深圳 #Shenzhen needs an German teacher house tutoring to a 6 years old kid at GaoXinYuan station subway line1 on Monday Tuesday friday 2:30-4:30pm
#Shanghai 双语中教//dongchangrd line2, shangchengrd line9 周日晚7点资深活泼小托经验四年级直发cv背景看K12 Needed Starting asap Students age: 10;
Require years' IELTS/IG/A-level/AP teaching experience and Have passion on teaching' own unique teaching style;
bi-lingual (ENG + CHN)
🇫🇷 #Beijing needs a french tutor at North tongtianyuan Subway Beijing Subway Stations to a 2 years old boy beginning level house tutoring
#Anhui Bozhou安徽亳州南湖公园Needs a psychology &Edexcel ULEAC GCSEs A levels BTEC Pearson International Advanced Levels, IAL IGCSE tutor to a 20 years old girl every evening two hours each lesson
#Shanghai 🇪🇸 needs a English or Spanish teacher on Tuesday Thursday 1:30-3pm sunday morning at longyaoroad station Line11 to a ten years old Girl
#online拉丁语 online lesson needs a latin tutor every day one hour.
#Beijing海淀 Model Shooting拍产品介绍使用方法的视频,白人男士,视频大概3-5分钟,拍摄时长2小时内。Need a model at HaiDian on May 5
#Beijing Shili Bao Station line 6 needs a spanish tutor on Thursday six to seven thirty to a three years old boy
无锡#WuXi needs an english tutor at TaiHu Square station line1 to two 4,6 years old girls on friday 4:30-6pm
#Shanghai🎻 yishanroad station needs a violin tutor to a seven years old boy for ABRSM level5-10
#HangZhou needs an English tutor and dancing teacher at xueyuanroad and ShanXian Line5 for one beginning adult Latino. Latino Zumba ballet hip hop any kind is fine
#tianjin needs an English tutor for a 3 years old boy everyday morning 10am-12 and afternoon 4-6pm
#Online Japanese🇯🇵🎨 需要线上日语老师Need a Japanese tutor online one on one to a 17 years old girl twice a week each lesson one hour 17歳の娘に日本語を週一度教えてくださる方を探しています。中国語問いません、学生さん大歓迎。英語で簡単な交流が出来れば大丈夫です。
🇪🇸 #GuangZhou needs a Spanish tutor at ZhuJiang New Town Station for two 4-year-old beginners on weekends 10:30am-12 or 4:30-6pm at ZhuJiang New Town Station.
#Shanghai Needs an English tutor for a two years old boy at South XiZang Road/JinXiuRoad Line7 station. Schedule flexible
#zhengzhou 郑州yi he hospital metro station six years old kid needs an English teacher
#Online Zoom needs a physics teacher for a high school student who studies in the UK 有没有化学 生物 英文 世界历史的老师联系下我tmas_talent,白天上午9-11am上两小时网课
#Guangzhou needs a violin and piano teacher at QingTang station line9 for a five years old boy.
#Guangzhou Needs a chess tutor and an English teacher in JiaoKou Line5 station for a group of 2-year-old kids.
#ChongQing 重庆 urgently needs an English teacher on September 15th Tuesday 4:30-6pm at DaXiGou Station line2 to a three years old boy
#Shanghai🏊 Needs a swimming coach in MinHang on Sunday morning to a 10 years old girl, and a female model for swimming suits
#Canada Vancouver needs a house tutoring piano coach for two 9 years old boy
#NingBo Needs a native English tutor
→ Wechat: tmas_talent
#beijing needs a female english tutor at dongzhimen station to a 14 years old boy every 3-5pm
🇩🇪深圳 #shenzhen needs an german teacher house tutoring to a 6 years old kid at gaoxinyuan station subway line1 on monday tuesday friday 2:30-4:30pm
#shanghai 双语中教//dongchangrd line2, shangchengrd line9 周日晚7点资深活泼小托经验四年级直发cv背景看k12 needed starting asap students age: 10;
require years' ielts/ig/a-level/ap teaching experience and have passion on teaching' own unique teaching style;
bi-lingual (eng + chn)
🇫🇷 #beijing needs a french tutor at north tongtianyuan subway beijing subway stations to a 2 years old boy beginning level house tutoring
#anhui bozhou安徽亳州南湖公园needs a psychology &edexcel uleac gcses a levels btec pearson international advanced levels, ial igcse tutor to a 20 years old girl every evening two hours each lesson
#shanghai 🇪🇸 needs a english or spanish teacher on tuesday thursday 1:30-3pm sunday morning at longyaoroad station line11 to a ten years old girl
#online拉丁语 online lesson needs a latin tutor every day one hour.
#beijing海淀 model shooting拍产品介绍使用方法的视频,白人男士,视频大概3-5分钟,拍摄时长2小时内。need a model at haidian on may 5
#beijing shili bao station line 6 needs a spanish tutor on thursday six to seven thirty to a three years old boy
无锡#wuxi needs an english tutor at taihu square station line1 to two 4,6 years old girls on friday 4:30-6pm
#shanghai🎻 yishanroad station needs a violin tutor to a seven years old boy for abrsm level5-10
#hangzhou needs an english tutor and dancing teacher at xueyuanroad and shanxian line5 for one beginning adult latino. latino zumba ballet hip hop any kind is fine
#tianjin needs an english tutor for a 3 years old boy everyday morning 10am-12 and afternoon 4-6pm
#online japanese🇯🇵🎨 需要线上日语老师need a japanese tutor online one on one to a 17 years old girl twice a week each lesson one hour 17歳の娘に日本語を週一度教えてくださる方を探しています。中国語問いません、学生さん大歓迎。英語で簡単な交流が出来れば大丈夫です。
🇪🇸 #guangzhou needs a spanish tutor at zhujiang new town station for two 4-year-old beginners on weekends 10:30am-12 or 4:30-6pm at zhujiang new town station.
#shanghai needs an english tutor for a two years old boy at south xizang road/jinxiuroad line7 station. schedule flexible
#zhengzhou 郑州yi he hospital metro station six years old kid needs an english teacher
#online zoom needs a physics teacher for a high school student who studies in the uk 有没有化学 生物 英文 世界历史的老师联系下我tmas_talent,白天上午9-11am上两小时网课
#guangzhou needs a violin and piano teacher at qingtang station line9 for a five years old boy.
#guangzhou needs a chess tutor and an english teacher in jiaokou line5 station for a group of 2-year-old kids.
#chongqing 重庆 urgently needs an english teacher on september 15th tuesday 4:30-6pm at daxigou station line2 to a three years old boy
#shanghai🏊 needs a swimming coach in minhang on sunday morning to a 10 years old girl, and a female model for swimming suits
#canada vancouver needs a house tutoring piano coach for two 9 years old boy
#ningbo needs a native english tutor
→ wechat: tmas_talent
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