Taizhou Training center (South Africans or Jamaicans)
Address: Wenling, Taizhou, Zhejiang
Job Details
Teaching Hours per week: 25
Office Hours per week: 15
Working Days per week: 5
Students’ Age: 3-12
Class Size: 8kids
Salary: around 20K+
Airfare Allowance: Negotiable
Utility: Paid by the teacher
Over Work Allowance : 150/hour
Paid Holidays: 7day
WeChat qingcai0411
email : tefljobs_China@163.com
taizhou training center (south africans or jamaicans)
address: wenling, taizhou, zhejiang
job details
teaching hours per week: 25
office hours per week: 15
working days per week: 5
students’ age: 3-12
class size: 8kids
salary: around 20k+
airfare allowance: negotiable
utility: paid by the teacher
over work allowance : 150/hour
paid holidays: 7day
wechat qingcai0411
email : tefljobs_china@163.com
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