urgently morning part time job
part time day is Thursday 9:00--11:00am.
and Friday 9:00--11:00am.
only this week and next week.
if u have time to take?
3-6 years old kindergarten. ESL teaching only.
weekly pay. 200 per hour. two hour per morning.
date: 3rd +9th+ 10th January 2025.
location :sungang metro station. line 7. luohu district. Shenzhen city.
add Lisa13481357208 for interview details.
urgently morning part time job
part time day is thursday 9:00--11:00am.
and friday 9:00--11:00am.
only this week and next week.
if u have time to take?
3-6 years old kindergarten. esl teaching only.
weekly pay. 200 per hour. two hour per morning.
date: 3rd +9th+ 10th january 2025.
location :sungang metro station. line 7. luohu district. shenzhen city.
add lisa13481357208 for interview details.
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