
More About This Job

Kindergarten, Teaching, Training Centre & University

by China esl JOB agent
15 hours, 41 minutes ago


native offers list : Contact my --wechat : 13287041213

1. 北京beijing chaoyang district , one kindergarten , hire native female teacher , teach very small students in kindergarten , like 1-3 ages , work after chinese new year holiday , make work visa , not provide house , 25k around

2. 湖北武汉 Wuhan city ---hubei province Kindergarten Native , ------- house allowance and salary together are around 20-25k , Work from February( all native teacher , male or female all can apply )

3. 六盘水 Liupanshui, Guizhou Province, training school, 5 days a week working hours, can work visa title: (art teacher, language arts teacher, robot programming, photography, calligraphy, etc.)teaching work permit, South African light brown, about 15k + accommodation, good pronunciation.

4.江苏溧阳 liyang city in jiangsu province , native , training center , one week around 28 classes , one class around 45 minutes , teach Phonics, picture book reading, English stage plays, college preparatory courses, etc 15-20k , provide free house , work after chinese new year holiday =============================== 1. 兰州 市 , Lanzhou city gansu province ,University job in, need native10-12k, provide free house or non native if have good accent in teaching univeristy ,we also can help you apply , no office hours , 14-16 classes per week , , one year full time job asap
2. 湖州安吉 huzhou city anji belong to zhejiang provincne one univeristy need native teacher , teach esl , 16 class hours per week. office hours are required for 3 days, 2 days are flexible (no office hours are available), the salary is 10-15K, accommodation is provided
3. 铜仁市 Tongren city located in Guizhou province , University job,need native , must master degree , make work visa ,5 days to work , no office hours ,Work from February---Accept two teacher

Machine Translation

native offers list : contact my --wechat : 13287041213

1. 北京beijing chaoyang district , one kindergarten , hire native female teacher , teach very small students in kindergarten , like 1-3 ages , work after chinese new year holiday , make work visa , not provide house , 25k around

2. 湖北武汉 wuhan city ---hubei province kindergarten native , ------- house allowance and salary together are around 20-25k , work from february( all native teacher , male or female all can apply )

3. 六盘水 liupanshui, guizhou province, training school, 5 days a week working hours, can work visa title: (art teacher, language arts teacher, robot programming, photography, calligraphy, etc.)teaching work permit, south african light brown, about 15k + accommodation, good pronunciation.

4.江苏溧阳 liyang city in jiangsu province , native , training center , one week around 28 classes , one class around 45 minutes , teach phonics, picture book reading, english stage plays, college preparatory courses, etc 15-20k , provide free house , work after chinese new year holiday =============================== 1. 兰州 市 , lanzhou city gansu province ,university job in, need native10-12k, provide free house or non native if have good accent in teaching univeristy ,we also can help you apply , no office hours , 14-16 classes per week , , one year full time job asap
2. 湖州安吉 huzhou city anji belong to zhejiang provincne one univeristy need native teacher , teach esl , 16 class hours per week. office hours are required for 3 days, 2 days are flexible (no office hours are available), the salary is 10-15k, accommodation is provided
3. 铜仁市 tongren city located in guizhou province , university job,need native , must master degree , make work visa ,5 days to work , no office hours ,work from february---accept two teacher

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