大家好! I've been teaching English to kids aged 3-14 to for the past 4 years at the St. George training center in Ningbo, China. I'm looking for opportunities to teach in or around the areas of 大理 and 丽江. (Kunming is not an option.) Please reach out to all the schools in these areas and give me a list of names and locations for me to choose from. Thank you for your time and due diligence. [Salute]
大家好! i've been teaching english to kids aged 3-14 to for the past 4 years at the st. george training center in ningbo, china. i'm looking for opportunities to teach in or around the areas of 大理 and 丽江. (kunming is not an option.) please reach out to all the schools in these areas and give me a list of names and locations for me to choose from. thank you for your time and due diligence. [salute]
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